Chapter 634
Although Zhao Gao's strength was strong, but compared to his strength, he was no match for the giant ape, and was quickly knocked out by the giant ape's tyrannical strength.

But Zhao Gao is also very powerful, except for the turbulence of Qi and blood in his body, there is nothing wrong with his whole body, he flipped several times one after another, and removed the power of the book friend of the giant ape.

"Sure enough, there are two sons. You are the best opponent I have met two years ago." Looking at the giant ape, Zhao Gao said softly.

"Really." The giant ape would not believe any of Zhao Gao's words, moved his foot, and punched Zhao Gao again.

"Yin-yang handprint!" Zhao Gao narrowed his eyes slightly, his hands were quickly dyed red, a mysterious force condensed in his palms, formed two big red hands, and slammed towards the giant ape.


The sound of the battle spread far away, and the surrounding dust was lifted off again.

"Giant Spirit Movement!" The giant ape roared, and its huge body turned around Zhao Gao like a shadow.

"What a mysterious martial art!" Zhao Gao looked slightly surprised, but he didn't show the slightest panic.

"Hmph~~" the giant ape smiled coldly, the whole body disappeared again, and suddenly struck from the top of Zhao Gao's head.

Zhao Gao once again condensed the yin and yang handprints, and slammed towards the top of the head.


The power of the Yin-Yang combined handprint was so powerful that it sent the giant ape flying.

It could be said that the giant ape didn't know Zhao Gao well, and didn't know Zhao Gao's methods at all, so it was hit. However, the giant ape's skin is rough and fleshy, so being hit by Zhao Gao's blow doesn't mean much.

"Giant Spirit Movement!"


Ju Yan didn't believe that he couldn't deal with Zhao Gao, so he accelerated the collision of skills again.

"If you have this little ability, you can't do anything to me at all." Zhao Gao smiled evilly, jumped up, soaring into the sky, and the whole person reappeared behind the giant ape.

The giant ape kicked violently, but after all Zhao Gao was relatively small and moved quickly, the giant ape had no way to deal with Zhao Gao.

"Zhao Gao, your ability is really not small. Today, you are the first human being lucky enough to see my stick technique." Saying this, the giant ape trembled violently, and a stick suddenly appeared on his body. In his hand, following his quarrel, the stick became bigger.

"Interesting, it's getting more and more interesting." Zhao Gao's eyes lit up when he saw the big stick in the giant ape's hand.

"Your time to die has come!" The giant ape suddenly hit Zhao Gao with a stick.

In the hands of the giant ape, the stick is like an arm, and it can be swung freely.

Zhao Gao's expression was gloomy, it was only one blow, although he even avoided the blow of the stick, but the power transmitted from above was very strong, which made him receive the impact of the residual power.


Zhao Gao's Qi and blood were not smooth, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Hmph~~ Zhao Gao, this is just the beginning." The giant ape suddenly hit Zhao Gao with a stick, and the stick was a little far away from Zhao Gao, as if the stick couldn't reach it at all, so did Zhao Gao. I thought so, but immediately after, the stick grew suddenly, and hit Zhao Gao's head with a swish.

"Damn it! Giant Spirit Palm!" Zhao Gao's expression changed drastically, he crossed his hands, and quickly made a mysterious handprint, and turned towards the stick with a pair of big palms that held up to the sky.


The sound is shaking, the weather is changing, and the wind and clouds are stirring.


Zhao Gao spit out a mouthful of blood again, his face turned pale a lot, half of his body sank into the ground.

"Should die." The giant ape would not give Zhao Gao another chance, and swept across the ground with a stick.

The strong wind alone is enough to turn half of the innate-level powerhouses into blood mist, but Zhao Gao's ability is not so good.



Zhao Gao Yungong slapped the ground with his palm, and the powerful energy brought him into the air, and at the same time his whole body retreated.

At this moment, Zhao Gao had a shining sword in his hand, which looked a bit unique. It can be concluded that this is a peerless sword.

"What kind of sword is this?" the giant ape asked, he could feel the chill and strong murderous aura of this sword.

"It's your honor for you to let me use the Frost Soul Sword. If you die under my Frost Soul Sword, you can rest in peace." Zhao Gao smiled coldly.

"Die! Haha~~Little guy, it seems that you still haven't figured out the situation. It's up to you, you don't have that ability." The giant ape's wrist and the stick in his hand hit Zhao Gao again.


Zhao Gao's eyes flashed, and a sword light appeared in his eyes. This scene was very similar to Dongfang Ning's sword, but Zhao Gao still couldn't do what Dongfang Ning did, far worse.

Zhao Gao suddenly soared into the air, his whole body was like a sharp sword, and his speed was extremely fast.



There was a loud noise, the dust and smoke billowed, and the sand flew up. At this time, seeing things with eyes is already a disadvantage.

When the sand and smoke fell, Zhao Gao was still standing with his sword, his body seemed not injured at all, but the giant ape's left arm holding the stick was cut off at the shoulder.

"You!" The giant ape was terrified, moved his feet, and the stick appeared in his hand again.

Although he only has one hand, the giant ape knows that only by fighting to the end can he win his hope, but tonight seems destined to be his soul king's day.


A sword cry, white light flashed, and a head fell, announcing the death of the giant ape.

That sword was too fast. If the giant ape was in full body, he might be able to withstand it for a while, but he had fought for so long before, and now that he lost an arm, his reaction speed could no longer keep up with Zhao Gao's rhythm.


"Such a powerful giant ape was killed." Xiao Jin was overjoyed.

"It's a pity that we are not the ones taking revenge." Xiao Shui sighed.

"Let's go over and thank him." Xiao Jin said.

"Okay." Everyone nodded.

Soon, a group of people came to Zhao Gao's side, and greeted Zhao Gao with the ceremony of Huaxia Kingdom.

"Senior, thank you for avenging us." Xiaowu said first.

"Hmph~~You're welcome." Zhao Gao smiled evilly: "If you want to thank me, how about doing something for me?"

"Senior, what's the matter?" Xiao Shui asked.

Xiao Jin and the others felt that the person in front of them was a little dangerous, so they were subconsciously on guard.

"How about handing over your inner alchemy to me? My attention is not bad." Zhao Gao laughed loudly.

"Senior, do you want to kill us?" Xiao Jin's heart trembled.

"That's right." As soon as Zhao Gao's words fell, there was a sword cry, followed by a flash of white light. The seven people had no room to resist at all, and all their heads were moved by Zhao Gao's sword.

Little Jin and the others never imagined that they would die so aggrieved.

(End of this chapter)

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