Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 923 Preemptive Strike

Chapter 923 Preemptive Strike
"Second brother is right. The opponent's cultivation has probably reached the eighth level of Yuanshen, otherwise we wouldn't have fought so hard." Jin Shanming nodded.

The reason why they can still talk at this moment is because they have already suppressed Ye Wentian, and the momentum is getting better and better, and they have faintly seen the image in the mirror.

Ye Wentian's heart skipped a beat, he felt a bad thought, he didn't care about 21, and suddenly mobilized the original divine power in the cells in his body.

Once again mobilizing the original divine power in the cells, Ye Wentian was able to easily control this energy.

The original divine power in the cells was extremely pure, and when it suddenly appeared, it immediately suppressed the three of them like a wild beast.

"What's going on?" Jin Nan frowned, and beads of sweat kept falling down.

"The other party must have someone to help, otherwise there would not be such a big change." Jin Shanming said.

"It seems that the other party has also used a helper, what should we do, we..."


Jin Nan's voice just fell, and then their magic weapon exploded immediately.

"How could this be? This is a first-grade spiritual weapon!" Jin Bai looked at Jin Shanming in disbelief.

"This magic weapon has been useless for too long. After so many years of changes in the world, it is an odd number to be able to support it for so long." Jin Shanming didn't think much of it, after all, they were all characters from 3000 years ago.

At that time, although the first-grade spiritual weapon was good, it was not considered the most precious thing. It was just that this magic weapon was rather special and few people knew how to use it.

Many things, after being refined, will age like people over time, and eventually become decayed.

"I already know the general location. When our strength improves further, we will go over immediately. This person is very powerful. If we don't kill him as soon as possible, I'm afraid it will leave us with a huge hidden danger." Jin Shanming continued.

"That's right, this guy actually destroyed this magic weapon, he's looking for death." Jin Nan said coldly, looking at the broken magic weapon indignantly.

Time flies, and seven days have passed in a blink of an eye. During these seven days, Ye Wentian tried his best to know Lie Qiuhan, and at the same time let Lie Qiuhan and Wu Wudi compete.

"Master, I really want to know what kind of realm you have reached?" Lie Qiuhan has always had this question in his heart. He knew that Ye Wentian might have to leave here. If he didn't ask this question, he might never have the chance to ask it again.

Hearing this, Wu Wudi who was on the side also looked at Ye Wentian curiously, and he also had such doubts in his heart.

Ye Wentian looked at the two of them as if they were curious babies, and then said, "Do you know that there are gods above immortals?"

"I know, Master Ye, you once said it." Wu Wudi said.

"God!" Lie Qiuhan was stunned, and his heart was inexplicably shocked. In his opinion, the immortals in the legends were already powerful enough. If they were gods, they would be so powerful and terrifying.

Immediately, a question popped into Lie Qiuhan's mind, is God the ultimate in this universe.

"Master, God, is he the most powerful?" Lie Qiuhan asked immediately.

"What's the rush?" Ye Wentian rolled his eyes. After a few days of contact, the few of them became harmonious, and the coldness on Lie Qiuhan's body also softened. He didn't fight, and he was no longer so cold.

"God is not the most powerful. In this universe, no one dares to say that he is the most powerful. The strong have their own strong opponents. Moreover, all things in the world are born and restrained by each other. If you are stronger, there is someone stronger than you. A person's cultivation is not necessarily as strong as the opponent's, but because of the natural restraint of the opponent's attributes, the opponent's strength cannot be displayed.

Going back to the question just now, I don’t know what I used to be. I was born in chaos just like a person. At that time, the world was also in chaos. It means that I didn’t have a soul at that time. Wisdom, and he has taken human form.

After a long period of time, my spiritual wisdom was opened, and I saw many things that you could never touch. "

Ye Wentian immediately looked at the two of them: "You understand now."

"Er..." Lie Qiuhan and Wu Wudi heard the words, black lines popped up in their heads, what did they say?

"Master, is this the end?" Lie Qiuhan looked at Ye Wentian speechlessly.

"It's over, otherwise you think there is much more to talk about." Ye Wentian rolled his eyes.

"But there are always some things that are the most classic." Lie Qiuhan said unwillingly.

"There are a lot of classics, you guys should practice hard. If you learn what I taught you one day, I will tell you." Ye Wentian stepped forward and tapped Lie Qiuhan's head with his finger superior.

"It should be clear that the Ultimate Frozen Art I taught you belongs to my wife. She used to be a fairy in the fairy world. If this kind of practice is spread, it will cause a bloodbath. Protect yourself, kid." Ye Wentian said in a deep voice. Said.

Hearing this, Lie Qiuhan's eyes lit up, and then he looked at Die Wu who seemed to be completely in sedation.

Lie Qiuhan knew about Die Wu's cultivation. When he first came, Die Wu was only at the peak of the Golden Core Stage, but only a few days later, Die Wu's cultivation was already at the Nascent Soul Stage Three heavens, such a terrifying speed of improvement is really frightening.

Moreover, Die Wu's foundation was strangely stable, and her ethereal aura was very similar to Ye Wentian's.

Lie Qiuhan once asked Ye Wentian about Ye Wentian's aura, but Ye Wentian didn't tell him, but told him that when he mastered the Tao, he would naturally have such aura.

It's just that things like Dao are too difficult to grasp. Although Lie Qiuhan is very conceited and confident, he really has no choice but to face the illusory Dao.

"I think they have already dispatched." Ye Wentian suddenly looked out the door, his deep eyes became deeper and deeper.

Lie Qiuhan knew that Ye Wentian's pupil technique was powerful, and now he has started to practice pupil technique. He is suitable for the ice pupil, which is also very powerful.

"Master, are you leaving now?" Lie Qiuhan felt a little bit reluctant.

Although Ye Wentian was smaller than him, Lie Qiuhan had turned Ye Wentian into a row of old monsters, and he didn't feel that he was awkward in the slightest.

"It's time to go." Ye Wentian forgot to glance at Die Wu.

Die Wu's eyes suddenly opened, and then the breath on her body disappeared in a flash.

Lie Qiuhan and Wu Wudi called it abnormal, because at this moment Die Wu had been broken through to the fourth heaven of the Nascent Soul.

"Take action first, then attack others, Lie Qiuhan, Wu Wudi, take care of yourself, and see you later." Ye Wentian's voice fell, and Ye Wentian and Diewu disappeared instantly in the hall.

"Say goodbye to Old Ancestor Ye and Sect Master Yu for me." Ye Wentian's voice came from a distance, the voice became more and more faint, and finally disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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