Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 69 Bodyguards

Chapter 69 Bodyguards
Now Ye Wentian could only pray that Xie Wanting was okay and that the trip was safe and sound. What made him feel a little relieved was that Xie Wanting should still be wearing that jade pendant.

Ye Wentian can now be sure that the jade pendant is not a simple treasure, but it is very likely to be a top-grade spiritual weapon, a top-grade spiritual weapon, even in the world of cultivation, it is considered rare.

Relying on the defensive ability of the top-grade spiritual weapon, at least masters below the Jindan stage cannot break through this layer of defense. Ye Wentian doesn't know if there are still Jindan stage masters on the earth, but he does know a little bit. The fourth heaven is equivalent to the heaven-level realm on earth. It is conceivable how few people can threaten Xie Wanting's life.

Ye Wentian walked out of the train station and lay alone in the luxurious Bentley car. He couldn't calm down for a long time, his mind was racing, thinking about the past with Xie Wanting, and also thinking about the scenes he had done.

I don't know how long it took, whether it was a few minutes or a few hours, the sound of knocking on the window of the car woke up Ye Wentian, who was depressed, and turned his head. Outside the car door was a heroic policewoman.

Ye Wentian opened the car door, and Zhou Xiaotong sat in, next to Ye Wentian. Seeing that Ye Wentian was in a bad mood, she didn't speak, but hugged Ye Wentian tightly, and pressed her small head against Ye Wentian's chest.

Zhou Xiaotong did not speak from the beginning to the end, just lying quietly in Ye Wentian's arms, feeling the warmth of the man in front of her, she knew that at this moment, what Ye Wentian needed was warmth, a listener and Someone who made him feel relieved.

Ye Wentian is very grateful to Zhou Xiaotong, this woman he recognized, she is very ordinary, because she is just one of the women among millions, she is extraordinary, because she can give the caring that others can't.

Ye Wentian hugged Zhou Xiaotong tightly, smelled the intoxicating fragrance of his hair, and kissed him lightly, which was an expression of love.

Zhou Xiaotong can deeply appreciate Ye Wentian's deep love for her, which cannot be given by others.

After a long time, Ye Wentian spoke.

"Thank you!" Ye Wentian gently stroked Zhou Xiaotong's pretty face, which was indescribably beautiful.

"There is only heart-to-heart communication between you and me, so don't say thank you." Zhou Xiaotong said affectionately.

The two looked at each other for a long time, and finally they all turned into a pool of spring water.

"It's good to have you!" Ye Wentian kissed Zhou Xiaotong's forehead again.

"With you by my side, I can feel more at ease and at ease than ever before." Zhou Xiaotong said.

The two lived together warmly, forgetting time and work. At this moment, they only remember each other. The world outside the window seems to have gone away from them. The crowds and traffic seem to have become a reality. the past.

Suddenly, their phones rang at the same time.

The two picked up their phones tacitly, looked at each other, and smiled.

Ye Wentian turned on the phone, and there were several missed calls, two of which were called by the fat man, one was called by Xiao Yuquan, the last few were called by Zhou Xiaotong, and the current one is called by Xiao Yuquan.

When it was connected, Xiao Yuquan's voice came instantly.

"God, what's going on? Are you okay?" Xiao Yuquan asked with concern.

"She's gone." Ye Wentian said lightly.

"Let's go!" Xiao Yuquan was startled, and said hastily, "God, do you want me to send someone to find your sister?"

"No need Uncle Xiao, she's fine, you don't have to worry." Ye Wentian continued: "Uncle Xiao, do you have anything to do with me now?"

"Actually, it's nothing serious. I just want you to come over for dinner tonight, and give my daughter a surprise by the way."

"Okay, Uncle Xiao, I'll go back later." Ye Wentian replied.

"Well, we'll wait for you." Xiao Yuquan was very excited.

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Xiaotong had already finished answering the phone and was staring at him blankly.

Just as Ye Wentian opened his mouth, Zhou Xiaotong smiled and said, "You don't need to say anything, I will support you in whatever you do, and I also believe that you can do your part well."

Hearing this, Ye Wentian was not surprised, his feelings were the rhythm of Zhou Xiaotong giving him reassurance and not letting him mess around outside!

Seeing Ye Wentian's expression, Zhou Xiaotong felt a little proud. Of course, she didn't know about this imperial husband's trick, but her mother told her.

"Wentian, I may not be in Jiangling City in the near future. Take care, I will miss you." Zhou Xiaotong said.

"Where are you going?" Ye Wentian was a little helpless: "You don't want to leave me too, do you?"

"Hmph~ It depends on your performance." Zhou Xiaotong kissed Ye Wentian and said with a smile: "Okay, I'm leaving, I will tell you about me sooner or later, and I am looking forward to your secret. "

Zhou Xiaotong kissed deeply again, opened the car door, blinked mischievously, walked into the police car, waved goodbye to Ye Wentian, and left.

Ye Wentian smiled, what more could he ask for such a beautiful wife in his life, he licked the fragrance on his lips, started the car, turned around and drove away.


"Uncle Liu, I've been waiting for a long time, hey~~ why did you change the car today?" Xiao Yuxin was a little puzzled, opened the car door, walked in, and was taken aback: "Dad, why did you come in person?"

"Hehe~~ Yuxin, can't Dad pick you up in person?" Xiao Yuquan lovingly patted Xiao Yuxin's head.

"Of course, I can't wait for my father to pick me up every day." Xiao Yuxin hugged Xiao Yuquan's arm very intimately.

"It's really a child who can't grow up." Xiao Yuquan shook his head: "What will I do if I get married in the future!"

"Hmph~ I'm not getting married anymore, I want to stay by Dad's side forever." Xiao Yuxin said immediately.

"Hehe~ I'm afraid my Yuxin already has someone in her heart!" Xiao Yuquan laughed narrowly.

" can it be?" Hearing this, Xiao Yuxin blushed instantly, feeling a little guilty, and did not dare to look Xiao Yuquan in the eyes.

"Okay, okay! No, Dad blamed you wrongly." Xiao Yuquan didn't point it out, and continued: "Yu Xin, I have prepared a surprise for you today, do you expect it?"

"Surprise!" Xiao Yuxin was taken aback when she heard the words, and immediately became excited: "What surprise?"

Xiao Yuquan thought for a while, and then said: "Let me tell you this, do you wish to have a bodyguard who will accompany you to and from school or even go home, protecting you all the way?"

"Personal bodyguard!" Xiao Yuxin immediately frowned, curled her lips, and said angrily, "No!"

"Really not?" Xiao Yuquan smiled meaningfully.

"No, just don't, I don't want a personal bodyguard, hum~~ Uncle Liu is enough to pick me up, what kind of bodyguards do I need, if Dad does this, I must hate you to death!" Xiao Yuxin said angrily.

"Oh, well, since I don't want it, I'll drive him away later. Brother Liu, you heard that, Yuxin said no, so don't blame me then." Xiao Yuquan pretended Said very seriously.

Liu Quan, who was driving the car, couldn't help but smile when he heard the conversation between the father and daughter. After seeing the real person, Xiao Yuxin's expression will definitely be quite exciting.

(End of this chapter)

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