Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 931 Spirit Fruit

Chapter 931 Spirit Fruit
When this incredible scene appeared, even Hu Fei and Shui Zhilan in the distance stopped, looking at everything in disbelief, as if there was an inexplicable existence below.

"What the hell is going on?"

"Is there something wrong here?"

"Damn, these fire trees are already so powerful, the things inside are definitely even more terrifying."

"Who said no."

"Junior brother, let's go quickly, curiosity killed the cat."

"What are you afraid of? There may be some adventures here."

Many people began to have fantasies, but some sensible people quickly made a decision and fled back one after another.

They don't know what's in it, but it is conceivable that Huo Shu is already equivalent to the strength of a strong man at the peak of Yuanshen, and the terrifying existence inside may have reached the fusion stage.

Although their cultivation is relatively strong at the Yuanshen stage, they are scum in front of the fusion stage.

Hu Fei is already a strong man in the fusion period, but he is just a trick in front of the inexplicable existence.

"Hu Fei, there might be a terrifying existence here." Shui Zhilan's consciousness entered inside, but it seemed that the consciousness could be shielded inside.

"I feel a throbbing in my heart!" Hu Fei said in horror.

"It's such a powerful breath." Immediately afterwards, a slight force emerged, which shocked Liu Zhanhui and the others, and they immediately backed away.

"Let's also retreat quickly!" Seeing this, the onlookers immediately ran back.

Such a huge forest of fire suddenly completely entered the soil, and it seemed to be like this in the first place, but there was a big hole thousands of meters away from the volcano. This big hole was a thousand meters in diameter.

"That terrifying aura seems to come from inside?" Liu Zhanhui said.

"But after so long, why is there still no movement here?" Huang Yaowu was puzzled.

Everyone looked intently, and there seemed to be traces of powerful auras that they had never seen before.

These powerful auras suddenly stood up, causing the world to change color.

The originally clear sky suddenly changed to dark clouds, and the entire world was plunged into darkness.


Dark clouds rolled up in the sky, the wind raged violently, and it seemed that lightning and thunder were about to start.

There is a tendency for the mountains and rain to come, the wind to fill the buildings, and the black clouds to overwhelm the city and destroy it.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Many people retreated far away, as if something bad was about to happen.

"Heavenly Tribulation, could it be that someone is about to pass through the Transitional Tribulation Period?" Hu Fei frowned slightly, looking at Liu Zhanhui and the others in horror.

"I'm afraid it's true," Huang Yaowu said after hearing the words.

"It's too scary, Tianwei is still gathering!" Shui Zhilan's complexion changed drastically.

"I've seen this kind of catastrophe once, but it only happened when the strong in the Mahayana stage wanted to become immortals. That catastrophe seems to be comparable to this catastrophe." Hu Fei said.

"Could it be that the guys here want to become immortals?" Liu Zhanhui said in horror.

"Impossible. Now that the road to immortality is sealed, no one can open the road to immortality. That strong man only survived three catastrophes at that time, and was blasted into pieces by the sky thunder. It is a pity that a generation of peerless strong It's gone like this." Hu Fei was shocked.

"Tianwei is too terrifying. If the guys here can survive this catastrophe, I'm afraid becoming a fairy will not be a problem." Huang Yaowu said.

"Becoming an immortal is so easy." Hu Fei shook his head noncommittally.

"What a horrible breath!"

"Is this the legendary catastrophe?"

"What kind of terrifying existence is going through the tribulation?"

"According to the words of those seniors, the strong ones here are probably going through the immortal calamity?"

"What, Immortal Tribulation!"


"It's no wonder these clouds are so powerful, and such a terrifying breath falls, I think I will turn into scum immediately!"


At this moment, all of a sudden, the clouds and mists in the sky dispersed, and in the blink of an eye, the horrific weather just now turned into a clear sky again.

"Uh~~What's going on?" Many people talked about it, some of them didn't understand.

"what happened?"

"Where did Tianjie go?" Liu Zhanhui and the others looked at Hu Fei.

"This is the first time I have encountered such a weird thing."

"It's really weird."

"It seems that the powerful aura inside is gone." Hu Fei swept over with his spiritual sense. Although they couldn't see the whole picture, they could feel the shallow aura inside. "How did this happen?" Hua Qing looked at Hu Fei and the others hesitantly.

"Just go and have a look." Hu Fei thought for a while and said.

When Liu Zhanhui and the others heard the words, they were a little afraid to move.

"Hmph~~" Hu Fei sneered, "You're really timid."

Immediately, Hu Fei looked at Shui Zhilan: "Are you going with me?"

"Okay, let's go and have a look." Shui Zhilan nodded after thinking about it.

After the two finished speaking, their figures flickered, and they quickly entered the big hole.

The big hole was very deep, thousands of meters long, but they had only gone down 1000 meters before they encountered a huge golden tree.

The whole body of this big tree seems to be covered with scales, which is very terrifying.The aura on it was very similar to what they sensed before, but at this moment, it seemed that the aura in his body was gone.

"Sure enough, as I guessed, this monster is dead." Hu Fei said, looking at Shui Zhilan.

Shui Zhilan nodded, and suddenly looked into a corner, her expression shocked.

"Hu Fei, where are you looking?" Shui Zhilan pointed in one direction.

Hu Fei immediately looked over, his face was also shocked, because there were many spiritual fruits there, which were shiny and obviously not ordinary things.

They have lived for hundreds of years, and they have never seen such a spiritual fruit. Their bodies are fiery red, but they are also crystal clear, very beautiful.

The two of them flashed past. There were fifty of these spiritual fruits, each of which seemed to contain huge energy, and it seemed that eating them would be enough to greatly increase their strength.

"Zhilan, you take thirty of these spiritual fruits, and I take twenty," Hu Fei said.

"This..." Shui Zhilan didn't expect that Hu Fei would make her the majority, and her affection for Hu Fei increased to a higher level.

"Okay." Shui Zhilan still nodded, and then put away thirty of the spiritual fruits, and Hu Fei was about to accept the remaining twenty, when several voices appeared inside.

"What a spiritual fruit with a powerful aura!" Huang Yaowu and the others' eyes lit up, wanting to go forward to snatch it.

"Hmph~~" Hu Fei snorted coldly, and then put away the spirit fruit.

"Brother Hu, you have already taken such a spiritual fruit, so it's no problem for the three of us to share two." Hua Qing said.

"Why should I give it to you, three trash!" Hu Fei said coldly.

"You~~" The three were so angry that their teeth itched, but there was nothing they could do.

(End of this chapter)

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