Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 897 Nascent Soul Realm Monster Beast

Chapter 897 Nascent Soul Realm Monster Beast
Thinking of Cao Zhengchun, Liu Xiang and the others couldn't help but think of Cao Zhengchun's master Ye Wentian, that mysterious man.

"Mr. Cao, what's wrong with you?" Xiao Rou kept yelling as she looked at Cao Zhengchun floating on the sea in the distance.

Cao Zhengchun was in a daze at all, and only gradually came to his senses when he sensed someone familiar calling him.

Opening his eyes, Cao Zhengchun looked at the blue sky and smiled helplessly. He didn't expect that the power of the seal was still there, and he could be recognized.

Cao Zhengchun flipped over and landed firmly on the surface of the sea. Looking at Xiao Rou and the others who came over, he smiled helplessly.

"Mistress, I'm afraid I won't be able to accompany you." Cao Zhengchun said.

"Why is that?" Xiaorou asked suspiciously.

"The mistress should know." Cao Zhengchun didn't say it clearly, but played a riddle with Xiaorou.

Xiaorou still wanted to say something, but when she saw Cao Zhengchun's eyes and thought of Cao Zhengchun's abnormal identity, she immediately came to her senses.

"Mr. Cao, I see. Tell my husband, I miss him very much." Xiao Rou said.

"Yes, I see, mistress." Cao Zhengchun nodded.

"Liu Xiang, let's go." Xiao Rou said.

"Okay." Liu Xiang glanced at Cao Zhengchun, nodded towards Cao Zhengchun, and then left with a group of people.

Watching Xiaorou and the others gradually disappear, Cao Zhengchun took two steps, and found that the power of the seal was still there, continuing to block him.

After a while, Cao Zhengchun gave up, the power of the seal was too strong, if he wanted to go there, he would have to die, or he would still be sealed inside.

Cao Zhengchun thought of Ye Wentian, turned around, and immediately rushed towards Zhao Min's house. He could sense Ye Wentian's specific location.

The area of ​​the sea area is very large, and they often encounter some powerful sea area monsters. Liu Xiang and the others were lucky when they came here, and did not encounter any sea area monsters, but at the moment just now, those powerful sea area monsters all moved away Run, and at this time, Liu Xiang and the others just flew towards the place where they were going to stop.

"Haha, I finally met delicious food." A burst of wild laughter suddenly sounded, and then a monster that was almost completely transformed flew up, blocking Xiaorou's path.

At the same time, not far away, some other monsters that were about to take shape flew up and appeared behind the monster that spoke earlier.

Xiaorou was shocked, it was the first time she saw a monster that could speak, and the monster in front of her was obviously a big whale with hands and feet that looked like a human, but the head still looked like a whale , the big mouth is very scary, and the injured is holding a huge fork. Under the sunlight, Yeye shines brightly.

"Oops, monsters in the Nascent Soul Realm!" Liu Xiang, Sun Zhe, Zhao Hu and the others immediately became serious.

The cultivation base of the huge monster at the front has reached the Third Heaven of Nascent Soul, which is exactly the same as Liu Xiang, and the younger brother behind the huge monster also has a guy from the Second Heaven of Nascent Soul, and three of the First Heaven of Nascent Soul. Dozens of them are all Golden Core stage.

No matter how you calculate it, Liu Xiang and the others are completely at a disadvantage, because the monsters are already powerful, and they are stronger than human cultivators of the same level. After all, it is very difficult for monsters not to advance to the first level. So correspondingly, the foundation is solid enough.

"Haha, so many delicacies, I haven't seen it in decades." The leader and the monster stretched out its long tongue, looking at Liu Xiang and a kind of person with a grinning grin.

"Liu Xiang, what should we do?" Sun Zhe and Zhao Hu hurriedly looked at Liu Xiang, this situation was really unfavorable.

"It would be great if Mr. Cao was here." Liu Xiang secretly thought, but she didn't know what happened to Cao Zhengchun, why he didn't leave with them suddenly.

"Miss Xiaorou, I'm afraid we are doomed." Liu Xiang secretly sighed.

"How could this be?" Xiaorou gritted her teeth, she was only at the peak of the late stage of refining the spirit, facing these strong men, she simply had no strength to resist.

Thinking of leaving Ye Wentian like this, Xiao Rou almost despaired. There were too many monsters in front of her, and at least they were all from the Golden Core Stage, and Liu Xiang, a monster from the Nascent Soul Stage, was not at all sure. , not to mention that the opponent can still be two-on-one.

"Miss Xiaorou, stay on this spirit sword later and don't go anywhere. I hope we can kill them, otherwise, none of us will be able to escape." Liu Xiang said.

"En." Xiao Rou nodded, she had nothing to do.

"You bastards dared to block our way. Aren't you afraid that our Xuelan sect will wipe you out?" Liu Xiang stared coldly at the leading monster with a malicious look on his face.

"Xuelanzong." The leading monster was stunned, his expression slightly cold: "I really didn't expect you to be from Xuelanzong, hehe, people from Xuelanzong killed many of our compatriots, and today we just let us kill you!" You, avenge our fellow countrymen."

"Yes, revenge." A monster behind stood up and looked at Liu Xiang and the others coldly: "My wife was killed by you hateful humans. Today I will use your blood to commemorate my death." Wife, you hateful and cunning human beings, you are really damned!"

"If you really fight, I'm afraid it's not certain who wins and who loses." Sun Zhe and Zhao Hu said in a deep voice, and the weapons in their hands appeared in their hands, shining with a cold light.

"Haha, just relying on you useless human beings, you still want to talk big in front of this king." The leading monster smiled coldly, let go of the giant fork in his hand, and moved towards a golden core stage on Sun Hu's side. Practitioners fork away.

That guy's giant fork was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, he had already reached the cultivator. Zhao Hu wanted to rescue him, but his reaction was still a step late.


There was a scream, and then Liu Xiang and the others angrily saw that on the tines in the center of the opponent's giant fork, there was a strong man in the golden core stage who was pierced through his body, trying to move and break free from the huge fork. The fork, but after struggling twice, the whole person completely lost its vitality.

"Damn it!" Zhao Hu yelled, wanting to find that guy desperately, but reason still allowed him to regain his composure.

"You guys are at this level, how can you fight us?" The leader monster smiled triumphantly, and glanced at Xiaorou who was protected by Liu Xiang, with a hint of interest in his eyes.

Xiaorou's physique has been transformed by Ye Wentian, and it has already become different. Humans don't have a deep feeling for certain things, but monsters feel that Xiaorou's body is unusual. For them, Xiaorou Rou's allure is greater than that of Sun Zhe and the others, but they are still fighting while the iron is hot.

(End of this chapter)

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