Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 816 3 people

Chapter 816

In Xunyang City, the atmosphere is still weird, few people come out to hang out, and even the voices of peddlers on the street are rare.

Although the infected population has been controlled by the disciples of the Qingxu Sect, there are still some infected people who are not quarantined every day, and the situation seems to be gradually getting worse.

Xunyang City was a bustling city a few days ago, but now it is full of depression, which makes people feel desolate.

Some people were fine at first, but when they were walking on the street, they suddenly had black air on their bodies, which scared the surrounding crowd away immediately, and this happened several times. Since then, there have been fewer people.

Even if those who are about to get sick stop walking on the street, they will still get sick when they get sick, and it is not because of exercise that the disease is caused.

In the major inns, it can be said that there are very few people, and the business is bleak. Only those with strong cultivation bases will go to the inns to stay or eat.

At this moment, three figures came in from the south gate, and they were stunned when they saw the scene in Xunyang City.

"Why is this happening? Isn't this the city managed by the Qingxu Sect, the largest faction in the world? I remember that the Qingxu Sect will hold a martial arts alliance meeting in a few days." It was a young woman who spoke, beautiful and timely. Dressed like a village woman, it is still difficult to conceal her peerless appearance.

This young woman is holding the hands of two children. The two children are not very old, about ten years old. Seeing the scene in front of them with simple faces, they are emotionally touched.

"Aunt Wang, I miss Grandpa." The little girl blinked her eyes, the sockets of which were filled with tears.

"Aunt Wang!" Hearing the little girl say this, the little boy did the same.

"Don't cry, everything will be fine. This time the Qingxu faction is holding a martial arts conference, maybe your elder brother Tian will come back here." The young woman patted the heads of the two children.

"Really?" Hearing the young woman's words, the two children immediately stopped crying.

"Of course." The young woman nodded, but she was lying to the two children, and she doesn't know the specific situation now.

These days, she has been walking the mountain roads and trails with her two children, and many things that happened outside are not clear.

"Aunt Wang, what happened here? Could it be that they were also violated by bad guys?" the little girl asked.

"It seems not. Let's go over and ask." The young woman took the hands of the two children and walked towards the opposite side.

The door of the inn was open, but there were only two Jianghu Dahan eating, and the rest were empty seats.

"Are you two hungry?" the young woman asked.

The two children were not very hungry at first, but when they heard the young woman's words, their stomachs growled in response.

The two children opened their bright eyes, looked at the young woman shyly, and randomly stroked the screaming belly.

"Hehe~~ Let's go eat something." The young woman walked into the inn holding the hands of the two little guys.

The waiter, who was dozing off, suddenly felt a pleasant fragrance coming from the tip of his nose. He took a couple of sniffs and opened his eyes. There was a beautiful young woman in his eyes.

"Cough cough~ Girls, please sit down." The young woman has actually passed her forties, but because of her martial arts cultivation and maintenance, she looks like she is only in her early thirties.

"Come to some of the best side dishes in your store." The young woman said.

Xiao Er immediately went to prepare. At this time, a group of people came in and sat around. Judging from their identities and clothes, they were disciples of the Qingxu Sect.

"Hey~~ I didn't expect that our Qingxu sect, the most powerful sect in the world, would have such a thing happen at a critical moment. It's really abominable!" One of the men thumped the table, his eyes were full of anger.

"Who said it wasn't? You said that this plague is good or not, but it happened at this time, and it still appeared in the prosperous Xunyang City. This is really a bit unusual." Another disciple of the Qingxu Sect said.

"What's unusual, I think it's because the bastards of the Saint's Sect are afraid that our six sects will join forces to wipe them out, so they secretly planted this poison, and want to give us a blow first." The previous anger said the disciple.

"It's really possible for you to say that. Disciples below the Xiantian level will be infected. This is obviously a special poison. If it is really a plague, I am afraid that ordinary Xiantian masters will not be able to resist it." Another disciple said.

"But it's not true. There are different degrees of plague. Small plagues are easy to cure, but major plagues are difficult." Another disciple said.

"If you say that, don't those bastards from the Saints Gate do it?" said the angry man.

"That's not true, I'll just analyze it." The man replied.

"According to legend, the Chain Snake, one of the four guardians of the Saints Sect, is a master at using poison. This woman is cruel and merciless, and she is very good at poisoning. I heard that even our elder Li Zongli can't guarantee that he can win against this woman. Look, the poison this time must have been done by this witch," said the man.

"And I heard that this witch is charming and charming, hehe~~ If I catch this witch this time, I have to ask the master to give me this witch, and I will ravage her well." Another man said, As soon as he exhaled his energy, a streak of innate qi was faintly formed.

"Innate-level powerhouse." The young woman sitting on the other side was startled. She didn't expect that these people's strength is not bad, and the man just now has the highest cultivation level, and I am afraid that he has reached the peak of the late stage of refining and transforming Qi.

The two big men at the other table were just eating casually, but when they heard the nonsense of these disciples of the Qingxu Sect, they frowned, and a big man was about to chop them with a knife.

But at this time another strong man shook his head, the two ate a few mouthfuls casually, dropped the silver ticket, and walked out with a big knife.

Noticing the two big guys, the leader of the Qingxu Sect grinned, and then said, "Do you think those two guys just now belong to the Saint Sect?"


"I didn't notice." The others shook their heads.

"I think it's the eighth floor." The leading man smiled.


"I said this on purpose just now to see their reaction, and it turned out to be the case. I was very angry. You said that if you are not a disciple of the Saints, why are you so angry? The people of the Saints are cruel and cruel, and it is not a good thing. " said the man.

"Then shall we go up and kill them?" Others asked.

"No need, it's just two little guys. It won't work if you kill them, and it won't bring our words to the fore." After the man finished speaking, several people laughed one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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