Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 649 Abiluo Titan

Chapter 649 Abiluo Titan
Ye Wentian noticed Xu Fu's situation and withdrew his momentum.

"Go ahead."

"My name is Liu Changchun! I am from the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. By chance, the Yuanying was preserved. It happened that this person came to my cemetery, so I took the opportunity to take his body." Xu Fu made up a lie, and Looks good.

If Ye Wentian was an ordinary person, he would have really been deceived by him, but how could Ye Wentian believe Xu Fu's few words, not to mention that such an enemy Ye Wentian would never let go.

"Actually, whether you tell the truth or not, there is only one end." Ye Wentian looked at Xu Fu coldly.

"You!" Xu Fu's pupils opened wide, he gritted his teeth, and immediately made a cruel decision.

"If you want to blow yourself up, I'm afraid you can't do it now!" Ye Wentian's expression turned cold, and a mysterious force rushed into Xu Fu's dantian like an aurora, blocking the communication between Xu Fu's spiritual consciousness and his dantian.

"You!" Xu Fu looked at Ye Wentian in disbelief, the young man in front of him was really terrifying, completely beyond his imagination.

Ye Wentian didn't care whether Xu Fu's eyes were surprised or not, he slapped Xu Fu's head with his big hand, and performed the soul search technique, Xu Fu's face was in pain, and his face was even paler.

"Xu Fu!" Ye Wentian was quite surprised, withdrew his hand, and looked at the dull Xu Fu with burning eyes: "Your scheme is really far-reaching!"


Ye Wentian and his party were only more than 100 miles away, and here, something that Ye Wentian could never have imagined was happening.

"Hand over the Soul Quenching Grass, otherwise, you will die!" An old man looked at the three people in front of him coldly.

"Old man, if you want to get the Soul Quenching Grass, it depends on whether you have the ability." The two people here performed the exercises, and the cultivation base of the Golden Core Stage was exposed.

"Just promoted to the Golden Core Stage!" The old man paused for a moment and couldn't help asking: "Who are you?"

"We are members of the super god organization. I am Abiluo, one of the three god generals under the god master. This is another god general, Titan. As for her, it is a congratulatory gift carefully prepared by the god master for one person." Smile evilly.

"Super God organization?" The old man was taken aback, a little strange, he hadn't heard enough about the Super God organization.

"There are only two kinds of people who know about our super god organization, either people within ourselves or dead people." Abiluo looked at the old man coldly: "If I guessed correctly, you should be second only to you Luo Feng, the sect master of the Xuanmen of Heaven and Earth. The puppet behind you, if I guess correctly, is Ai Feier, the former deputy sect master of the Blood Brave League."

"You actually know me!" Luo Feng was amazed.

"Is it strange?" Tai Tan's tall and burly body trembled, and the ground trembled: "Our super god organization has signed your heaven, earth and Taoism countless times. There is nothing we want to know that we can't find."

"Hmph~~ Do you really think that you have found all the information? As early as three years ago, I was already the number one master of the Taoist sect of heaven and earth, and one month before entering the mysterious island, I was already a strong man in the golden core stage , and now, my cultivation is infinitely close to the mid-Gold Core Stage, and you are nothing but ants in front of me." Luo Feng smiled disdainfully: "I'll say it again, give me the Soul Quenching Grass, otherwise, die!"

"Die! Haha~~ You can only understand the strength of the people in our super god organization." Abiluo said loudly.

"Really?" Luo Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, dozens of runes flew in the air strangely, and following Luo Feng's hand tactics, five corpses appeared immediately after.

With the appearance of five corpses, the surrounding temperature instantly dropped a lot.

Soon, the dozens of runes flashed, emitting a bright light, which quickly sank into the seals of the five corpses.

Xuan'ao's characters appeared on the seals of the five corpses, and then disappeared in a flash.

The surrounding temperature is getting colder and colder, accompanied by gusts of wind.

The eyes of the five corpses suddenly opened, exuding a bloodthirsty red glow, and the fingernails of the five corpses suddenly grew half a decimeter, looking very hard and sharp like a knife.

"The profound art of the Heaven and Earth Xuanmen really opened our eyes!" Tai Tan sneered.

"Hmph~~ Today, you will pay the price with your life for your actions!" Luo Feng said coldly.

"If you want our lives, you have to see if you have the ability." Abiluo stepped forward and said to Tai Tan beside him: "How about you take care of these five monsters?"

"No problem." Tai Tan nodded, and said to the woman beside him, "Kill that woman."

"Yes, deputy master." The woman nodded respectfully, and after finishing speaking, she stepped forward and attacked Ai Feier.

Luo Feng lost a yellow talisman, and soon, it fell into Eiffel's mind, and then Ai Feier quickly hit the woman who was rushing over.

"Now, it's our turn." Tai Tan was a little excited, his tall and mighty body shook, and at an extremely fast speed, he punched the five zombies fiercely.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!
The five zombies jumped up in an instant, and flew into the mid-air at an extremely fast speed, and they were all able to stand in the air.

"Interesting, without the cultivation base of the Jindan stage, and there are still a few corpses who have been dead for an unknown number of years, but they can stand in the air." Tai Tan's eyes lit up, he jumped up instantly, and punched the five corpses again. The corpse was beaten.

"People from the Taoist sect of heaven and earth really have some skills, playing tricks." Abiluo said disapprovingly.

"Really, you will know how powerful I am soon." Luo Feng's figure flashed, and he got close to Abiluo's figure, and hit Abiluo with a mantis finger.

"The kungfu is very good, but it's a pity that you are still far away from killing me." Abiluo smiled disdainfully, and stepped back abruptly.

"Really? It was just a test." After speaking, Luo Feng accelerated sharply.

Abiluo's heart trembled, and before he could react, Luo Feng had already approached.


With a muffled sound, Luo Feng's fingers slammed into Abi Luo's body.


Abiluo was careless, and was sent flying by Luo Feng's move. Immediately afterwards, Luo Feng didn't miss any chance, and once again bullied him, a mysterious force hit Abiluo.

In the sky, a huge rune wrapped itself around Abiluo, and Abiluo missed it by a thousand miles, and just reacted, but the huge rune had already enveloped him.


The runes trapped Abiluo inside, and Abiluo kept hitting, but unfortunately the runes emitted beams of light, trapping Abiluo inside all the time.

"It's really useless!" Tai Tan's eyes froze, and he punched out, repelling the zombies, and quickly came towards him.

"Huh~~ Let's see what you are capable of!" Luo Feng pinched the formula again with both hands, and the strength of the rune suddenly doubled.

(End of this chapter)

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