Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 899 Outer Continent

Chapter 899 Outer Continent
The white light shone, causing everyone's eyes to narrow slightly. Immediately, they saw that the huge head and body of the Whale King had completely moved.

The blood, like the rain sprayed all over the sky, rushed high, fell down, and hit everyone fiercely, but they were all strong in the golden core stage, and their true essence body protection completely resisted the blood rain.

Although they automatically resisted the blood rain, they couldn't accept the horrifying scene in front of them.

They guessed that it was Xiaorou who did it, but how could a woman who hadn't even reached the golden core stage possess such a powerful treasure? The whale king was killed in this way, and it took a few tenths of a second to kill it with one move.

Liu Xiang seized the opportunity, and at the moment when those guys were suddenly in a daze, they swung out a sword, and the tyrannical sword energy immediately severely injured several monsters in the Nascent Soul realm who were unable to react in time.

These monsters in the Nascent Soul Realm are good at attacking together, so they didn't die, but they won't be Liu Xiang's opponent for a while.

Seeing this, the other monsters leaped into their hands one after another, and never dared to come out again. Xiaorou's strength had already made them completely lose their fighting spirit, making an international joke. They were recruited in seconds, and these worse characters, I'm afraid they will be harvested like straw.

Xiaorou was dumbfounded, and only now did she realize that in her interspatial ring, there was also Tianwen, the divine sword. Xiaorou naturally knew exactly what kind of existence Tianwen was, but she knew that such a treasure, It cannot be easily revealed.

After this battle, Liu Xiang was slightly injured, and the three women around Liu Xiang were also injured to varying degrees, but they were not seriously injured.

It seems that these guys don't want to kill these women, they want to take them back and enjoy them, and those male disciples have all died at this moment, and the three sects who came here are only the four of Xue Lanzong. people.

Liu Xiangfei came to Xiaorou's side, seeing Xiaorou's uncertain expression, she was taken aback for a moment.

"Miss Xiaorou, you just... did it?" Liu Xiang asked.

Xiaorou raised her head and stared at Liu Xiang in a daze, as if she hadn't recovered, but Xiaorou still knew in her heart that she couldn't tell Liu Xiang about this matter.

Liu Xiang and the other women looked at each other, and then Liu Xiang said: "Miss Xiaorou, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's go quickly."

Xiaorou nodded, and immediately left with Liu Xiang and the others.They are only a thousand miles away from the mainland, which is very close, and it doesn't take an hour to reach the inland.

After what happened just now, the eyes of the three women around Liu Xiang looked at Xiaorou changed, they were more respectful, and no longer looked down on Xiaorou for her low cultivation.

If the characters who can instantly kill the Nascent Soul Third Heaven are still low in cultivation, then they can only be regarded as the scum of the scum.


Ye Wentian was on the way, leading Die Wu through the Liufeng Forest. During the period, he encountered some Jindan stage monsters, but was scared away by Ye Wentian's coercion.

Just entering the sea area, at this moment a black shadow flew towards this side rapidly, Ye Wentian focused his eyes and saw Cao Zhengchun.

Cao Zhengchun seemed to have also sensed Ye Wentian's existence, he flew a little, saw Ye Wentian, and immediately flew towards Ye Wentian.

"Master, why is Mr. Cao here?" Die Wu looked at Ye Wentian with some doubts.

"I don't know. Could it be something happened?" Ye Wentian frowned, thinking it was impossible, after all, Ye Wentian knew Tian Wen's strength.

Tian Wen couldn't exert great power in Ye Wentian's hands, that's because part of the reason was restricted by Hongmeng Patriarch, but once Tian Wen left Ye Wentian, he didn't know how strong he was, so Ye Wentian Wentian is not worried about Xiaorou's safety.

Since Xiao Rou had nothing to do, Ye Wentian felt much more at ease.

"Master." Cao Zhengchun bowed and saluted Ye Wentian.

"Tell me, what's going on?" Ye Wentian asked.

"The seal here is very strong, I can't get out of the sea." Cao Zhengchun shook his head helplessly.

The outside world is very exciting, and it can speed up his cultivation pace, but it is difficult to make a breakthrough when he is trapped here, unless the seal is completely lifted. With all the spiritual treasures here, at most, his cultivation base can be broken to the level of Yuanshen That's all.

"So that's the case." Ye Wentian nodded: "The seal here is very strong, so it's reasonable."

After a pause, Ye Wentian continued: "So, then you go back and protect Zhao Min, Xiao Mao and Qing Qing."

"Okay, master." Cao Zhengchun nodded.

"Okay, I leave everything here to you." Ye Wentian patted Cao Zhengchun on the shoulder and said.

Hearing this, Cao Zhengchun was a little flattered, and quickly said: "It is my blessing to be able to do things for the master."

"It's good that you can think like this. When I come back, I will make you reborn." Ye Wentian said in a deep voice.

"It's enough to have a master, and the little one is willing to lose his mind." Cao Zhengchun said solemnly.

"Okay, Die Wu, let's go." Ye Wentian said.

"En." Die Wu nodded, and nodded towards Cao Zhengchun.

"Master take care, madam take care." After Cao Zhengchun's voice fell, Ye Wentian and Die Wu had already left quickly.

From a square inch to a high level, you can move tens of thousands of miles in an instant, also known as shrinking the ground to an inch. Many people can use this kind of supernatural power, but very few people have practiced it to a very high level.

Ye Wentian and Diewu's speed was extremely fast, and within half a day, they had already traveled from one side of the sea to the other. At such a speed, even Liu Xiang and the others might be far behind.

However, Liu Xiang and Ye Wentian walked in different directions, so they didn't meet each other. When they arrived on the mainland, there were some mountain peaks around them, but they were not too high. The two finally landed in a city.

This place is indeed much more grand than the Tianwu Continent. Here, one can clearly feel that the aura of heaven and earth is much stronger than that of the Tianwu Continent, at least twice as much, and this is only the periphery.

Among the people coming and going, there were many masters at the Golden Core stage, but Ye Wentian did not see those in the Nascent Soul realm. Those who had reached the Nascent Soul realm were already considered masters, and enjoyed a superior status here.

"My lord, I'm going to make a breakthrough." Die Wu sent a sound transmission to Ye Wentian, but there are quite a few Jindan Stage powerhouses here. The strong Dan Qi listened.

(End of this chapter)

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