Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 843 Butterfly Dance, Butterfly Clothes

Chapter 843 Butterfly Dance, Butterfly Clothes

Immediately, Die Wu's eyes turned to Ye Wentian. Although Die Wu lost her eyeballs, Ye Wentian knew that Die Wu could still see him, and had quickly adapted to a part of the power in her body.

This made Ye Wentian very surprised. It stands to reason that ordinary people who suddenly become martial arts masters will not use the power in their bodies, but Die Wu seems to be familiar with it. There is only one possibility, that is, Die Wu knows these things The method of using power, of course, is also inseparable from her own outstanding talent.

When the cultivation base reaches the innate level, a eye will appear in the Yintang acupoint in the brain. This eye is called the third eye. Everyone has the third eye, but many people only open this magic when the cultivation base reaches the innate level. s eyes.

After the third eye is opened, you can perceive the surrounding things, and you can see the subtleties. Only at the beginning, the average person can see things within one foot. With the gradual improvement of the cultivation level, the third eye can see farther and farther .

The function of the third eye at this time is called spiritual consciousness by everyone.Before spiritual consciousness transforms, it is impossible to penetrate things like Ye Wentian. Only when spiritual consciousness transforms into divine consciousness again can it be penetrating, and with the transformation, the ability of divine consciousness becomes stronger and stronger, so powerful that it is unimaginable the point.

When Die Wu saw Ye Wentian for the first time, she was amazed, because Ye Wentian didn't wear a hat at the moment, and Die Wu's heart was moved by the man's temperament that day, but at the moment she had no other thoughts, only for Ye Wentian. Wentian was very curious and appreciative.

"This is Mr. Ye Wentian, right?" Die Wu said softly.

Die Wu's voice is beautiful, as sweet as a bird, and has a kind of motherly warmth.

Ye Wentian looked at Die Wu, and a beautiful image flashed in his mind. That woman had the same gentleness and the same pleasant voice. The only difference was that the voice and eyes of that person were full of infinite thoughts and love for him.

"Miss Diewu seems to know me." Ye Wentian said.

"Well, I heard a lot of rumors about Mr. Ye on the way." Die Wu nodded, and then said: "Thank you Mr. Ye for saving your life."

"It's a predestined relationship to meet each other, and it's an honor to save Miss Diewu." Ye Wentian nodded.

"Ye Gongzi's life-saving grace to me is like the parents' re-creation grace." Die Wu got up, saluted Ye Wentian, and then said: "Die Wu's parents died early, and she grew up in a flower shop. , now thanks to Mr. Ye’s rescue, if Mr. Ye doesn’t dislike it, the little girl is willing to be Mr. Ye’s maidservant.”

Hearing this, not only Ye Wentian was stunned, but even Zhao Min was taken aback, looking at Die Wu in disbelief.

Die Wu seemed to see the doubts of Ye Wentian and Zhao Min, and said immediately: "Although it is impossible for Die Wu to be summoned by the lord, with the lord's temperament, it may be okay to do some unusual actions towards me. Maybe, with Young Master Ye by your side, Die Wu's safety doesn't need to be considered, and besides, Die Wu is sincerely willing to serve Young Master Ye."

Die Wu raised her head and stared at Ye Wentian: "Die Wu has seen countless people. This is the first time I have seen someone with a completely different temperament like Ye Gongzi, and the little girl is very curious. My physique does not seem to be suitable for martial arts. But why did I become a martial arts master that everyone in the Jianghu martial arts envied overnight?"

Zhao Min was also very curious about this, and looked at Ye Wentian puzzled.

Xiao Rou, Xiao Mao and Qing Qing didn't feel anything, they just listened quietly.

"Girl Die Wu's physique is very similar to mine, but there are some differences, but generally speaking, it is still the same. Miss Die Wu's physique needs to be activated by the energy in my body, otherwise, she needs to automatically activate the energy in my body. The energy has accumulated to the golden core stage, and at that time, Miss Diewu's physique can also be automatically activated." Ye Wentian said.

"This..." Hearing this, Die Wu still felt confused, even with her extremely clever mind, she couldn't figure out the key point.

"Actually, I'm not very clear about my physique, let's talk about it later." Ye Wentian said.

"En." Die Wu nodded, and then said: "Young master, if you agree to the little girl, you can call the little girl Die Wu in the future."

Ye Wentian nodded, looked at Die Wu and said: "Die Wu, your injuries are still not fully healed. With my treatment these days and your comprehension, once you break through to the realm of refining the spirit and returning the emptiness, your injury will It will get better sooner, but your eyeballs..." "Young master, you don't have eyeballs, don't you still have spiritual consciousness?" Die Wu smiled slightly.

"Okay, it's good if you can see it, but your eyes are not without treatments. In my memory, there is a pill called Xiantian Good Fortune Pill. The magic medicine, once you take it, the benefits will be great, and the whole person will be reshaped in all directions and become more perfect." Ye Wentian said in a deep voice.

"Xiantian Good Fortune Pill!" Die Wu was stunned: "My lord, I'm afraid it's not only difficult to gather all the ingredients for this divine pill, but it's even more difficult to refine it."

"Leave all of this to me, but it may take a long time." Ye Wentian thought of some of the scarce medicinal materials, which is indeed enough to cause headaches. After all, they are called magic medicines, and medicinal materials are not ordinary Search.

Zhao Min heard that Ye Wentian actually agreed to Die Wu's request, and now that he and Die Wu had a heated chat, Zhao Min felt even more painful, and got out of the carriage alone.

"My lord, who is the princess?" Die Wu was a little confused.

"Sister Diewu, sister Min is fine, I'll go and see." Xiaorou said, and walked out.

"Brother Tian, ​​Xiao Mao and I also went out to have a look." Xiao Mao and Qingqing ran out after talking.

"It's okay, Minmin has a bad temper these days." Ye Wentian smiled wryly.

"Minmin." Die Wu immediately understood: "It seems that you are very popular with women."

"I already have a wife, Xiaorou is." Ye Wentian said.

"Then I understand the princess's intentions better." Die Wu looked at Ye Wentian and smiled slightly.

Ye Wentian looked at Die Wu, and he couldn't help but think of Die Yi who left him. If everything goes well, Die Yi may have already been reincarnated.

"Young Master, why are you looking at me like this?" Die Wu looked at Ye Wentian very strangely.

"I used to have a wife who was very gentle and virtuous, but because of my departure, a strong man took her away one day. I never thought that when I met her again, it would be the last one. One side." Ye Wentian's expression was a bit painful, it was his true love, and she was still pregnant with his child, the only child, and it was gone just like that.

(End of this chapter)

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