Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 67 Ye Qing

Chapter 67 Ye Qing
Feeling the fear in Xie Wanting's heart, Ye Wentian felt a pity in his heart, and mobilized his original divine power to help her sort out her blood.

Gradually, Xie Wanting's crying disappeared, replaced by a burst of even breathing.

Ye Wentian gently helped Xie Wanting up, and at this moment, she had already fallen asleep peacefully, perhaps because she was too frightened and her body was a little tired, but when meeting Ye Wentian, her tense nerves were released, so she fell asleep comfortably.

Ye Wentian carried Xie Wanting on his back and walked to Zhou Xiaotong's side.

"Is she okay?" Zhou Xiaotong asked.

"It's okay, I just got a little frightened, and I'll be fine after a night of rest." Ye Wentian said, turning his head to look at the corpses: "It seems that the other party is killing people to silence them!"

"Yeah." Zhou Xiaotong nodded, "I hope she knows something."

"Why don't you record her statement tomorrow." Ye Wentian said.

"No problem, but what are you going to do with her tonight?" Zhou Xiaotong asked.

Ye Wentian thought for a while and said with a smile: "How about letting her sleep with you tonight?"

"I only have one bed there!" Zhou Xiaotong looked at Ye Wentian strangely, and whispered, "You don't want the three of us to sleep together, do you?"

"Unexpectedly, your mind is not pure!" Ye Wentian sighed and shook his head.

"Go, go, whoever has impure thoughts." Zhou Xiaotong glared at Ye Wentian, explained some things to a policeman, and then drove away with Ye Wentian and Xie Wanting.


A new day begins.

early morning.

Xie Wanting's eyelids moved, and she slowly opened her eyes. When she entered her eyes, she saw a completely unfamiliar room.

In an instant, Xie Wanting's nerves tensed up. She sat up and took a look at herself. She was wearing pajamas, but her clothes had long since disappeared.

In the room, there was a faint fragrance, which smelled very good, like a woman's smell, and beside the bed was a large poster with a heroic policewoman on it. She was familiar with this policewoman.

Seeing this, Xie Wanting finally felt relieved, recalling that she finally met her beloved brother Tian last night, thinking about it, she should not have encountered any accidents.

Outside the door, there were bursts of slight sounds, as if someone was cooking, and there was a faint sound of two people talking.

"It's Brother Tian!" Xie Wanting was overjoyed, and immediately jumped out of bed, opened the door, and ran towards the source of the voice.

"Brother!" Seeing the scene in the kitchen, Xie Wanting was stunned for a moment. At this moment, Brother Tian in her mind was making breakfast with the policewoman Hua. For some reason, she felt her nose sore.

"Ahem ~ Wanting! You wake up, you wash up first, and you can eat later." Ye Wentian knew that Xie Wanting had discovered the ambiguity between him and Zhou Xiaotong, and was a little embarrassed for a while.

Zhou Xiaotong glared at Ye Wentian, blamed him for being careless, and said instead: "Wanting, let me get you a towel and a toothbrush."

"Oh, thank you!" Xie Wanting replied subconsciously, feeling a little out of control.

There was a table of sweet and delicious breakfast, but Xie Wanting had no appetite at all, she couldn't even eat the favorite omelet that Ye Wentian prepared for her.

Ye Wentian and Zhou Xiaotong looked at each other, feeling a little helpless, after all, some things cannot be solved by comforting them.

After breakfast, Xie Wanting told the story of what happened last night. Xie Wanting remembered the appearance of one of them very clearly.

Xie Wanting was a good painter, and she roughly drew the person's appearance. After Zhou Xiaotong's verification, she finally confirmed that the person was Zheng Qiang, one of Zhao Shun's generals.

The target has been determined, but there is no conclusive evidence to arrest that person, so this matter can only be discussed in the long run.

Zhou Xiaotong went to the police station, and Ye Wentian sent Xie Wanting to the school gate.

"Brother Tian, ​​are you and Sister Xiaotong in love?" Xie Wanting mustered up her courage and finally asked.

Looking at Xie Wanting's innocent eyes, Ye Wen really couldn't bear to hurt her, so after thinking about it, he nodded.

With Ye Wentian's affirmation, Xie Wanting suddenly felt that her last sliver of luck was gone.

"I see." Xie Wanting forced a smile, then turned and ran to her teaching building.

The moment she turned around, she cried, teardrops slipped from the corners of her mouth, and fell to the ground patter, breaking her heart together.

She felt a pain in her chest, she had never been so sad before.She didn't know how to face Ye Wentian in the future, and she didn't know what identity she should stand in front of Ye Wentian. She didn't want to be Ye Wentian's sister, but his lover, but at this moment, all wishes All vanished into thin air.

"Hey~~" Ye Wentian sighed helplessly, shook his head, turned and left the school.

Ye Wentian didn't plan to go to class, and when he entered the classroom, he didn't know how to face Zhang Jing. Fortunately, he didn't go to class, but he knew that some things couldn't be avoided.

"It's time to fulfill the promise!" Ye Wentian took out his mobile phone, found Xiao Yuquan's number, and dialed it.

"God, you finally called. I, who look forward to the stars and the moon, finally look forward to you today." Xiao Yuquan's hearty laughter came from the phone.

"Uncle Xiao, I'm sorry for the delay due to some things." Ye Wentian apologized.

"It's okay, why are you being polite to me. Ask God, where are you now, I'll send someone to pick you up." Xiao Yuquan said.

"Okay, I'm sorry." Ye Wentian said.

"What's the trouble, we are not allowed to say such unreasonable things between us in the future." Xiao Yuquan pretended to be angry.

"Since Uncle Xiao thinks highly of me, I won't be hypocritical anymore." Ye Wentian said with a smile.

"That's right." Xiao Yuquan laughed.

Ye Wentian gave an address, but after a while, a luxurious Bentley drove up to Ye Wentian.

Ye Wentian got in the car, drove for half an hour, and finally the car stopped in a villa complex, here, Ye Wentian had been here.

"It seems that Zhao Fei also lives not far from here! No wonder I see Zhao Fei and Xiao Yuxin going to school together from time to time." Ye Wentian thought to himself.

The car finally stopped in front of a villa, Ye Wen got out of the car, and the three people were waiting for him quietly, as if welcoming some important person.

"Hello, Uncle Xiao, and Uncle Liu." Ye Wentian greeted, looked at the middle-aged woman and said, "Hello, Auntie!"

"Okay, okay! Come on, come in and have a look!" Xiao Yuquan held Ye Wentian's hand, as affectionate as if he were his own son, which made Ye Wentian, who has always been a big man, a little uncomfortable.

Ye Wentian glanced at the entire villa with his consciousness, one, big; two words, big.

Ye Wentian had to sigh, rich people are self-willed, living in such a big house makes a sense of loneliness in their heart for no reason.

At this moment, Ye Wentian turned his head suspiciously and looked at the middle-aged woman, a little puzzled. After he got out of the car, he saw that the middle-aged woman looked at him a little strangely, as if seeing an acquaintance same feeling.

Noticing Ye Wentian's gaze, Xiao Yuquan was also a little strange: "Wentian, I forgot to introduce you. This is Aunt Ye Qingye. She has the same surname as you. Maybe you two are relatives."

"No, brother Xiao, I just look at Ye Wentian and feel very kind." Ye Qing said hastily.

"Oh, it seems that we are all destined. When I saw Wentian for the first time, I also felt very cordial, just like seeing my relatives." Xiao Yuquan laughed.

Hearing this, several people laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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