Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 882 Mutation

Chapter 882 Mutation
Ye Qiu told Ye Wentian everything that happened back then, Ye Wentian heard the words and knew the cause and effect.

Back then, Ye Qiu had cultivated to the realm of the Golden Immortal with all his heart, and he was considered a strong man, but who knew that he actually looked at a woman he shouldn't have seen, and that woman beat him to pieces, and his soul was also imprisoned here. It wasn't that he still had the magic weapon in his body at that time, he had already died.

Ye Qiu also regretted what happened back then. In fact, he still had evil thoughts in his heart at that time. Otherwise, he would not have ended up like that. He never thought at the time that the strength of that woman was much higher than him, which led to irreparable consequences later. s consequence.

"You really are not a good guy." A smile appeared on the corner of Ye Wentian's mouth.

"What do you want?" Ye Qiu became nervous.

"Don't worry, my surname is also Ye. Although it doesn't matter much, at least I still have a little bit of the same blood as yours in my body." Ye Wentian smiled faintly, and then said: "However, you have blood in your body. In this case, you should solve it by yourself, the problem is not too big, but after all, it is two people, and it is not a matter of one day if they want to fully integrate, but I warn you, if you use this inhumane method again, I will definitely take you life."

"Yes, yes, I understand." Hearing Ye Wentian's words, Ye Qiu finally heaved a sigh of relief, at least he didn't have to die.

"Young Master Ye." Hua Niang came out at this time and saluted Ye Wentian, but seeing Ye Qiu who had nothing to do, her body trembled in fright.

"En." Ye Wentian nodded: "Let's go."

Ye Wentian looked at Ye Qiu again: "You can go too."

When Ye Qiu heard the words, Rumeng gave him an amnesty, and immediately ran away in desperation.

"Young Master Ye." Hua Niang knelt down towards Ye Wentian, looking at Ye Wentian with clear eyes.

"Get up, I didn't mean to save you, but to get to know Ye Qiu, that's all." Ye Wentian said lightly.

Although Ye Wentian said so, it was not as he said, the priority between the two was reversed.

Hua Niang is still a good woman, but it's a pity that she was born in such an environment, after all, it is difficult to control her own destiny.

"Master Ye, I want to ask you one thing?" Hua Niang didn't care what Ye Wentian said, but looked at Ye Wentian with eyes full of pleading.

"What's the matter, please tell me." Ye Wentian said.

"I want to ask Mr. Ye to accept me." Hua Niang hugged Ye Wentian's thigh, raised her head, and looked at Ye Wentian with tears in her eyes.

Ye Wentian frowned slightly, then shook his head: "No."

"I... I see." Hua Niang didn't ask Ye Wentian any more, and let go of Ye Wentian's thigh, as if she no longer had any fantasies about her friend, because she knew what kind of woman she was now, yes For Ye Wentian, such a woman is not very attractive.

The reason why Hua Niang didn't pester Ye Wentian was also because she thought of her identity, and it seemed that Ye Wentian had no reason to redeem her.

"Don't worry, although I won't accept you, I can take you out of this place. Although there are many experts here, those people are not my one-shot enemies." Ye Wentian's tone remained flat.

"I know Mr. Ye is powerful, but if there is no antidote, I will still die." Hua Niang smiled miserably, then shook her head and said: "Only Mrs. Wang has the antidote. If I don't get the antidote, I will die." undoubtedly."

Hearing this, Ye Wentian nodded, then stretched out his hand to help Huaniang up.

"Give me your hand." Ye Wentian said.

Hua Niang was taken aback, then nodded, "Yes."

Ye Wentian held Hua Niang's hand, and Hua Niang's body trembled, like a woman meeting a man for the first time.

Hua Niang likes Ye Wentian, and she likes it from the bottom of her heart. She believes that a man who can make Die Wu fall in love with him must be very good, not to mention that she can feel the charm of a man like Ye Wentian.

Ye Wentian calmed down, the original divine power entered Huaniang's body, and quickly felt the situation in Huaniang's body.

Hua Niang's cultivation has reached the innate level, and she already has the ability to resist this toxin, but after all, this toxin is too strong and hidden in the internal organs, it is generally difficult to eradicate, let alone feeding this toxin for such a long time .

Ye Wentian believes that those who grew up feeding this toxin in Golden Dragon Flower House will eventually get the antidote in time, but as long as they have eaten this toxin for more than three years, the toxin has accumulated to a certain amount, enough for the person who redeemed himself to understand The lifespan of medicine out of Golden Dragon Flower Workshop is extremely reduced.

Of course, it still has something to do with cultivation, but Ye Wentian believes that most of them will not end well.

Of course there are exceptions, Die Wu is an exception, because Die Wu's body is very similar to Ye Wentian's, and has a certain resistance to poison, or affinity is more appropriate.

It's just that Die Wu's physique hadn't been activated at that time, so the resistance and affinity to that toxin were not strong, but even so, those toxins could hardly do serious damage to Die Wu, especially when Die Wu After the physique is opened, it is even more easy to resist this toxin, and even absorb this toxin for its own use.

Hua Niang looked at Ye Wentian quietly, and she didn't seem to have too much worry on her face. Just looking at Ye Wentian like this seemed to be a rare happiness, at least she didn't have to cater to those stinky men, and she didn't have to wear hypocrisy. A mask to be a man.

"You have accumulated a lot of toxins." Ye Wentian said lightly.

"Young Master Ye, don't worry, life and death are destiny. If Ye Wentian takes me out, even if I die immediately, it doesn't matter." Hua Niang looked at Ye Wentian and smiled, seemingly very happy.

"That's not true. You don't have to be pessimistic. It's not that I can't be cured, it just takes a little time." Ye Wentian said.

"This...really?" Hua Niang couldn't believe it, she also knew the power of this poison.

"Sit down cross-legged." Ye Wentian said, holding Hua Niang's hand and interlocking her fingers.

When Hua Niang saw it, her heart was sweetened, and she stared at Ye Wentian with her beautiful eyes, as if she wanted to see through Ye Wentian's bamboo hat.

Hua Niang's poison was quickly removed by Ye Wentian, but to Ye Wentian's surprise, there was a burst of energy fluctuations from a certain direction, which was very powerful. You can feel the state of emptiness, not to mention that Ye Wentian's cultivation is close to the Golden Core Stage.

Ye Wentian glanced at Hua Niang, her eyes fixed, and then Hua Niang automatically passed out and fell into Ye Wentian's arms.

Ye Wentian held Huaniang in his arms, seeing Huaniang's better face and smelling the fragrance of Huaniang, he couldn't help feeling a little strange.

(End of this chapter)

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