Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 643 The Crisis of Yanhuang Warlord

Chapter 643 The Crisis of Yanhuang Warlord

Time passed like this for a day and a night, Ling Yunfei finally couldn't bear it any longer, walked forward gently, and looked around one meter away from Chen Feng.

Chen Feng was only able to move his eyes, and the rest of the place seemed to be imprisoned by some invisible force, no matter how hard he exerted, it was useless.

"What's going on?" Ling Yunfei frowned slightly, and lightly slapped Chen Feng with one finger.


When Ling Yunfei's finger force was separated by a decimeter from Chen Feng, a gas mask appeared, instantly offset Ling Yunfei's finger force.

"It seems to have weakened!" Ling Yunfei suddenly discovered that the power that imprisoned Chen Feng had actually weakened.

"Could it be this formation!" Ling Yunfei was startled, and once again concentrated his strength to hit Chen Feng, this time he had already used all his strength.


With a loud noise, the energy exerted on Chen Feng's body suddenly changed and was on the verge of disappearing, but at this juncture, a sudden change occurred.

The stone door inside opened suddenly, and then an afterimage quickly rushed into Chen Feng's body.


Chen Feng held his head, kept screaming, gathered all the strength in his body, and kept slamming around.

" me!" Chen Feng glanced at Ling Yunfei, his whole face twisted in pain.

"What's going on?" Ling Yunfei asked loudly.

"There my body! Ah~~It's so painful, kill me! Please kill me!" Chen Feng wanted to end his life with a palm, but the force of the palm fell on Mid-empty, but stopped.

Ling Yunfei didn't know what was going on, but he sensed that the cold air on Chen Feng's body was getting stronger and stronger, and he suddenly noticed something bad.

"I'll help you!" Ling Yunfei roared, and slammed at Chen Feng with a palm.

The strong palm wind drew a beam of light in the air, rushing towards Chen Feng like lightning.

"Hmph~~" Suddenly, a sly smile appeared on Chen Feng's face, and after a flash, Chen Feng entered the stone gate inside, and the stone gate closed in response.

"What's going on?" Ling Yunfei was puzzled, looked at the stone gate, and slapped it with his palms for a while, only to find that this stone gate was harder than the previous one. Gradually, he discovered that it was not the stone gate that was hard, but the stone gate. A powerful formation is arranged on the stone gate.

The formation weakened, and Ling Yunfei smashed it violently, but immediately after Shimen's light became brighter, the formation became stronger again.

"Someone is controlling it!" Ling Yunfei was startled, so he had no choice but to give up the stone gate, leaped suddenly, and hit the stone gate that went out with his palm.


This time, he punched a big hole in Shimen with one palm.

"Improve your strength first!" Ling Yunfei made up his mind, besides Xu Fuling's tomb, he found a place on the top of the mountain, swallowed a Juyuan pill, and suddenly transferred the power of his whole body. At this moment, Ling Yunfei's whole body became A piece of mercury color.

The elixir melted, but the potency was not enough, Ling Yunfei was not afraid of revealing himself, and even took the remaining Juyuan pill and Zengyuan pill together.

Sure enough, with the addition of several times the energy, Ling Yunfei's aura began to rise rapidly, and a rather solid mercury in his body quickly rotated, forming the appearance of a golden elixir. Sure enough, it solidified a lot, and I got more used to my body.

As time went by, the dantian in Ling Yunfei's body rotated faster and faster.

But at this moment, in Xu Fu's mausoleum, Chen Feng, whose body was occupied by Xu Fu, opened his eyes suddenly, his hands quickly formed seals, and then the spiritual fluid that wrapped his body rushed into his body.

It's hard to imagine that Xu Fu, an old monster, was able to use formations to keep the Nascent Soul alive, and even use forbidden techniques to revive the Nascent Soul, and every step was calculated seamlessly.

Time, another day passed, finally, Ling Yunfei opened his eyes, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and his aura increased several times.

At this moment, he has a more detached temperament, but it is not as good as Ye Wentian.

Ling Yunfei took off his mask, revealing a handsome face, which still looks the same as 30 years ago. Over 30 years, the years have not left a trace on his face.

"From now on, I, Ling Yunfei, will no longer need to show others with a mask! Haha..." Ling Yunfei laughed wildly, and with a shock of luck, the mask turned into ashes and flew away with the wind.


At this moment, an afterimage flashed past, and in the sky, a figure stopped in mid-air, facing Ling Yunfei head-on.

"If I'm not wrong, you should be Xu Fu!" Ling Yunfei said.

"That's right, you guessed it." Xu Fu smiled darkly.

"Your plan is really long-term, I have to admire you. For more than 2000 years, everyone has been deceived by you." Ling Yunfei said.

"Hmph~~ I just blame you for being too greedy. Back then, I was severely injured by Guiguzi, and my body was destroyed. I had to come up with this plan. Now, after more than 2000 years, I am alive, but he has been reincarnated..." Thinking After more than 2000 years of World War I, Xu Fu was also filled with emotions.

"I don't know if you still have the strength you had back then!" Ling Yunfei stretched out his fist and stared at Xu Fu.

"You want to try." Xu Fu looked at Ling Yunfei lightly.

"I wanted to, but now is not the time." Ling Yunfei changed the subject again.

"Why?" Xu Fu frowned, and after merging Chen Feng's memory, he immediately thought of the key: "The mysterious island is open!"

"That's right, the mysterious island has been open for quite a while, if you don't go, I'm afraid you won't even have soup." Ling Yunfei said.

"That's true!" Xu Fu nodded, "I'm interested in going together!"

"That's exactly what I mean!" Ling Yunfei's eyes were straightened, and his figure flickered, and he was already on the same line as Xu Fu.

"I have a question." Xu Fu said suddenly.


"You don't seem to be human?" Xu Fu stared at Ling Yunfei closely.

"I choose not to answer this question." Ling Yunfei looked forward, with his hands behind his back, and continued: "Because even I don't know this question. Let's go, time waits for no one!"

The two looked at each other, exerted their strength instantly, and rushed towards the mysterious island.


On the mysterious island, the battle is still going on in full swing.


The two tyrannical forces intersected, and then the wolf emperor exerted his strength again, and the situation suddenly became one-sided.


"Chief Elder!"

Seeing the scene where the chief elder flew upside down and vomited blood, Zhou Xiaotong and the other five became anxious.

None of them guessed that there were not only powerful spirit beasts on the mysterious island, but also these powerful cultivators.

Unexpectedly, the wolf king sucked the blood essence of the white sable, and his strength soared. Even though the chief elder was in the same realm as the wolf king, he was still not the wolf king's opponent.

(End of this chapter)

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