Chapter 926
Seeing that Ye Wentian killed three powerful beings, Die Wu was relieved a lot, but she knew that Ye Wentian's use of the original divine power would definitely leave a big hidden danger, that is, it must take enough time to do it. to make up for the loss.

But at this moment, seeing Ye Wentian's fully alert expression, he felt uneasy in his heart.

"My lord, what's the matter?" Die Wu asked hastily.

"There is a terrifying existence coming here, and it is definitely an existence in the fusion stage." Ye Wentian said solemnly: "My current strength is equivalent to the peak of the Yuanshen stage, although it is only as good as the fusion stage. One step away, but a world of difference."

"The strong ones in the fusion stage shouldn't trouble us, right?" Die Wu said cautiously.

"There are very few truly good people in the cultivation world. Seeing the special physiques of the two of us, I'm afraid they will think of ways to eat us up." Ye Wentian said.

Holding Die Wu in his arms, Ye Wentian didn't waste any more time, and quickly jumped towards the distance, but in an instant, a thunderous sound came over.

"Boy, you dare to kill my second, third, and fourth brothers, you are so brave!" Needless to say, the person who came here must be Jin Weitian.

"Jin Weitian, I didn't expect this guy to wake up, and he's still at the peak of the first layer of fusion stage!" Ye Wentian's expression became more serious, and with a step, he was thousands of miles away in an instant.

"It's so fast." Jin Weitian didn't expect Ye Wentian to have such a powerful agility.

Die Wu looked at Jin Weitian who was chasing after him, and she was also very anxious.

"My lord, let me go, so neither of us can run away." Die Wu persuaded.

"Don't talk." Ye Wentian only said four words, busy using teleportation, but no matter how Ye Wentian accelerated, Jin Weitian was always chasing after him, and the distance between the two was gradually getting closer.

Time passed by minute by minute, Jin Weitian chased after so much effort, after all, his skill was still being consumed slowly.

Although Ye Wentian has miraculous footwork, he doesn't

"Boy, let me see how long you can run!" Jin Weitian didn't expect Ye Wentian to forcibly improve his skills, and he was still in a stalemate with him for so long, and he really admired Ye Wentian's perseverance and talent more and more in his heart.

The most important thing is that Ye Wentian is still holding a woman in his arms, so it can take so long.

In fact, Ye Wentian is at the end of his strength at this moment, and his potential has almost been squeezed out. The reason why he can last for so long is actually because he understands that he has the Dao Bead.

At this moment, the Daozhu started to run quickly, continuously supplying and infusing energy into Ye Wentian's body, but the supply was still in short supply, just because Ye Wentian consumed it too fast.

Die Wu felt distressed for a while, but she knew that if she disturbed Ye Wentian, it would be a real failure.

Die Wu only hated that her cultivation base was too low. Although her cultivation base had grown rapidly these days, she still couldn't catch up with Ye Wentian's footsteps.

The time flow formation is too powerful, and it can make Die Wu advance to the first level within a few days. This is already at its extreme, but compared with the difficulties Ye Wentian is facing, this upgrade is still too slow.


At the junction of the Central Continent and the Central Continent, a group of cultivators are gathering in a forest of fire. The scene here is very strange, full of flames everywhere, and these flames seem to be passive fires.

It stretches vertically and horizontally, covering tens of thousands of miles. Among them is a volcano. The mountain is so high that it is extremely hot, just like a golden crow.

And there are flames on those forests, but unfortunately, these flames have never been able to burn these forests.

These trees are all fire trees, which are extremely resistant to fire. The swords made from the trees here are all above third-grade spiritual weapons.The sword made from the best fire tree is enough to be equivalent to a super first-grade spiritual weapon, even those pseudo-celestial weapons may as well give way.


A roar came out, shocking Baili, and the ground trembled non-stop because of the roar.

The mountains are continuous and the flames are so high that even the strong in the Yuanshen realm dare not walk here recklessly.

"The temperature of the flames inside is really too high." Many people's faces showed a bit dignified.

"I'm afraid only those who have reached the fusion stage can walk freely."

"The strong ones in the fusion period are high above, I hope they don't come."

"If the strong man in the fusion period comes here, there will be our fart."

"It's not bad to cut down the fire tree here, and take it back to the mountain gate to refine the sword."

"Go chop it up and see if you think your life is too long."

"Could it be that there's something weird about these fire trees?" Some guys who didn't understand asked.

"There is nothing strange about the fire trees outside, but the fire trees inside are all spirits. Once you enter, those fire trees will attack in groups. You must know that these fire trees are quite a third-grade spiritual weapon. Existence, if you don’t have a second-grade or even a first-grade spiritual weapon, you will be close to death, unless your strength has reached the fusion stage." One of the guys from the sixth heaven of primordial spirit explained.

"What was the roar just now?"

"Who knows, but it must be a good thing."

"What good stuff?"

"It sounds like a dragon screaming?"

"Have you heard the dragon call?"

"The sound of the dragon's cry shocked hundreds of miles, and all the beasts surrendered. The name just now made many spirit beasts tremble in fright."

"How can there be a dragon here?"

"This land seems to have appeared 3000 years ago, and it has attracted many strong people, but they can enter the forest of fire. Only the volcanic land, even those whose strength exceeds the fusion stage, cannot enter. "

"How could this be?"

"There are restrictions."

"There must be some peerless treasure inside, and it must be a treasure left by a fairy." Many people talked about it, but no one rushed forward.

In the sky, many cultivators rushed towards this side, among them there are strong ones in the fusion period.

Many people avoided the arrival of the strong man in the fusion stage, for fear of offending the strong man in the fusion stage, and one accidentally lost his life. After all, it is not easy to practice.

"That's Shui Zhilan, the elder of Ningshuimen, a strong man in the fusion stage."

"Water defeats fire, perhaps Elder Shui is most beneficial here."

"It seems that the treasure in front of you is definitely owned by Elder Shui."

"You seem to have forgotten that the strong ones who have gone up in the fusion stage are not allowed to enter." At this time, a person reminded.

At this moment, in the sky, three figures rushed towards this side rapidly. When they got close, the two figures suddenly fell towards the crater in the center, and then a combined body The strong ones in the period also entered inside.

(End of this chapter)

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