Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 608 Lin Yufei's Thoughts

Chapter 608 Lin Yufei's Thoughts

Being stared at by Lin Yufei's cold eyes, Feng Ruojie had a bad premonition deep in his heart. If it was before, Feng Ruojie would never have taken Lin Yufei seriously, but with Ye Wentian's appearance, everything changed He didn't even know how Ye Wentian entered the room without a sound.

"Sister Yufei, I can help you cure auntie's illness, but as long as you don't tell auntie about this matter, auntie will never know in her life." Ye Wentian said seriously.

"This... Mr. Ye, you can cure my mother!" Hearing Ye Wentian's words, Lin Yufei was shocked, and looked at Ye Wentian with burning eyes, her little heart beating faster and faster.

Although she couldn't believe it, she felt that Ye Wentian was not a person who talked freely.

"That's right." Ye Wentian nodded, and continued, "Sister Yufei, after you settle your grievances with this guy, I'll repair Auntie's brain nerves."

"En." Lin Yufei nodded, and turned her head to look at Feng Ruojie, who was inexplicably terrified, the hatred in her eyes increased infinitely.

"Lin Yufei, what do you want to do? You have to think about it clearly. I am from the Feng Ruo family. If you dare to touch a single hair of my hair, you and your mother will be punished very much, and you will be the one to suffer. "Feng Ruojie said coldly.

Hearing Feng Ruojieli's words, Lin Yufei's newly aroused anger was immediately poured with ice water. She could retaliate against Feng Ruojieli desperately, but she had to think about her mother.

Looking at the enemy who was close at hand, Lin Yufei gritted her teeth with hatred, but she was too timid to take any action against Feng Ruojie.

"Feng Ruo's family seems to be very remarkable." Ye Wentian's voice came at this time.

"Huh~~ My Feng Ruo family is one of the best families in Las Vegas, boy, you'd better kneel down and apologize to me now, and abolish your martial arts. I'm not sure if I'm in a good mood, let you go, otherwise , I'm afraid you won't see the sun tomorrow." Feng Ruojie said viciously.

"Feng Ruo's family! Hehe~~ Soon, Feng Ruo's family will become history because of you." Ye Wentian stretched out his hand, and Feng Ruojie's whole body immediately flew up.

Lin Yufei had never seen such a miraculous scene before, she couldn't help being stunned, and looked at Ye Wentian in horror.

"You!" Feng Ruojie was frightened, and kept waving his hands and feet in the air.

"What? Are you scared?" Ye Wentian smiled evilly: "You are just an ordinary person, all the same, with one life, and relying on the power behind you to think that you are superior to others, you are still really self-righteous ! In my eyes, your life is no better than an ant." Ye Wentian clenched his hands, and gathered his strength in an instant, choking Feng Ruojieli's neck tightly.

"Ah~~ Spare... Spare me!" Feng Ruojie didn't expect that Ye Wentian wasn't afraid of him, so he couldn't help being afraid.He didn't want to die just like that. Death meant that everything was gone.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you, I will let you witness how your Feng Ruo family fell from heaven to hell, and the culprit for all of that is you!" The wind was like a knife, cutting through the meridians of Feng Ruojieli's hands and feet.

Afterwards, Ye Wen vomited his inner strength, and threw Feng Ruojieli hard against the wall.

"Ah~~" Feng Ruojie screamed loudly, but the voice was hoarse, as if something was missing in his throat, he just couldn't make a normal voice, he couldn't even speak.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yufei was indescribably shocked, and the fullness of her chest kept rising and falling.

"Sister Yufei, now he's in your hands, don't worry, the Feng Ruo family will become history and won't hurt you." Ye Wentian looked at Lin Yufei encouragingly.

Lin Yufei looked at Ye Wentian blankly, as if she was looking at a great god, full of awe.

"Sister Yufei, don't look at me like that. There are some things that you'll discover if you get in touch with them a lot." Ye Wentian said flatly.

Lin Yufei nodded, and turned her head to look at Feng Ruojie, the hatred was instantly burned.

Looking at Lin Yufei who was getting closer, Feng Ruojie kept shouting hoarsely, but he couldn't articulate a word, and became a complete mute.

"You beast, today, I want to avenge all the women you killed, and even my mother!" Lin Yufei gritted her teeth, and kicked Feng Ruojieli's life forcefully.

"Ah~~" Feng Ruojie yelled in pain, but his voice was hoarse, and he didn't try his best to make a loud voice.

Still angry, Lin Yufei kicked a few times towards the same position again, causing Feng Ruojie to faint from the pain.

Seeing this scene, Ye Wentian couldn't help tightening his lifeline, for fear that Lin Yufei would accidentally kick his lifeline.


Seeing the red-stained pants under Feng Ruojie, Lin Yufei avenged herself, squatted down, and couldn't help crying.

Ye Wentian secretly sighed, and lightly patted Lin Yufei on the shoulder.

"Everything is over, and it will be sunny in the future." Ye Wentian comforted in a soft voice.

Lin Yufei stood up, turned around, Lihua looked at Ye Wentian with rain, threw herself into Ye Wentian's arms, and continued to cry.

Ye Wentian was a little helpless, so he had to let Lin Yufei hug and cry.

Smelling the breath of Ye Wentian's body, Lin Yufei felt very comfortable, and it was unprecedented, and the idea of ​​leaning in this arms forever came into her heart.

Thinking of this, Lin Yufei tightly hugged Ye Wentian's hands, and the crying gradually subsided, leaving only a slight sob.

Maybe it was because she was too tired, or maybe it was Ye Wentian's unique smell that made her feel relaxed. Gradually, Lin Yufei's eyelids tightened slightly, and she was about to fall asleep.

"Ahem~~Sister Yufei, let's get down to business quickly." Sensing this situation, Ye Wentian quickly reminded.

Hearing Ye Wentian's voice, Lin Yufei was startled, quickly let go of Ye Wentian, took a peek at Ye Wentian, a little embarrassed, her pretty face blushed.

At this moment, Lin Yufei realized that Ye Wentian was so handsome and attractive. She felt particularly safe by Ye Wentian's side.

"Sister Yufei, why did your mother become a vegetable?" Ye Wentian hurriedly asked to change the topic and change the atmosphere.

"My mother had a car accident on the way home from work, and then it became like this." Lin Yufei said.

"It turned out to be caused by a car accident." Ye Wentian nodded, stretched out his hand, and a cloth tape was cut out of the quilt.

(End of this chapter)

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