Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 656 Lian Ruoshui's Invitation

Chapter 656 Lian Ruoshui's Invitation

Not long after Ye Xiong and the others left, the acupoints on Ye Wentian's body were also automatically unlocked.Ye Wentian gritted his teeth, thinking of the pain and humiliation he had suffered all these years, his heart was filled with unwillingness.

He thought about death, but there was still an obsession in his heart that supported him. He wanted to know who his parents were?Why have you left him here all these years and ignored him?
He heard from the old Patriarch that his father, Ye Zhifeng, was once a super genius of the Ye family, but then disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was holding the newborn him in his arms, and then he never returned. As for what The reason is not very clear, but Ye Wentian guessed that it must have something to do with his biological mother, and the old Patriarch Ye also guessed in the same way.

These years, Patriarch Ye has been in seclusion. Without the protection of Patriarch Ye, Ye Wentian is often bullied by his fellow clansmen, and the current Patriarch simply ignores him.


"Miss, that young man Ye Wentian is actually pretty good." Zhao Jinhuan said with a smile.

"Grandpa Jin, a person with such poor talent, no matter how good his heart is, he will not have much success, let alone become a peerless powerhouse." Zhao Min said flatly.

"If Miss really thinks this way, why don't you just give him the sachet and give him some pills in return?" Zhao Jinhuan smiled jokingly.

Hearing this, a blush flashed across Zhao Min's pretty face, but it quickly disappeared: "Grandpa Jin, something has happened here, let's go back quickly."

Looking at the back of Zhao Min going away, Zhao Jinhuan shook his head with a smile.Zhao Min didn't tell Ye Wentian about the purpose of this trip at all, and Zhao Jinhuan naturally didn't mention it either. He knew that Zhao Min already had calculations in his heart, and sending a sachet was the best example.


For some unknown reason, from that day on, Ye Xiong often practiced in closed doors, rarely went out, occasionally came out, and never bullied Ye Wentian again.Although Ye Jun and Ye Shu still troubled Ye Wentian from time to time, they were not that frequent.

Four years passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past four years, too many things have happened.

The ruler of the Tianfeng Kingdom was not benevolent, cruel and suspicious, and killed Zhongliang, causing the Tianwu Continent to no longer be peaceful and turbulent.

Yuzhou City has also changed.Unlike other places, here is more and more prosperous.

In the Ye family, the former youth is gone and has become a young man; the once immature youth has also become mature after going through the wind and frost. The only thing that has not changed is that the waste that everyone said is still a waste.

"Haha~~ God damn it! Why are you doing this to me? 14 years of hard work didn't pay off at all, I hate it! I hate it so much!" Changtian, his eyes moved slightly, and suddenly felt that at this moment, his heart was so tired, and he just wanted to sleep here forever.

People say that hope can only be seen after hard work, but Ye Wentian has been practicing day and night for 14 years. Apart from training a good body, he has never been able to enter the gate of foundation building.

Ye Wentian slowly opened his eyes as the fragrance entered his nostrils. In the eyes, there was a woman about his age, who was very strange but also very beautiful.

This woman is wearing a pink robe, holding a sword carved with patterns, with a delicate face and a good figure, she is indeed a wonderful person.

Ye Wentian just glanced at it lightly, then closed his eyes, he didn't want to see him, and he didn't want to know who the other party was.

"Master Ye, what's the matter? I'm discouraged." The woman lightly parted her vermilion lips, a little surprised by Ye Wentian's actions. Anyone who sees a beauty like her would at least want to take a second look, but Ye Wentian is just like a puppet. Usually, seeing her is too much effort.

Ye Wentian pretended not to hear, and continued to lie on the thick forest leaves, letting the falling leaves cover his body.

After waiting for a while, Ye Wentian's body was already covered with leaves. The woman frowned slightly, pondered a little, and spoke again.

"Young Master Ye, my lady is here to invite you! I wonder if you can do me a favor?" This time, the woman used her internal strength.

Ye Wentian felt the voice in his ear was loud, which brought back a part of his depressed mood, a little, and slowly sat up, looking at the strange woman in front of him with some doubts.

"Mr. Ye, the little girl's name is Xiaodie. My lady is Lian Ruoshui, the top brand of Yancui Building. I must have heard of Mr. Ye." Xiaodie said.

Ye Wentian's expression was shocked, and he was even more puzzled: "I'm just a complete waste, how can I recognize the big shots outside."

"Mr. Ye, why should you underestimate yourself? Ordinary people still make up the majority in Tianwu Continent, so why should you be so?" Xiaodie's eyes were quite solemn: "Besides, there are few people in the world who are as tough as you. Miss and Xiaodie are the same. They all really want to make friends with the young master, and since they are sincere this time, the young master does not need to be suspicious."

"Yeah, I'm a person who has nothing. I have nothing to be used by others." Ye Wentian smiled indifferently and stood up: "Miss Xiaodie, let's go."

"My lord has figured it out." Xiaodie showed a charming smile.

"I figured it out, and I will be an ordinary person from now on. It's God's will, what do I want to do!" Ye Wentian pretended to smile freely, looking at Chang Tian, ​​unable to suppress the pain in his heart.

Women are always sentimental.

Looking at Ye Wentian's lonely figure, Xiaodie was in a daze.At this moment, a string in her heart was suddenly touched.

"Miss Xiaodie, lead the way." Ye Wentian said lightly.

Xiaodie and Ye Wentian met each other's eyes, her expression trembled, she nodded, and walked side by side with Ye Wentian.


The water is shimmering and the sun is good, and the mountains are empty and rainy. If you want to compare Liuhu Lake to Xizi, it is always suitable to wear light makeup and heavy makeup.

Liu Lake, also known as Hanyan Lake, was named after a woman named Liu Hanyan.

According to ancient legends, in ancient times, there was a great god who knew each other and fell in love with Bibo Fairy Liu Hanyan, who was also a great god, and this was the place where they met for the first time. The great god was imprisoned here, and Fairy Bibo cried bitterly after learning about it, and finally turned into a lake of water to accompany the man for life and life.

What is hidden behind this story, no one knows, time has made everyone forget everything.

Beside Liuhu Lake, there are a lot of people, many of them are young talents, all for the sake of meeting the peerless beauty Lian Ruo Shui who is famous in Yuzhou City.

Xiao Die considered it thoughtful, and covered Ye Wentian in black clothes that completely covered her face, and led Ye Wentian into the special boat, heading towards the big boat in the center of the lake.

"Who is that person?" Everyone was puzzled.

The only thing that was certain was that judging from his body shape, it was definitely a man.

"No matter who that guy is, let me find it!" A sternness flashed in the eyes of a young man.

(End of this chapter)

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