Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 626: Green Flood Dragon Evolution

Chapter 626: Green Flood Dragon Evolution
Sensing the existence of the green dragon, Ye Wentian was also taken aback, but fortunately, this green dragon is not a real green dragon, because it has no feet, and the scales on its body have just covered the whole body , is still very delicate, although his cultivation has reached the half-step Golden Core stage, it is still within the range of Ye Wentian's tolerance.

This green dragon is not big, perhaps because of its geographical location, it is about ten meters long, and its body is only as thick as a bucket, which is more than ten times worse than the real green dragon.

"Sister Jing, what should I do?" Ruan Xiaoyu frowned, seeing such a monster, she was unavoidably frightened.

"Let's try to retreat one after another." Zhang Jing pulled Ruan Xiaoyu back slowly.


Qing Jiao glared at Zhang Jing and Ruan Xiaoyu angrily. Seeing their cowardly appearance, Qing Jiao suddenly attacked the two women with a whoosh.

How could the second daughter be Qing Jiao's opponent? Qing Jiao's lightning speed made Zhang Jing and Ruan Xiaoyu completely powerless to resist.


With a sound of sword sound, a sharp sword suddenly descended from the sky and slashed towards Qing Jiao fiercely.

The powerful aura made Qing Jiao feel vigilant, and when he realized it, he immediately jumped to the side.

"Brother God!"

"Wen Tian!" Ruan Xiaoyu and Zhang Jing were overjoyed when they saw the sword in front of them.

"You two really know how to find a position. I'm afraid the strength of this green dragon is not much worse than mine." Ye Wentian stretched out his hand and retracted the sword.

"We never expected to encounter such a monster." Ruan Xiaoyu looked at Ye Wentian weakly.

"Ask the sky, is this guy a dragon or a snake? It seems like neither?" Zhang Jing asked.

"It's neither a dragon nor a snake, but a green jellyfish that hasn't fully evolved yet. Fortunately, it hasn't fully evolved, otherwise we really wouldn't be able to see it enough in front of him." Ye Wentian looked into the distance, frowning: "We only walked a short distance before we met such a powerful character as Qingjiao. I'm afraid there are even more powerful characters in the depths."

"I don't know how Xiao Ning and the others are doing?" Ruan Xiaoyu was a little worried.

"With Xiao Ning around, there should be no problem if we don't encounter super monsters." Ye Wentian looked at Qingjiao who was staring at him, and then said: "That fruit is called Zhu Guo, and it has been around for thousands of years. Zhu Guo's medicinal power evolved into a real dragon in one fell swoop.

Zhu Guo in 1000 years is still a little short of letting him evolve into a green dragon, so it is still waiting for Zhu Guo to mature further. "

"I see." Zhang Jing and Ruan Xiaoyu nodded.

Qing Jiao seemed to understand the conversation of several people, and yelled at Ye Wentian, a hurricane suddenly blew towards Ye Wentian, and then, Qing Jiao made a decision, opened his huge mouth, and moved towards Ye Wentian. Bite down the whole vermilion fruit in one bite.

"Damn it!" Ye Wentian turned pale with shock, and blocked the hurricane with a big wave of his hand. He didn't expect Qing Jiao to dare to do this.

"Wentian, maybe it has realized your strength and swallowed Zhu Guo as a last resort." Zhang Jing said.

"This guy is already a spirit beast. He has great wisdom and knows how to choose. It may be difficult to kill him now." Ye Wentian stood in front of the two of them: "Back off a little and go to the small hill .”

"Yeah." The two nodded.


Swallowing the vermilion fruit, the millennium medicinal power dissipated and penetrated the whole body, Qingjiao raised his head to the sky and howled, his whole body swelled with true energy, and the surrounding vegetation was shattered one after another, turning into pieces and flying lightly.

The sound was like howling from the sky, and it really shocked Baili. The surrounding vegetation was lush, and birds and beasts flocked together. Under the sound, everyone ran around in fright.

Ye Wentian waited quietly, and was not in a hurry to make a move, because only the green flood dragon that had evolved into the golden core stage was the most useful to him.


Qingjiao's meridians are strong, and only such a spirit beast can withstand the medicinal power of Zhu Guo. With Qing Jiao's loud roar again, Zhu Guo's medicinal power completely dissipates.

The surrounding vegetation is flying, and under this powerful howl, there is no complete vegetation within a radius of ten meters.

Qingjiao's roar spread far away, and some strong men in the distance changed their expressions. Those spirit beasts who were still fighting with the innate level strong men heard this sound and immediately ran away.

"what happened?"

"What kind of spirit beast is that?"

"Interesting, it seems to be the voice of a flood dragon." The sinister man took a spiritual fruit, put it in his mouth, and quickly started to refine it, not rushing to see the situation.

"Master, do we want to go and have a look?" An old man from Tiandi Xuanmen looked at Zhao Yiming and asked.

"It's good that we stay by our ancestor's side." Zhao Yiming said.


"Damn it, there are so many practitioners rushing here." Ye Wentian frowned slightly, and turned to look at Ruan Xiaoyu and Zhang Jing: "Be careful, you two."

"En." Zhang Jing and Ruan Xiaoyu nodded, looking nervously at the practitioners rushing over from all directions.

"A strong Jindan stage!" Ye Wentian's eyes flashed, staring at an old man in tights.

"This is a flood dragon!"

Everyone was surprised.

"It's evolving!"

"Who is that young man?"

"Master Ye!" Someone recognized Ye Wentian.

"This guy is still waiting for the evolution of the green dragon. Once the evolution of the green dragon is completed, it will be enough to sweep us away. Let's go quickly." Someone retreated.

"Golden Core Stage Qing Jiao, what can this young man rely on?" The old man in the Golden Core Stage stared at Ye Wentian closely.

"If you don't have the strength, I advise you to leave quickly. Don't blame me if it hurts Chi Yu later." Ye Wentian's eyes flashed a cold light, and he glanced at everyone.

Just from this glance, everyone knew why Ye Wentian allowed the green dragon in front of him to evolve.

"What should we do? Should we go or not?" Hearing Ye Wentian's words, some powerful people began to waver.

"Let's go, the battle between the strong Jindan stage, we have to run as far as possible if we want to see it." Someone immediately made a decision and ran far away.

But some people were still stubborn and watched quietly, not paying attention to Ye Wentian.

"You seem to have taken my words for nothing!" Ye Wentian didn't want to wait to be distracted, and looked at the old man coldly.

"You are Ye Wentian!" The old man stared at Ye Wentian closely, and did not get angry because of Ye Wentian's words.

"Yes, it seems that you have heard of me." Ye Wentian said lightly.

"My name is Muto Sora, thank you very much for giving me the demon sword, which allowed me to break through to the Jindan stage in one fell swoop, sweeping away the Oda family, the Yagyu family and the Yamaguchi group." Muto Sora said softly.

"Oh~~ I didn't expect you to be the ancestor of the Muto family. In this case, you can be regarded as a favor to me, so can you do me a favor?" Ye Wentian said.

"What's the matter?" Muto Sora asked.

"Go somewhere else, I don't want anyone to distract me here." Ye Wentian said.

(End of this chapter)

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