Chapter 853
Lian Feng really had the urge to strangle his son to death at this moment, at worst, he would have another son, because only this son, who was overly spoiled, led to the current result.

Now it's all right, this kid actually ran wild in front of Guanyin Bodhisattva, that's okay.

"Princess, you can decide how to punish, Lian Feng dare not complain!" Lian Feng said righteously.

Although it hurts to say these words, but in order to protect the entire Lian family, he had to do this. If he wanted to kill Zhao Min to silence him, that would be a big joke. Even the masters around Zhao Min were like clouds and rain, and they wiped out their Lian family in minutes.

The Lian family can live without this son, but they can't live without the entire Lian family, otherwise, Lian Feng will die in time, and he will not be able to face the ancestors of the Lian family.

"It seems that Patriarch Lian really understands righteousness. If the only son is killed by me like this, I'm afraid your entire Lian family will hate me to death." Zhao Min said in a tone-deaf way.

"How dare you! The princess is serious, such a vile beast, if the princess wants to do something, I will set off firecrackers to celebrate." Lian Feng said.

"Haha! Set off firecrackers to celebrate!" Zhao Min laughed, and then said: "Okay, Patriarch Lian, go get the firecrackers."

Lian Feng was almost paralyzed by Zhao Min's words, but he didn't expect Zhao Min to be serious.

"My lord, I was wrong, my lord, please forgive me, I won't dare again." Lian Chengbi was originally a good-looking son, but his image was completely ruined by crying.

But how dare this Lian Chengbi want a bullshit image, his life is important, without his life, no matter how handsome he is, he will be useless.

"Princess, your lord has a lot of people, please spare the child, it is better to kill me, I am willing to pay for my son's life." The young woman hurriedly begged for mercy, with snot and tears, not to mention how sad she was, she almost felt like her intestines were about to burst cried out.

"Princess, please let my brother go, he didn't mean to offend you." The two women begged for mercy for Lian Chengbi one after another.

"Princess, although the young master is a little dandy, please hold your hand high and let the young master go. If there is any punishment, I am willing to ask the young master to bear part of it." Liu Lao said.

"Take part of it, hehe, it seems that Mr. Liu, you can't understand what this guy is doing." Zhao Min laughed.

Mr. Liu lowered his head and didn't speak, but he obviously agreed with Zhao Min's words. Just kidding, under the love of his loving mother, it would be nice if such a dude didn't commit murder and arson.

"I think you are all aware of your son's character. He must have done a lot of bad things in this city." Zhao Min was so angry that he kicked hard, and Lian Chengbi immediately spat out a mouthful of blood.

Zhao Min possessed the body-protecting zhenqi, and the blood sprayed towards Lianfeng's side.

Lian Feng and the others wanted to stop the spray of blood, but thinking of Zhao Min, they immediately stopped practicing, and all the blood was sprinkled on the bodies and faces of the crowd.

Zhao Min actually found it interesting, and stepped on Lian Chengbi a few more times, Lian Chengbi was injured again after being injured, and blood spurted a few times again.

"Princess, don't!" The youngest woman raised her head, Lihua looked at Zhao Min rainingly, shook her head, and signaled Zhao Min not to torture her brother like this again.

When Zhao Min saw the woman, his expression changed slightly, and he let go of Lian Chengbi. Lian Chengbi heaved a sigh of relief, looked at the sky, and almost fell asleep.

Zhao Min came to that woman, raised her chin, looked at her delicate appearance, and nodded.

"I feel pity, she is really a beauty." Zhao Min smiled slightly.

Hearing this, Lian Feng immediately reacted.

"Princess, this is my second daughter, Lian Yu, who is now twenty-one years old and has not yet left the court."

"Princess, if you take a fancy to the little girl, I am willing to give the little girl to the princess as a maid." The woman said quickly.

"Then are you willing?" Zhao Min looked at Lian Yu with a smile.

"As long as the princess releases my younger brother, Lian Yu is willing to serve as the princess's servant." Lian Yu said hastily.

"She's really a good sister." Zhao Min let go of Lian Yu, and continued, "You say I'm prettier, or you are prettier?"

"Of course the princess is beautiful, a little girl is not worthy to be supported by the princess." Lian Yu said hastily.

"Then tell me, why am I so beautiful, and there is such a nasty guy who doesn't want me!" At this point, Zhao Min became angry.

When everyone heard the words, they almost thought of something, but they didn't speak.

"Lianfeng." Zhao Min shouted sharply.

"The subordinate is here!" Lian Feng replied immediately.

"How many good women have been spoiled by your son!" Zhao Min said coldly.

"This..." Lian Feng was sweating profusely.

"Okay, I don't make it difficult for you. I can let your son go today, but it's too easy, too easy, people, I don't seem to have a long memory. Lianfeng, tell me, How should I punish your son." Zhao Min said in a deep voice.

"How to punish?" Lian Feng murmured to himself, his head spinning rapidly: "Why don't we use a whip, I usually use a whip when I punish my children."

"Whip!" Zhao Min fell into deep thought, his eyes twirling around several people.

"Princess, use the whip, my son is most afraid of the whip." The young woman quickly echoed.

However, Mr. Liu's heart sank. If Zhao Min swung a few whips with his innate qi, it would be difficult for even Chengbi to survive, but he hoped that Zhao Min would not do so.

At this time, a maid understood and immediately brought a whip, and it was the same whip that had punished the children.

Zhao Min held it in his hand, looked at Lian Yu and smiled: "Do you think it's okay to use such a whip?"

Lian Yu glanced at Zhao Min weakly, and then said, "It's fine if the princess agrees."

"You are really a good girl, but what a pity if you don't meet a man like Brother Tian!" Zhao Min felt a pain in his heart, and said in a deep voice, "Bring me the thorns immediately, ten seconds, one more Add ten strokes per second."

Lian Feng and the others were taken aback, but felt a little more relieved, so at least Zhao Min didn't seem to want Lian Chengbi's life.

"Hurry up!"


The young woman and the tall woman gave orders, and soon, the thorns fell into Zhao Min's hands in 11 seconds.

"I'm sorry, it was a second longer." Zhao Min smiled badly, and then looked at the young woman: "You won't punish the servant for this, right?"

When the young woman heard this, she thought exactly so, and unexpectedly Zhao Min asked.

"Don't dare, dare not." The young woman trembled in fright, and said hastily.

(End of this chapter)

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