Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 77 Zhang Jing's Letter

Chapter 77 Zhang Jing's Letter
Wang Hu put down his schoolbag, dug out for a while, and finally took out a key. When Ye Wentian saw it, he felt that the key was very familiar, but he didn't remember it for a while.

"Brother Tian, ​​this is from Teacher Zhang. She said 'bedside table' and didn't say anything else." Wang Hu gave the key to Ye Wentian.

"Ms. Zhang!" Ye Wentian was taken aback, feeling that something was unusual: "Did something happen to Mr. Zhang?"

"I happened to be staying on duty last night, so I went home late. At that time, I happened to walk to this position and saw a few burly men in black at the school gate pulling Teacher Zhang. I was afraid that they were bad people, so I went to the school. Before yelling, Teacher Zhang saw me and said a few words to those people, and then those people let Teacher Zhang go. Teacher Zhang told me that those people were sent by the family and would not do anything to her. Zhang The teacher told me that she might never teach us again, let us prepare well for the college entrance examination, and give me this key for you." Wang Hu said.

"I see, you two go to class first, I'll go to Teacher Zhang's house." Ye Wentian said something, and walked quickly towards Zhang Jing's apartment.

Looking at Ye Wentian's back, Xiao Yuxin faintly felt that the relationship between Ye Wentian and Zhang Jing was very unusual. I have to say that a woman's intuition is so accurate that there is nothing to say.

"Squad leader, let's go, tell everyone about Teacher Zhang later." Wang Hu said.

"Well, let's go." Xiao Yuxin nodded, and the two walked towards the classroom.

In the distance, the school gate.

"Hmph~~ Ye Wentian, you will see me in two days." Zhao Fei looked at Ye Wentian's disappearing back with hatred, turned and walked towards another classroom.

Now he regrets a bit. In the past, he was not very sensible, and he believed that "distance creates beauty, and seeing each other every day is like three autumns", so he chose to go to another class. Now it's all right, the wife in my heart He was snatched away by others, but he was finally defeated by "the one who is close to the water and the platform first gets the moon".


Looking at the familiar stairs and corridors, thinking of the scenes with Zhang Jingxiang... But now, things are different, Ye Wentian inevitably feels melancholy.

Opening the door, Ye Wentian walked in.

The faint fragrance, very familiar, is the smell of her body, and Zhang Jing's face appeared again unconsciously in his mind.

Looking at the familiar scenes and objects, nothing moved, still so neat and clean, it was obvious that Zhang Jing walked in a hurry, and nothing in the room had been moved.

Ye Wentian sighed softly, feeling helpless and longing.

Came to Zhang Jing's boudoir, walked to the bedside, Ye Wentian gently opened the cabinet, inside was an envelope, and on the envelope was so similar to Xie Wanting, a strand of black hair.

Ye Wentian smiled wryly in his heart. The more debts he owed, the more uncomfortable he felt. He didn't know what to do. He couldn't just ignore them when something happened to them. There's always drama going on.

Maybe there are more beauties in this world who love heroes!

Ye Wentian thought so.

Putting the strand of blue silk into the Qiankun ring, Ye Wentian opened the envelope, and the beautiful handwriting came into view, as beautiful as Zhang Jing's face.

"Tian Cheng, when you read this letter, I have already left. Perhaps, we will never see each other again. But no matter what, you will always be the one I love the most. It will be engraved in my heart and will be indelible.

Being in the family is destined to be involuntary.As for me, I'm just a bargain to improve the status of the family. No one will take pity on me, not even my father, let alone my stepmother.

I long for true love, a love of flesh and blood.So after graduation, I chose to stay away from my family and came to Gangneung City.

I knew that my whereabouts would be found by the family sooner or later, but I didn't expect that it would be so fast, and my family members would find me within a week after I left.

I had no choice but to choose a reason to stay in this strange city of Jiangling for a year.

Time is really rushing like water, and in a blink of an eye, one year has passed. I originally thought that I was doomed to not find true love in this life, but after a year, I realized that I fell in love with you without knowing it. For you, my student.

It wasn't until that day that you suddenly disappeared, and at that moment, I panicked, that I knew that your figure had entered my heart imperceptibly.

Although you are always not serious in class and always like to make trouble, but for some reason, I just like your appearance and the masculinity in you.

I thought about it, maybe I saw myself in you, and I also longed to break the shackles of my own destiny, but I knew that I didn't have the courage or strength like you.

I still remember the moment when you forced the poison in the bathroom. At that time, I actually had an urge to hand myself over to you, but I didn’t have the courage to let go of my reserve... until after that, I went to the bathroom for the second time. The prison looks at you, that time, I made up my mind to hand myself over to you, but fate tricked me, but you are no longer there.

That day, I knew that I might never see you again.Until the next few days, you really didn't come to class.

I am so sad and miss you so much.


If that person ever appeared in the world, then other people would just make do with it, and I don't want to make do with it.

If possible, I would like to be a loving couple with you in the next life!

Love your Jing! "

After reading Zhang Jing's letter to him, Ye Wentian couldn't calm down for a long time.

"This silly woman!" Ye Wentian sighed secretly.

After thinking about it, Ye Wentian was still afraid that she would be overwhelmed, so he put away the letter, picked up the phone and dialed out.

"Man, why are you free to call today?" Li Qing's hearty voice came from the phone.

"Brother Li, Sister Jing has left Jiangling City." Ye Wentian's tone was a bit dejected.

"What! When did it happen?" Li Qing turned pale with shock, making the surrounding police officers feel tense, thinking that something serious happened again.

"It happened last night. Brother Li, do you have any information about Sister Jing, especially about Sister Jing's birthplace?" Ye Wentian said.

"No." Li Qing shook his head and said, "The captain personally handled the matter about Zhang Jing, and I don't know. Ask God, what happened to Zhang Jing?"

"Sister Jing was taken away by the family members, but I don't know where she is now." Ye Wentian said.

"Family?" Xiao Li was startled. He had never thought that Zhang Jing's background was so great. If so, it would be even more impossible for him to get together with Zhang Jing.

"Wen Tian, ​​I'm afraid only the captain knows best about this matter." Li Qing said helplessly, his whole body like a deflated ball.

"Okay, I see, that's it, goodbye!" Ye Wentian hung up the phone, and lay alone on Zhang Jing's boudoir bed, looking at the ceiling quietly.

From the moment Zhou Xiaotong left, she couldn't get through on the phone anymore, and now it is even more difficult to find Zhang Jing's location.

(End of this chapter)

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