Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 71 Mysterious Mission

Chapter 71 Mysterious Mission
Seeing the exchange between the two, Wang Zhen nodded slightly.

"Second Junior Sister, although your cultivation has not improved, but your strength has improved a lot. Fourth Junior Brother, your cultivation is higher than Second Junior Sister. Although you seem to have won, if you are on the battlefield, I believe you will win. It must be the Second Junior Sister." Wang Zhen commented.

"Of course, if it's on the battlefield, I'd rather die in the hands of Second Senior Sister." Dongfang Long said seriously.

"..." Zhou Xiaotong was speechless for a while.

Wang Zhen smiled, didn't say anything, and explained to Zhou Xiaotong about the third junior brother Cai Yu.

From Wang Zhen's mouth, I learned that Cai Yu, the third junior brother, was blown up by a grenade because he was trying to save a woman during a search and rescue process. Although his actions are definitely not as good as before after recovery, he is still an ordinary person. Not bad, and the most important thing is to capture the woman's heart.

"I think the third junior brother is living a pretty good life now, and has reaped a rare marriage." Zhou Xiaotong wished sincerely from the bottom of his heart.

"Second Junior Sister, it seems that you have changed a lot in the past two years, and you were not so sentimental before!" Wang Zhen said narrowly.

"Brother, haven't you changed a lot? Could it be that you met the woman you like?" Zhou Xiaotong laughed.

After Wang Zhen heard this, his face turned red, but he recovered in an instant.

"Hehe~ It seems that the elder brother really has a sweetheart, tell the second junior sister, which girl is it, maybe I can help." Zhou Xiaotong hit the railway while it was hot.

"Ahem~ Well, Second Junior Sister, let's get down to business." Wang Zhen couldn't stand Zhou Xiaotong's questioning.

"Well, I won't embarrass you anymore." Zhou Xiaotong smiled, turned his head, saw what Dongfang Long and Gongsun Linglong were talking about, thought for a while, and frowned: "Linglong, you are chatting with Fourth Junior Brother What? So mysterious."

"It's nothing, let's talk again... Ah! Why is the weather so good, isn't it, Third Senior Sister?" Dongfang Long blinked and said first.

"Yes, we were talking about the weather." Gongsun Linglong echoed.

"Linglong, come here, I have something to tell you." Zhou Xiaotong pulled Gongsun Linglong aside to talk.

After Zhou Xiaotong questioned her, she realized that Dongfang Long asked Gongsun Linglong how to chase her instead of asking about Ye Wentian, which made her a little speechless, but Zhou Xiaotong finally asked Gongsun Linglong to keep Ye Wentian's secret.

Several people walked together, and Wang Zhen started to talk about business.

"The leader wants the four of us to go back to Yanjing headquarters first. The fifth junior sister has something to do now. Listen to the leader. This time, there is a mysterious task for us. The degree of difficulty may be very high, so we need a short period of time. Go back and focus on training.

Linglong, your strength is the lowest. You may have to suffer a lot this time. You have to be mentally prepared. Although a cultivator is strong, the pain he can endure is not comparable to that of ordinary people. " Wang Zhen said.

"I know, I will definitely catch up with you as soon as possible." Gongsun Linglong is full of confidence, because she still has someone in her heart. She was a little annoyed because of her strength before, but now there is an opportunity in front of her. In front of herself, she decided to cherish it very much.

Among the five people, the third child is in a pivotal position. A person in this position does not have to be very skilled in martial arts, but he must be proficient in technology and networks, be able to steal the latest secret information from various countries, and also know a lot of knowledge in addition to martial arts. And Gongsun Linglong is such a comprehensive talent, which is why she was selected.

Zhou Xiaotong got in the car, returned to the police station, and explained everything to Xiao Li, especially asking Xiao Li to "take care" of Ye Wentian.

After that, Zhou Xiaotong got into the Land Rover, driven by Gongsun Linglong, a true car master.

As the car drifted away, Zhou Xiaotong's longing became deeper and deeper, not only for the city where she had lived for more than two years, but also for a person, a person who made her feel happy from the bottom of her heart.

Opening the window, looking at the rapidly disappearing scenery outside the window, tears drifted down unconsciously, and with the wind, drifted to the distance, and there was his place there.

She didn't know how long she hadn't shed tears, but at this moment, she couldn't help it.

Several people in the car noticed the change in Zhou Xiaotong's expression and did not disturb her. They were silent and dull, except for the sound of Gongsun Linglong stepping on the brakes and turning the steering wheel to change gears.

Seeing Zhou Xiaotong so sad, Dongfang Long felt very painful in his heart, and wanted to hold her in his arms and care for her, but he knew that doing so would only be counterproductive, because her heart was not with him, and he really wanted to know, what is it? What kind of man can make the goddess in his mind become what he is today.

Dongfang Long is not a narrow-minded person. He chooses Zhou Xiaotong to be happy in his heart, but if Zhou Xiaotong is bullied one day, he will definitely take care of the person who hurt her. Even if he can't beat her, he will go all out.

This is Dongfanglong, the same infatuated species who is obsessed with love.


Ye Wentian was cooking, when suddenly he felt icy cold on his cheeks, like falling rain, but the difference was that it fell into his heart.

A deep feeling of longing surged into his heart, Ye Wentian's heart flustered for no reason, he touched the sudden cold spot on his face, but there was nothing, but the longing never disappeared.

Perhaps this is the thread of the marriage of thousands of miles, and thousands of years of cultivation can sleep together!

"Aunt Qing, I'll go out for a while!" Ye Wentian said, and ran out without waiting for Ye Qing's reply.

But after a while, the Bentley car started outside the villa and sped away. At the same time, a BMW car drove in, but the route was different from Ye Wentian's.

Ye Wentian drove all the way, and finally the car stopped inside the police station.

"Brother Li, where is Xiaotong?" Ye Wentian found Li Qing and asked hurriedly.

"The captain said she has important things to do, and asked me to take her place temporarily, and let me take care of you in the future. It's hard to imagine that our captain still has such a gentle side." Li Qing patted Ye Wentian shoulders, unspeakable envy.

"She's really gone!" Ye Wentian muttered to himself, ran out of the police station, saw a tall building not far away, took advantage of the extension of each floor all the way up to the top of the building.

Standing on a high place and looking around, except for the tall buildings, there is only endless traffic of people and vehicles, how could Zhou Xiaotong be seen.

Ye Wentian clutched his chest tightly, expressing his love for Zhou Xiaotong in his heart.

He believes that there is something invisible and intangible that tightly binds his heart and her heart together. They will be firmly bound together in this life or the next life, and they will be separated forever. not open.

(End of this chapter)

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