Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 912 Li Wei

Chapter 912 Li Wei
Ye Wentian nodded, glanced at the group of female disciples on the square, only thought for a while, and felt that this was a good opportunity to give himself a leg up.

But a little, many people came from a distance, most of these inner disciples seemed to have got the news, and rushed towards this side quickly, but they seemed a little puzzled to see that the fight had not started yet.

"Elder Wang, Elder Lin..." These disciples saluted Wang Yuxin and Lin Xiao, but they did not salute Ye Wentian. What's more, they even stared at Die Wu with their eyes, even the basic courtesy Forgot all.

Before Ye Wentian could speak, Wang Yuxin spoke again in a cold voice.

"Peak Master Ye is here, don't you disciples see it?"

Wang Yuxin's voice was loud, and everyone was shocked. Seeing Ye Wentian, who was younger than them, their faces were full of suspicion and disdain.

Ye Wentian was amused, walked up to Wang Yuxin, patted Wang Yuxin on the shoulder, thought that Wang Yuxin was a woman much older than him, and was about to pat her hand for the second time, and took it back.

Knowing what Ye Wentian thought, Wang Yuxin blushed slightly, but she was a little happy in her heart. She took a step back and stood behind Ye Wentian, watching Ye Wentian silently.

Wang Yuxin is already a master of the Nascent Soul Realm, and Ye Wentian's strength is also many times stronger than before, and the aura on his body is getting stronger and stronger.

Wang Yuxin smelled the pleasant smell on Ye Wentian's body, she was stunned, and she looked at Ye Wentian in surprise.

Ye Wentian didn't pay attention to these, looked at these male disciples, and said immediately: "You seem to be very dissatisfied with me as the peak master."

Ye Wentian glanced at everyone, and finally set his sights on Wu Wudi. Here, only Wu Wudi has the strongest cultivation and strength.

Feeling the light in Ye Wentian's eyes, Wu Wudi instantly felt a different change. At this moment, the suspicion in his heart was swept away. Ye Wentian is really strong.

Although Wu Wudi knows that Ye Wentian is very strong, he will not back down easily, because he has his own beliefs, and it is precisely because of this belief that he has reached such a state at his current age.

It can be said that Wu Wudi is one of the few geniuses in the Backing Mountain Sect over the years. Of course, although Wu Wudi's martial arts and talent are relatively high, compared to Ye Wentian, he is nothing.

"I don't like trouble." Ye Wentian's eyes fell on Wu Wudi: "Do you think this is the strongest?"

Hearing this, one of the people below frowned, although he did not admit that Wu Wudi was better than him, but Wu Wudi was a head stronger than him.

Wu Wudi's eyes leaked a trace of deep meaning, he turned his head to look at the man who was not convinced by him, then he looked at Ye Wentian and said, "Master Ye Feng, although I already know that you are very strong, but since I am here, don't worry about it." Prepare to return empty-handed, please."

"Hmph! Wu Wudi, although your talent is good, but you can challenge the peak master whenever you want, let's talk after passing this level." Wang Yuxin took a step forward, moved her feet, and the whole person quickly rushed towards Wu Wudi .

Ye Wentian wanted to say something, but thinking of Wang Yuxin's intentions, he didn't stop him.

Wu Wudi's eyes flashed, and he turned towards Wang Yuxin who was approaching quickly. At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on Wu Wudi and Wang Yuxin.

Wang Yuxin and Wu Wudi are both strong in the Nascent Soul Fourth Heaven. They are in the same realm, but there is still a big gap in strength.

On this point, Ye Wentian is deeply aware that Wu Wudi is much stronger than Wang Yuxin, and Wu Wudi's body training skills are not bad. With his strength, he is enough to compete with the powerhouses of the Nascent Soul Fifth Layer, If Wu Wudi had more formidable means, he would even be able to defeat the powerhouse of the Nascent Soul Fifth Layer in a safe and sound manner.

Wang Yuxin's imposing manner is full, obviously for Ye Wentian, she has no reservations at all, in the midair, a sharp sword with no frills descended from the sky, the sharp sword inlaid with precious stones just appeared, the powerful cold air made the surrounding people The disciple couldn't help shivering.

Most of these cultivation bases are around the fifth heaven of the golden core stage, and the pressure faced by the Nascent Soul stage powerhouses is still a bit huge. Many disciples retreat quickly, but after all, they are still not as fast as Wang Yuxin's powerful momentum.

Many disciples who were close by felt as if a huge boulder of a million catties had been smashed into their chests, making them almost out of breath.

Even some female disciples with low strength turned pale all of a sudden, as if they might die immediately.

Ye Wentian frowned slightly, and shook his head secretly in his heart. Wang Yuxin was still too impulsive, and didn't control her momentum well.

But after thinking about it, I think it is true. After all, Wang Yuxin is facing an existence of the same realm and stronger than her. If Wang Yuxin still controls her momentum at this time, Wu Wudi may be able to defeat Wang Yuxin with one hand.

Ye Wentian moved his thoughts, and an invisible air shield instantly covered those disciples. Soon, those disciples felt the difference, and couldn't help but look at Ye Wentian gratefully.

At this time, those male disciples who sensed Ye Wentian's strength were all shocked. Such a method seemed to them extremely miraculous, and even at this moment they directly put Ye Wentian at the level of the head of the sect.

They were completely convinced by this miraculous method of being able to release the restraints on their bodies without using their hands.

As the sword light flashed across, Wu Wudi narrowed his eyes slightly, fisted his hands, and a faint golden light emerged from his body.


Powerful aura erupted, the two touched each other, and the tyrannical Yu Bo superimposed on each other, rushing towards those disciples in an instant.

Everything happened too fast, and when they realized something was wrong, everything seemed to be too late.

But soon, just feeling the strong pressure, an invisible force suddenly made this powerful force disappear without a trace.

Seeing Ye Wentian's powerful means again, all the disciples around were heartbroken, and even Wu Wudi was deeply shocked at this moment.

Although he knew the gap between himself and Ye Wentian, he didn't expect to be so different from Ye Wentian.

The moment Wu Wudi was distracted, Wang Yuxin's sword energy attacked again, Wu Wudi's mind was slightly lost, sensing Wang Yuxin's powerful sword energy, his whole body frowned.


Wu Wudi let out a stern shout, and his body was full of momentum, but at this moment, Wang Yuxin's sword had already slashed on Wu Wudi's shoulder.

Wang Yuxin wanted to cut off Wu Wudi's arm as punishment for committing a crime against Ye Wentian, but soon, Wang Yuxin was shocked.

Although Wu Wudi's arm was bleeding continuously, Wang Yuxin's sword never penetrated the flesh at all, as if it was firmly stuck.

(End of this chapter)

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