Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 659 1 trick

Chapter 659 One Trick

On the painting boat, Lian Ruoshui stood on the bow of the boat, with her graceful body and charming face, it was really fascinating. She just wanted to share the rain with Wushan and die without regret.

Looking at the starry sky, Lian Ruoshui's eyes were full of thought. She was shocked by the changes in the world just now. Although she didn't know what happened, the unknown is always scary.

"Miss, someone came to report just now. Ye Wentian left the city in the evening, and two servants from the Zhu family and the Li family also followed." A woman reported.

"What!" Lian Ruoshui was shocked, and disappeared without a trace in a flash. Even in the entire Tianwu Continent, it was difficult to find such a terrifying cultivation level.

No one knows who Lian Ruoshui is, but Ye Wentian knows that Lian Ruoshui is by no means as simple as it appears on the surface.

It's a pity that this night, Lian Ruoshui was doomed to be in vain, because the direction she was looking for was just the opposite of Ye Wentian's.


What kind of eyes are these?What kind of experience do you have?Is it vicissitudes, grief, or silence?Why is there an inexplicable mixture of emotions in the depth?
When the first ray of sunlight shone through in the morning, Ye Wentian's eyes suddenly opened, a pair of deep pupils shone like stars, mysterious like the universe.

The memories of the past 18 years flashed through my mind one by one, so clear, just like yesterday, all the hard work seems to be worth it!

"It seems that these are not all my memories!" Ye Wentian murmured to himself, his eyes revealing a pensive look, but unfortunately, some things were buried too deeply, so he couldn't recall them all for a while.

"Peak in the late stage of Yijin!" Ye Wentian spread his hands, feeling the changes in his body, and smiled emotionally: "Skipped the foundation stage all of a sudden, this speed seems to be too fast! However, 14 years of hard work finally paid off!" Payback!"

The other four people also woke up one after another at this time. Seeing Ye Wentian, a carp straightened up and looked at Ye Wentian aggressively.

However, the four of them felt a little strange. They found that Ye Wentian gave them a completely different feeling at this moment, as if he had changed into a different person.

"Ye Wentian, if you don't want to die, just follow us honestly." A servant of the Zhu family said.

"Go with you, why?" Ye Wentian said calmly.

"Just because we can crush you to death at will!" A servant of the Li family said grimly.

"Trash! Hmph~~"

Ye Wentian's eyes turned cold, and with a single step, he arrived in front of that person in an instant.

"You!" The man was startled, and subconsciously took a big step back, his eyes widened bigger than a bull's.

"You are a strong man in the bone forging stage!" The four of them turned pale in shock one after another.

"How is it possible?" A member of the Li family couldn't believe it.

"The four of you, you are a dog, and a fox pretends to be a tiger. I don't know how many innocent people have been killed in these years. Today is a good day for me, Ye Wentian, to see the sun again. Let's use the four of you as a sacrifice." Ye Wentian clenched his fists tightly. There was a creaking sound, and the momentum on his body exploded violently.

"It's really a strong person in the bone forging stage!"


A member of the Li family yelled, turned around and ran away.The cultivation bases of the four are about the same, they are all around the middle of the tendon-changing stage, and they know that they are no match for Ye Wentian, who has reached the bone-forging stage, and judging by Ye Wentian's aura, it is not an ordinary bone-forging stage at all. .

In fact, how did they know that Ye Wentian's cultivation base was only a level higher than theirs, because of the special power in Ye Wentian's body, which led to his leapfrogging momentum and strength.

"If you want to run, is there still time!" Ye Wentian sneered, his feet spun, and four stones shot up into the sky.

Ye Wentian stretched out his hand to take it, a force of Qi locked on the four of them, and threw the stone in his hand violently.


The sound of piercing through the air was like a sharp arrow piercing through the whistle. The strong force of the stone pierced the heads of the four people instantly. The four people's bodies softened and fell to the ground one after another, their bodies still twitching non-stop.

The first time he killed someone, Ye Wentian found that he didn't feel any discomfort at all, as if he had done an ordinary thing, which made him feel a little unbelievable.

"It seems that there is something more." Ye Wentian himself felt the difference in his whole body, as if he had undergone a qualitative change.

Closing his eyes, Ye Wentian found that he could clearly perceive everything within three feet, even the feet of ants on the ground.

"What kind of ability is this? It's amazing. You can see clearly and clearly when you close your eyes than you open them!" Ye Wentian opened his eyes, involuntarily excited.

But soon, Ye Wentian discovered that although he could see things more clearly with his eyes closed, the distance was only limited to within three feet.

Ye Wentian carefully perceived his own changes, and once again discovered a shocking secret.

Hongmeng Daohua Jue is divided into three levels, body training, god training, and Taoism. There are only nine movements for body training, but the subsequent training of gods and Taoism is not clear...

Sensing the sudden extra information in his mind, Ye Wentian was shocked once again.

Happiness came suddenly, making him feel like falling into a dream.

Ye Wentian looked around, found a quiet place, and immediately practiced the first movement of Hongmeng Daohua Jue.

Although this movement is weird and difficult to practice, Ye Wentian's perseverance is different from ordinary people, and under the operation of Hongmeng Daohua Jue, he finally felt the feeling of the surrounding spiritual energy gathering in his body.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Wentian devoted himself even more to the cultivation. Soon, he found that he had met the requirements of the first form of the Hongmeng Daohua Jue. At this moment, he deeply felt that he had become a lot stronger, and his realm was completely solidified. .

"What a mysterious power, what a powerful body training method." Ye Wentian was inexplicably shocked, and couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart.

Ye Wentian was extremely excited, his whole body was boiling with enthusiasm, and he practiced the second form of the Hongmeng Daohua Jue non-stop. After finishing the movements, he found that this movement was difficult. He persisted for more than ten minutes, and his whole body fell into unspeakable pain. .

"Persevere, persevere, persevere!" Ye Wentian gritted his teeth, the primordial Taoism formula in his body was running rapidly, and every time it was running for a week, the mysterious power in his body could relieve him a little bit of pain.

Sweat, like rain, drips down, but so what, no matter how much pain he has endured, he is not afraid, the only thing he is afraid of is that his hard work will not return at all; now, his cultivation base is rising steadily, and his fighting spirit is even stronger strong.


With a muffled sound, Ye Wentian's body trembled, and an orifice in his body was opened, and then the spiritual energy of heaven and earth surged into his body, and transformed into the mysterious power in his body with the help of the formula of grand meng dao.

(End of this chapter)

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