Chapter 654
The cold winter is bitter, the snow is fluttering, the world of mortals is thousands of miles away, covered in silver.

God, it's very cold!The splashed water can freeze into ice cubes in the blink of an eye.

On such a cold day, a handsome young man stood outside.

This young man, only eight years old, was wearing thin clothes, with his chest up and his abdomen closed, his fists clenched, his body squatting down, his teeth clenched, like a Buddha, motionless, his face had turned pale due to the cold wind, but With his strong willpower, endure!

How long has passed, he doesn't know, he only knows why he is so useless, but he can't succeed in building the foundation after working so hard.

Since he was four years old, he has been learning inner skills and basic martial arts under the leadership of his elders just like other teenagers. Even after putting in a hundred times of effort, he was still unable to condense his true qi. If the true qi was not completed, the foundation building would never be successful.

"Why? Why exactly!"

The young man yelled again and again in his heart. He thought that his aptitude was not bad. He could understand the teachings of the elders once, and even understood them deeper and more clearly than the elders.

But even that is of no use, with such a high level of comprehension, I believe that even if his body is rotten wood, it can shine a little, but he just couldn't succeed in building a foundation.

He looked for the reason for his physique time and time again, and it did not seem to belong to any of the nine systems of physique. It was ordinary but not ordinary, because he hadn't had any ailments in these years, and he could recover automatically even if he was bitten by a poisonous snake. As before, but with such a peculiar physique, it is not as good as the ordinary children in the tribe, because some of them have successfully established their foundations.


The Ye family is one of the three major families in Yuzhou City. There are thousands of people in the clan, and they are quite famous in this tiny place of Yuzhou.

At this moment, an old man in Chinese clothes and a young girl in white clothes rode a red and a white horse to the door of Ye's house respectively.

The old man's face is kind, giving people a very comfortable feeling. The young girl is full of heroism, with a bit of arrogance between her brows, and a bit of a posture that does not give way to a man.

"Is this the Ye family?" The girl raised her beautiful eyes slightly, but her small figure assumed the posture of an adult.

"Miss, this should be the Ye family!" The old man's eyes moved slightly and he nodded.

Seeing the two, the two guards were shocked and puzzled in their eyes.

"You two, are you looking for my Patriarch?" One of the guards asked.

"Is Ye Wentian here?" Before the old man could speak, the girl's clear and loud voice came over.

"Ye Wentian?" Both of them were taken aback and looked at each other. One of them asked, "Miss, are you referring to that trash?"

"Trash?" The girl's eyes narrowed slightly, and she immediately said, "Take me to see him."

"Miss, old man, please report your name first, so that we can report to the Patriarch, we dare not make decisions on our own." Another person said.

"I'm Zhao Jinhuan, a servant of King Zhao's Mansion, and this is the Princess, both of you should report it." The old man said.

The two were terrified and came to their senses. One of them immediately went to report, but after a while, a middle-aged man ran over.

The middle-aged man paused on the two of them for a while, clasped his fists and said, "This is Ye Hong, the head of the Ye family. I wonder who these two are?"

"Hmph~~ I still doubt the identity of the princess!" The girl's face was a little angry.

"Miss, we are guests, so we can't be rude." The old man smiled slightly, turned his palm, and a golden token appeared in his hand.

When Ye Hong saw it, he no longer had the slightest doubt, and immediately knelt down to pay respects. Seeing this, several other people knelt down to pay respects to the two of them.

"Ye Hong, take me to see Ye Wentian." The girl said commandingly.

"I don't know what the princess wants Ye Wentian to do?" Ye Hong couldn't help asking.

"Don't ask if you shouldn't." The girl's eyes turned cold, with the air of a superior.

"Yes, yes, please." Ye Hong nodded quickly, and led the two of them towards Ye Wentian's home.

"Eh~~Brother Xiong, look, the girl next to the Patriarch is so beautiful!" Not far away, a few teenagers were having a snowball fight, and when they saw Ye Hong and the others approaching, their eyes lit up when they saw the girl.

"It's a beauty." Ye Xiong nodded.

"Brother Xiong, I don't know who this girl is. She looks so beautiful at such a young age, but it's fine when she grows up. Brother Xiong, only such a beauty is worthy of you!" Ye Jun secretly swallowed his saliva , said to the boy beside him with a flattering face.

However, as soon as Ye Jun finished speaking, a whistling wind came over.


Ye Jun let out a scream, and fell to the ground with a thud, covering his face tightly, grinning his teeth in pain.

"Hmph~~ This is just a small warning to you. You useless trash dare to speak big words in front of this princess!" Trembling, even the most talented Ye Xiong was like this.

"Hey~~" Ye Hong was startled, looked at Ye Xiong and the other youngsters and shook his head, he didn't expect this girl to have such a level of cultivation at such a young age, and felt even more sorry for the younger generations of the Ye family.

"Lead the way!" The girl's cold voice came again.

"Yes, princess!" Ye Hong nodded.

Ye Hong stopped in front of a hut.

"This is the place where Ye Wentian lives." Ye Hong said weakly, glanced at the girl's face, feeling sorry for him, and speculated in his heart what the girl had to do with Ye Wentian.

The girl frowned, looking at the humble hut in front of her, for some reason, she was always in a bad mood.

"Miss, there is no one inside." The old man said.

"Princess, Ye Wentian usually practices in the woods behind." Ye Hong said.

The girl walked first, passed Ye Wentian's hut, looked at the simple pieces of furniture, her mood became worse and worse, but a little, as if she had figured something out, she felt relieved, and walked towards the forest from the back door.

Within a hundred steps, a figure like a wood carving appeared in front of the crowd.

The young girl and the old man were very surprised, because in such a cold weather, a thin layer of ice had formed on the young man's body, but he kept the same posture all the time. How much courage and perseverance are needed, and this kind of character alone is not enough It is awe-inspiring.

Ye Hong shook his head slightly, the old man naturally noticed Ye Hong's subtle movements, his spiritual sense spread out, he looked at the young man carefully, and he sighed inwardly.

At the same time, some doubts also flashed in the old man's mind. It was hard to imagine why a young man with such a tenacious heart had not yet entered the martial arts school. It seemed that Ye Wentian was not the kind with poor qualifications.

(End of this chapter)

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