Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 935 8 Fang Yundong

Chapter 935
After waiting for Ye Wentian and the others to leave for a long time, it was only then that Hu Fei and Shui Zhilan came to their senses.

"Zhilan, this should be true, right?" Hu Fei said uncertainly, feeling more excited.

"Brother Fei, we'll know if we try, and I believe that senior won't harm us. If he harms us, we have no choice at all." Shui Zhilan said.

"That's true." Hu Fei nodded.

Immediately, Hu Fei gave one of the jade pieces to Shui Zhilan, and the two sat one after another, quickly operating their skills to absorb the energy in the jade piece.

The original divine power entered their bodies, and the two pupils immediately opened, looking at each other in disbelief.

"What a magical energy." Hu Fei changed his mind and immediately took out a transparent sphere.

Immediately, Hu Fei put his palm on it, and soon, the transparent beads emitted a golden light.

Gold represents metallicity, which is a very aggressive attribute.

But at this moment, seeing the dazzling golden light on the sphere, Hu Fei was stunned, and Shui Zhilan was also stunned.

"Eighty, your talent value has reached eighty!"

"I didn't expect that such a small amount of energy could increase my talent by five points. It's really unbelievable. Zhilan, I hope to become a strong man in the tribulation period!" Hu Fei was so excited that he hugged me Shui Zhilan fiercely kissed Shui Zhilan on the face a few times.

Shui Zhilan was ashamed, but she still let Hu Fei kiss her, not to mention that the two had faced each other completely, which was nothing at all.

Seeing that Shui Zhilan didn't object, Hu Fei became more presumptuous, but after a while, a refreshing sound came from the big hole.

Many strong men outside originally wanted to come and take a look, but they ran away quickly after receiving Hu Fei's sound transmission warning.

How could these strong men in the primordial spirit stage be the opponents of the five-fold group strongmen in the combined body stage?

Shui Zhilan returned to Ningshuimen and brought back Hu Fei. Many people were surprised, but seeing that Hu Fei is a strong fifth heavenly body in the fusion stage, no one objected.

Although Ningshuimen is a first-class force, and there is even an ancestor in the sect who has passed the tribulation period, but there are not many strong men who have reached the fifth level of the fusion period. Hu Fei can join, and the invisible The strength of Ningshuimen has improved a little.

Above the main seat, the head of Ningshuimen was sitting upright, listening to Hu Fei and Shui Zhilan's narration.

"Zhilan, your talent has really increased to 75?" asked Yang Xiao, the master of Ningshuimen.

"That's right." Saying that, Shui Zhilan put her hand on the mysterious bead, and soon, a blue light shone, surprising everyone.

"76!" Yang Xiao was very surprised. She remembered that Shui Zhilan's talent value was [-] before, but now it has increased by [-] points.

"Master, I... I didn't expect to grow to 76, and it was always 75 before." Shui Zhilan explained.

"Okay, okay, not bad, Zhilan, the higher your talent value, the better for Ningshuimen, tell me about that senior." Yang Xiao said excitedly.

"Senior Ye wants us to find his wives."

"His wife? Could it be that Senior Ye's wife disappeared?" Yang Xiao was a little surprised. After all, with such a high level of cultivation, how could even his own wife disappear.

"According to Senior Ye, he is a reincarnated person, and so is his wife," Shui Zhilan said.

"It turned out to be a reincarnated person!" Yang Xiao was shocked: "Now that the path of the immortal god is sealed, Senior Ye is still a reincarnated person, then he was either a fairy god once, or he was a strong man in the Mahayana stage who used secret methods to reincarnate. No matter what kind of people are rebuilt, you can see the strength of Senior Ye, Zhilan immediately released the news and tried her best to find the whereabouts of Ye Wentian's wife." Yang Xiao said.

"It's the sect master." Shui Zhilan nodded, and walked out with Hu Fei.

"Can be reincarnated and rebuilt. If this kind of strong person can be used as an offering to our Ningshuimen, then our Ningshuimen will one day become a superpower and no longer be a vassal of others." Yang Xiao is ambitious and doesn't like to live under others all the time life.

As soon as the news was released, many experts started discussing it.

"Senior Ye Wentian looks for his wife, and after finding it, he can get any three pills below the Mahayana stage!"

"Not only that, but is this elixir a legendary elixir?"

"The legendary elixir? Could it be a super elixir?"

"Say you have little knowledge, it's a elixir with dao rhyme!"

"Daoyun? What is it?"

"Dao Yun doesn't even know, maybe he has short knowledge."

"Dao rhyme is something that helps us to cultivate and comprehend. Let me tell you this, it is like a sudden enlightenment. It can help us to comprehend more powerful spells at the same level."

"And this is not counted, it can make us become the supreme powerhouse, and the time required for cultivation is shorter than others."

"It's so powerful!"

"Maybe even more powerful than this, in fact, I just heard about it."

"Damn it, you're rambling this week, talking nonsense, right?"

"This man is not talking nonsense, it's all true. The elixir that implies Dao Yun is not only harmless, but may also improve our talent."

"Fuck me, increase your talent, hurry up and find Senior Ye's wife."

When the news of Ningshuimen was released, not only the people of Ningshuimen got the news, but within an hour, even the superpowers far away in Tianyu got the news.

A ray of sword light streaked across the sky, and then stopped on a mountain top.

"What's the matter?" On the top of the mountain, a woman said lightly, her eyes still tightly closed.

"Old Ancestor, there is one thing that I don't know if I should say it or not?"

"You're here, so if you don't say it, it's a waste of time." The woman said.

"A senior who was reincarnated and rebuilt announced something through the Ningshui Gate, looking for his wife." The visitor said.

"Oh, someone who has been reincarnated and recultivated." The woman sitting on the top of the mountain then narrowed her eyes slightly: "Continue talking."

"This senior also said that as long as he can find out the whereabouts of his wife, he can get any three pills below the Mahayana stage."

"Any three pills below the Mahayana stage, it seems that this person is a good alchemist." The woman nodded.

"The most important thing is that the elixirs given by this senior are all elixirs that have reached the level of Dao Yun."

"The level of dao rhyme!" This time, the woman's eyes narrowed slightly, and she turned to look at the woman in front of her: "Such a powerful alchemy technique is not something ordinary people can have. Just do it."

(End of this chapter)

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