Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 7 Unbelievable Picture

Chapter 7 Unbelievable Picture

"Brother Tian, ​​I was wrong, I don't doubt you anymore!" Wang Hu wiped the water off his face with his hands, and looked weakly at the angry Ye Wentian.

"Well, you fat man, you start to deny people when you're full, believe it or not, I'll kill you!" Ye Wentian really had the urge to slap this guy to death.

"Hey, Brother Tian, ​​it's getting late, let's go to bed!" As he said, Wang Hu moved his body, leaving half of the bed ready for Ye Wentian to sleep.

"Forget it, you are a patient, you go to sleep! I can just squint for a while, and besides, I may not have the habit of sleeping with men." Ye Wentian waved his hands.

"Brother Tian, ​​you are so kind!" Wang Hu said emotionally.

"My dear, don't say it so emotionally, okay? It's very nasty. I don't know. I thought we had an improper relationship." Hearing Wang Hu's words, Ye Wentian couldn't help but shivered. He glared at Wang Hu: "Hurry up and go to bed, you still have class tomorrow."

"Well, Brother Tian, ​​you should go to bed early too." Wang Hu closed his eyes obediently, and suddenly, his eyes opened again, like a dead person who has returned to the light. Looking at Ye Wentian, he said very seriously: "Brother Tian, ​​you have to study hard, otherwise we won't be able to be together in the future!"

"..." Ye Wentian broke out in a cold sweat: "Fatty man, can you stop talking so much, if you don't sleep, be careful and I will beat you!"

Hearing this, Wang Hu subconsciously tightened his body, covered his buttocks with one hand, and closed his eyes. After a while, a faint snoring sounded, and then it became louder and louder.

"I'm going, this fat man's state has entered too quickly!" Ye Wentian felt a sneer in his heart, turned his head, saw the remaining chicken soup, carefully sealed it, and prepared to eat it tomorrow morning, and now the temperature is not the same at night Not high, the food is not so easy to go bad, not to mention such a nutritious thing, Ye Wentian is not one of those rich families who waste thousands of things casually.

Ye Wentian sat beside Wang Hu's bed, drooling while watching Wang Hu sleep, apparently still thinking about tonight's big meal in his sleep, couldn't help smiling, then leaned his hands on the bed, unconsciously I also fell asleep during the night.

"Where is this? Am I sleeping? Could it be that this is a scene from a dream?" Ye Wentian was puzzled for a while, in front of him, there was an endless void, hazy, and he couldn't see anything, but there was a faint expression Unclear things exist.

"What is Tao? Tao can only be understood, not expressed in words. Feel the world with your heart, touch the world with your heart, touch the distant depths of the universe, feel the vastness of the universe, and feel its vastness and vastness.

Everything in the world is transformed and derived from Tao.Human beings, beasts, trees, mountains and rivers... All of these are Dao, and Dao can be said to be everywhere, exist everywhere, depend on us, and accompany us day and night..." From nowhere, an illusory voice It passed into Ye Wentian's ears, it seemed to be far away, but it seemed more like it was right next to his ears.

Ye Wentian listened suspiciously. Gradually, when the screen turned, the emptiness in front of him dissipated, as if layers of mysterious veils had been lifted, and Ye Wentian actually saw the scene when the world was in chaos: the world is vast, what? None, the universe is nothingness; but this chaos is not static, it is moving and slowly evolving.

Time is like flowing water. I don't know how many days, years, or countless epochs have passed. During these long years, the universe has gradually formed stars and some invisible substances.

There is wind, thunder, ice, fog, and yin and yang, and gradually, yin and yang eventually turn into five elements: metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.

Life is born from this.

And in the chaotic space deep in the universe, something was bred faintly, vaguely, with only a little outline.

Ye Wentian tried his best to stare, and finally saw clearly: a person and a magic bead.

But after a while, the person and the beads disappeared, and the screen changed again to a battlefield.

Those great gods in ancient times were born strong, and they were prone to landslides and earth shattering.Some people are so powerful that they can break through the void with just a pair of fists; some people have powerful spells and use the power of heaven and earth for their own use, turning lightning, wind, ice, and fire... nine kinds of extreme power are swayed Such as arms; some are born as beasts, can transform into human form, have a long lifespan, a strong physical body, super recovery ability, and abnormal defense ability...

There are strong and weak beings in the world, the ancient gods are fighting for each other, and there are countless casualties. The original beautiful rivers and mountains have returned to silence, miserable and dilapidated...

I don't know how long it has passed, and I don't know how many years have passed. The distant universe is deeper, perhaps, that is the center of the universe. A "meteor" flashes across, dazzling, attracting Ye Wentian who is falling into the ancient battlefield. come over.

This "meteor" is very unusual, or to be more precise, it is not a meteor at all, but a spirit body, the body of Dao Spirit.

The body of Dao Ling has been traveling through the void, and those ancient gods and powerful men with supreme supernatural powers have not been able to detect its existence at all.

There is no rule at all in the trajectory of the Taoist body. Those who were originally in this space stayed for a while, or for a few years, or for centuries, and then appeared in another space next time.

Ye Wentian felt that there was an inexplicable connection between the Taoist body and his own body. With such a fast speed and such an unruly traversing trajectory, his body shape could keep up with his body exactly. speed.

Gradually, under the polishing of the years, the body of the dao spirit finally changed, and the light ball seemed to have life in motion.

Time travels, the years are long, and in a blink of an eye, the spirit body has formed a human shape, and Ye Wentian was frightened stupid when he focused his eyes.

That appearance is basically what he looks like now, but the other party has an invisible affinity and otherworldly temperament.

Long hair fluttering, slender figure, eyes as deep as the vast stars, there seems to be an invisible attraction, people are deeply trapped in it unconsciously, unable to extricate themselves, just those eyes are more powerful than super The invincible and peerless beauty is even more alluring. If such a beautiful man appears in the present age, it will definitely drive women all over the world crazy...

Unknowingly, the scene in front of me changed again, the familiar world, the familiar atmosphere, and even the familiar characters.

"Father, mother!" Ye Wentian exclaimed. In fact, he didn't know that they were his biological parents, but the feeling of blood connection made him sincerely affirm this fact.

The spirit body seemed to have finally locked on to the target, the light flashed, and submerged into Ye Wentian's biological mother's belly.

Ye Wentian was five points similar to his father, and five points similar to her mother, and the two happened to be passed on to him in a ratio of one to one.

She was pregnant in October, and once she gave birth, Ye Wentian was born.

Two grown-ups, the handsome man and the soft woman, plus a dexterous baby, lead a happy and harmonious life as a family.

But the good times didn't last long. Not long after Ye Wentian was born, a disaster happened suddenly.Ye Wentian saw his parents running non-stop, and her mother was exhausted, was overtaken by people behind, and fell into a pool of blood, and his father gave him to a passerby, that passerby Ye Wentian is very familiar with it. It is Liu Yong, the director of Wanfu Orphanage in Jiangling City, and his father ran away and was killed by those people...

(End of this chapter)

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