Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 622 Opening of the Mysterious Island

Chapter 622 Opening of the Mysterious Island

Seeing the expectant expressions of several people, Ye Wentian smiled slightly.

"I am now at the peak of the third heaven of the Xiantian level, and I am only a thin line away from the fourth heaven of the Xiantian level." Ye Wentian said.

"This... this..." Lin Yunxi was surprised and speechless. She knew Ye Wentian well. When she first met Ye Wentian, Ye Wentian's cultivation at that time was only at the yellow level. , it has only been a while, and he is already a powerhouse at the peak of the third heaven of the congenital level.

"Wentian, your improved cultivation is really comparable to a rocket!" Liu Quan swallowed his saliva.

"It's just some adventures." Ye Wentian smiled.

"Throughout the ages, there are countless strong people who have had adventures, but in my knowledge, at least there is no one who can be as perverted as you are," Lin Yunxi said.

"Perhaps." Ye Wentian also knew his special situation. If even his super invincible physique could not stabilize the other physique by a large margin, then he would not be able to meet the requirements of the ancestor of Hongmeng.

"Wentian, Uncle Xiao is only happy to see you grow so fast, but the cultivation world is full of dangers, so you still have to be careful." Xiao Yuquan said.

"I know." Ye Wentian nodded, looked around, and asked with some doubts: "Uncle Xiao, why isn't Lightning here?"

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot to tell you." Then, Xiao Yuquan got up, took out a piece of paper from the room, and handed it to Ye Wentian: "This is written by Lightning and asked me to give it to you." .”

"Lightning!" Ye Wentian was startled, took it with both hands, and glanced at it. Unexpectedly, the characters written by this guy were more beautiful than those written by ordinary people.

The above content is that it has sensed something that is very attractive to it, and it is going to look for it, and bid farewell to them for a while.

"Uncle Xiao, lightning shouldn't be written with claws, right?" Ye Wentian was a little puzzled, imagining the nondescript appearance of lightning holding a pen in his mind.

"It was written with a pen in its mouth." Lin Yunxi was surprised and speechless when she saw this scene. It is really hard to imagine that there are such human dogs in this world.

"Oh." Ye Wentian nodded: "This guy is not here, and he still misses him a little bit."

Thinking of Lightning, Ye Wentian inadvertently thought of Zhou Xiaotong. After parting with Zhou Xiaotong for a few days, he didn't know what she was doing at the moment.

Ye Wentian looked forward to seeing the two of them again, but he was also a little scared, afraid of Zhou Xiaotong getting angry.

The four of them were all from the past, seeing the change in Ye Wentian's expression, they didn't bother him.

This night, Ye Wentian stayed here and cooked a table of delicious dishes, which made Lin Yunxi praise him non-stop.

"Wentian, it's really a blessing to be your woman. I'm a little jealous of Yuxin." Lin Yunxi said suddenly, her beautiful eyes turned around, and she stared at Ye Wentian closely to see his reaction.

"Ahem~~ Well, Yunxi, although my cooking skills are not as good as Wentian's, I'm not bad either." Xiao Yuquan looked at Lin Yunxi with a bitter face.

"Your cooking skills are not bad, but compared to Wentian, it's a world away." Lin Yunxi said.

"Hehe~~" Hearing what the two said, Ye Qing couldn't help laughing, and Liu Quan also held a smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Aunt Lin, eat more if it tastes good, but if you say that, it won't make Uncle Xiao hate me." Ye Wentian said with a bitter face.

"He dares." Lin Yunxi looked at Xiao Yuquan.

"Don't dare, don't dare, Yunxi will do whatever she wants." Xiao Yuquan wiped his sweat subconsciously.

Ye Wentian smiled, seeing Xiao Yuquan and Lin Yunxi flirting, he was quite happy.

At night, Ye Wentian was awakened from his practice, and quickly jumped to the roof of the villa.

A qi machine is like a sharp sword, flying in one direction at high speed.

"That guy seems to have put together a complete blueprint!" Ye Wentian frowned slightly, pondered for a moment, and was about to follow him to have a look. After all, Xu Fu's cemetery was still very attractive to him. Baby will definitely not be less.


However, just as Ye Wentian bowed his body and was about to jump up, in the distance, a thick beam of light like a bucket descended from the sky.

This beam of light seems to connect the sky and the earth, and it is extraordinarily dazzling in the night.

"Where is that?" Ye Wentian turned pale with shock, the distance was too far, and Ye Wentian couldn't make an accurate judgment.

However, at this time Dongfang Ning called, and Ye Wentian quickly connected.

"Brother Tian, ​​do you see the beam of light in the sea?" Dongfang Ning asked.

"Is that beam of light on the sea?" Ye Wentian was taken aback.

"That's right, it's on the sea, it's been confirmed." Dongfang Ning said.

"This light beam is so big, how can there be such a vision?" Ye Wentian asked with some doubts.

"Brother Tian, ​​just now Qin Guohua called and said that it is very likely that the mysterious island has been opened in advance." Dongfang Ning said.

"What! Mysterious Island has just been opened, isn't it still more than a month away?" Ye Wentian was shocked when he thought of Mysterious Island, but Overseas met this requirement.

"It is also possible that the mysterious island will be opened in advance due to a vision from the sky," Dongfang Ning said.

"Okay, you wait for me, I'll meet you right away, you arrange a helicopter, let's go to the mysterious island." Ye Wentian said.

"Well, I'll wait for you." Dongfang Ning nodded and hung up the phone.

Ye Wentian had no choice but to let go of his pursuit of Xu Fu's purpose. For him now, the mysterious island was even more alluring. This mysterious island that caused visions to appear in the world must have magical treasures on it.

For so many years, a large island has not been discovered by virtue of high technology. It is conceivable how magical and extraordinary this island is.

Ye Wentian and Lin Yunxi greeted each other, and immediately flew towards Yanjing.

Ye Wentian walked by pointing, which saved a lot of distance, and with his speed comparable to that of a helicopter, after two hours, he finally felt at Xuanyuan Xiaoyu's home.


"Wow~~" On the island, a dog was manipulating the motorboat alone, watching the huge light beam fall not far away, a huge island appeared, although it was a little blurry, but it could clearly see see.

It's hard to imagine that a dog has such an ability to sail a motorboat on the sea for so long and so far.

Finally, seeing the island in his mind, the dog jumped into a light curtain and then disappeared.

If Ye Wentian was here, he would definitely be able to find that this huge island was covered by a powerful formation, so it was undetectable by high technology.

But Lightning was able to find it, which had to make people think of something.

(End of this chapter)

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