Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 673 Congenital Spirit Beast

Chapter 673 Congenital Spirit Beast

The big tree bears the huge force of tens of thousands of catties from the third master, and rushed towards Ye Wentian.

Ye Wentian's current strength was no worse than that of the third leader, and he quickly kicked towards the big tree with his right hand. There was a loud noise, and the big tree creaked, and cracks appeared, and the big tree was thrown into the sky with great force.

And at the moment Ye Wentian kicked towards the big tree, the third master seized the opportunity and ran away. At this moment, he had already realized the gap between himself and Ye Wentian.

It would be fine if Ye Wentian didn't use the silver needle, but once Ye Wentian used the silver needle, he would not be Ye Wentian's opponent at all, and would most likely die because of it.

"It's pretty fast!" Ye Wentian looked at the direction that the third master was running, and followed closely.

For some reason, Ye Wentian always felt the creeps all around him, and his accelerated pace couldn't help but stop.

The people who were able to come here are not low in cultivation, and the worst ones are all in the viscera refining period. They all stopped when they sensed the unusual surroundings.

Things have exceeded their expectations, and all of them have been confused by the treasures in their hearts.

The silence and the cold air filled the air, making them shiver involuntarily.


At this moment, 500 meters ahead, the red light rose into the sky again, and the golden light dots flickering in the red light matched the surrounding cyan, which was very beautiful.


"It must be that the baby is about to be born!"

The fanatical voices of the practitioners around came out, and then those practitioners rushed towards the source of the red light at an extremely fast speed.

However, just as they ran for less than tens of meters, what they saw immediately chilled their fiery hearts to freezing point.





A dozen huge spirit beasts soared into the sky, and plunged headlong into the cave.

"Innate level spirit beast!" The crowd was startled, looking at the scene in front of them with lingering fear.

The previous screams are also clear, those people must have rushed into the circle of these innate level spirit beasts, and they didn't even have a chance to escape, so they were killed by them just like that.

"It's no wonder that the strongest spirit beasts in the previous beast tide were only at the peak in the late stage of the marrow washing period. It turns out that the innate level spirit beasts are all here." Ye Wentian's heart was awe-inspiring, and like everyone else, he was even more curious about the treasure ahead.

But Ye Wentian had some doubts in his heart, why didn't this group of innate level spirit beasts go down earlier, but waited until now to enter.

There were some people who had the same question as Ye Wentian, but soon, the answer appeared.


A series of powerful collision sounds came from inside the cave, followed by tremors on the ground, cracks appeared in the surrounding solid ground, and fiery breaths rose slowly.

"The ground is lava!" Ye Wentian was startled, jumped up and retreated quickly.


A series of voices sounded again, and then five huge bodies shot up into the sky, spreading blood rain all over the area for tens of meters, but after a while, another five huge bodies rushed out, also raining blood .

Ten huge bodies slammed into the ground, forming huge pits.





Wind eagles, wind wolves, iron eagles, colorful tigers, green pythons, violent apes...they are all powerful existences, they can be said to be the kings in this Liufeng Forest, but at this moment, without exception, all of them were seriously injured.


Inside the cave, there was another roar that shook the sky, as if to warn all the creatures who tried to snatch the treasure.


The colorful tiger's huge body stood tall, its forelegs as thick as a bucket easily broke a thick tree with a slap, and with its giant claws, it threw it into the hole with all its strength.


The wind sculpture and the iron eagle hovered high in the sky, spinning around the cave, flapping their wings, and the dozens of feathers on their bodies shot towards the cave like sharp arrows.

When the other innate spirit beasts saw it, they were not to be outdone, grabbed the big tree and threw it into the hole.

Ye Wentian and the practitioners were inexplicably horrified. So many congenital spirit beasts dealt with the creatures in the cave at the same time, but none of them got a good deal, and they were all injured by it.

Many cultivators had the idea of ​​retreating, and some of them knew the current affairs and ran away immediately. In this situation, ordinary innate-level powerhouses would not be able to please them, let alone those little people who have not reached the innate level at half a step.

The Xiantian level is divided into four realms, which are refining essence to transform qi, refining qi to transform gods, refining gods to return emptiness, and refining emptiness to combine Taoism. According to legend, once you break through the last realm of the Xiantian level, your whole person will undergo a qualitative change , become the dominant party.

The cultivation bases of these spirit beasts are all in the realm of refining and transforming qi, and the strongest is the colorful tiger, whose cultivation has reached the late stage of refining and transforming qi.

"The guy inside must have the cultivation of refining Qi and turning into a god, otherwise it would be impossible to be so powerful!" Ye Wentian thought secretly in his heart.


There was a roar in the cave, followed by a violent tremor on the ground.

"Are you going to come out?" Ye Wentian stared intently, and the third master not far away and a few guys in the late stage of marrow washing were also watching this scene not far away.



With a roar, a huge monster soared into the sky, carrying a long flame, making the evening suddenly bright.

"This is……"

"Fire python!"

"The fire python that is about to turn into a dragon!"

"It's only in the realm of refining Qi and turning into a god. How can it have such a strong momentum? How can it have the appearance of turning into a flood dragon? The breath on it is so special!" Ye Wentian stared at the fire python closely, the huge fiery red body added The momentum of Shangsheren is really frightening.

This fire python is more than [-] meters long and has a body as thick as a bucket. These innate-level spirit beasts are indeed a bit smaller in front of it.

The fire python stood upright, his eyes glanced around, suddenly he was startled, a pair of fiery red eyes stared at Ye Wentian firmly.

"I'm going, it's a big deal!" Ye Wentian was startled, his heart skipped a beat, feeling like he was being locked in.

But soon, the fire python swished, and quickly jumped to one side. With a sweep of its giant tail, a small hill was picked up by it, and then the fire python swept its tail.

The small hill was completely covered over the hole, so tightly packed that it was really difficult for ordinary people to easily enter.

"Roar~~" Ban Lanhu's big eyes exchanged looks with several other innate-level spirit beasts, and then ten innate-level spirit beasts slowly surrounded the fire python.

At this time, those cultivators still had no intention of staying here, and immediately ran away.


The eyes of the fire python froze, and the flames shot out from its mouth. The speed of the rocket was so fast that practitioners below the innate level had no time to react. Soon, three or four practitioners who started running were instantly pierced by the flames. People burn up.

(End of this chapter)

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