Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 813 Liu Xuanji's Anger

Chapter 813 Liu Xuanji's Anger

Ye Wentian nodded without denying it.

Chen Yanhong and Chen Yanbing had already guessed it, but they didn't expect Ye Wentian to be such a person.

"I didn't expect that, I used to be so unbearable." Ye Wentian looked at Chen Yanhong, Chen Yanbing and Zhao Min with a helpless smile.

"Sanggong, no matter what happens, Xiaorou will always be by your side." Xiaorou said seriously.

"Fortunately, there is still you." Ye Wentian put his arms around Xiaorou's waist, quite moved.

"However, people like Ye Wentian are really hard to hate. My little sister and I have never been in a relationship, and we only judge from a subjective point of view. Perhaps, we are ashamed and know our own temperature; I am afraid it is difficult for outsiders to understand deeply. .” Chen Yanhong continued.

"It's rare for Ms. Chen to have such insights. She drank her own blood and knew how warm and cold she is. If she doesn't experience it personally, how can she understand it deeply?" Ye Wentian sighed.

Zhao Min took a deep look at Ye Wentian, then lowered his head and continued to roast the meat, thinking about something.

Inevitably, Zhao Min's grilled meat did not taste very good this time, he was distracted, and it was the first time, and Ye Wentian processed it in the end, so everyone had the appetite to swallow it.

There was nothing to say all night, and he sat cross-legged in the carriage, thinking about his own affairs quietly.

Facing the rising sun and heading towards the destination, the carriage started again.


Xunyang City is a bustling city. Here, next to the Qingxu Sect, is the city managed by the largest Qingxu Sect in the world.

But at this moment, a strange thing happened in Xunyang City. Many people got sick, and this kind of sickness was very strange. Everyone who got sick had black air on their bodies. Although it was very faint, they could see it clearly and clearly.

This was already the seventh day that some people in Xunyang City had this disease, and more and more people were infected. It was rumored that this was an extremely severe plague.

On the street, everyone who passed by wore a mask. Some people in the martial arts, even those who were at the peak in the late stage of marrow washing, would also suffer from the same disease once they inhaled this breath.Only when the cultivation base reaches the innate level can this disease stay away from them.

In addition to the faint black air on the body, the body will feel colder and colder, and they want to eat, especially bloody things, but once they eat this kind of food, their condition will worsen, Only sunlight seems to give them some relief, but it doesn't cure the symptoms.

No one knows where the source of this plague came from. The Qingxu Sect sent several innate-level masters, and some below the innate-level masters, but soon, the masters below the innate-level touched the dead. One by one was infected and had to be quarantined.

Faced with this symptom, all the masters of the Qingxu sect in the realm of refining qi and transforming spirits were mobilized, but there was nothing they could do.

Seeing that the martial arts alliance meeting was approaching, Liu Xuanji, the head of the Qingxu Sect, frowned. I am afraid that people from various sects and factions began to come to Xunyang City one after another, but for safety reasons, Liu Xuanji had to arrange for his subordinates to , sent them to live in the Qingxu sect at high speed.

There is still a long distance between Xunyang City and the Qingxu Sect, and it will take several hours to go fast, and it will take a while to walk from the foot of the Qingxu Sect to the Qingxu Sect, because the Qingxu Sect is too big.

"Elder Li, what's the result? Did you find anything?" Liu Xuanji was extremely angry.

"No, with my skill, I can only suppress the emission of those poisons, but I can't get rid of them at all." Li Zong shook his head helplessly.

"I didn't expect a plague to disrupt my plan. It's really hateful." Liu Xuanji slapped the armrest of the seat, and the armrest immediately turned into powder.

With Liu Xuanji's strength, the chair to sit down in time is very good, and this is probably the only ending.

"Tell me, could it be that someone secretly messed up and released this kind of poison?" Liu Xuanji pondered for a while, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"This..." Li Zong took two steps, pondered for a while, and nodded: "It is possible, and the most likely one is the Saints Sect. After all, what we have to deal with is the Saints Sect, and among the Saints Sect, The chain snake, the femme fatale, is the best at using poison, and this kind of thing may be made by this hateful woman."

"Chain snake!" Liu Xuanji clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and said, "When I become the leader of the martial arts and catch this chain snake, I must let her experience the pain of dying! I heard that this woman is pretty, She's so seductive, I've been guarding myself for so many years, I must make a fuss about this woman!"

Hearing Liu Xuanji's words, the corners of Li Zong's mouth twitched. Thinking of the scene where Liu Xuanji and the chain snake were doing things, his heart trembled, and he quickly came to his senses.

"Senior Brother Sect Leader, but right now we should quickly find a countermeasure." Li Zong said.

"En." Liu Xuanji nodded: "How many people are infected?"

"There are 40 people in Xunyang City. According to incomplete statistics, there are already tens of thousands of people infected, and this number is still rising. It seems that even if we cooperate with the city lord of Xunyang City to control these people, the number of infected people will be reduced." It will still increase, obviously, the source of infection is in a place close to people." Li Zong thought for a while, and then added: "And this place is not easy to be noticed by people."

"Then there is only water!" Liu Xuanji's face darkened: "It's really difficult, there are too many water sources in Xunyang City, and it is almost impossible to find the source of the disease in a short time."

"I have had people experiment. Once these infectious breaths come into contact with water, it is difficult to detect them at all, because the breath is already weak." Li Zong said.

"Maybe the source is very strong, but it's not necessarily true." Liu Xuanji thought for a while and said.

"It's possible." Li Zongwei nodded after pondering, "Maybe we can find the answer we want by following this clue."

"That's right, Li Zong, hurry up and send out third-level disciples to search along the water source. You must find the source of the accident. If you find it and you can't deal with it, let me know!" Liu Xuanji said solemnly.

"Okay, don't worry senior brother, I'll do it right away." Li Zong nodded.

Li Zong turned around and walked towards the door.

"Wait!" Liu Xuanji stopped Li Zong, and Li Zong came back.

"You send someone to bring over the ten disciples I sent to be infected. Let me see for myself. With my strength, I don't believe that I can't force out the poison made by that stinky bitch named Chain Snake." Liu Xuanji said coldly. Said.


Soon, Li Zong sent people to bring the ten infected disciples to Liu Xuanji one by one. Liu Xuanji was very surprised when he saw the faint blackness rising from these people. This was the first time he encountered such a situation.

(End of this chapter)

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