Chapter 94

"According to what you said, it seems that the woman should have picked up the cheat book left by the inner disciples of our Yaoyue Palace, but..." After saying this, Hong Yiyi paused and looked at Ye Wentian with puzzled eyes.

"But what?" Ye Wentian was puzzled by Hong Yiyi's eyes: "Sister Hong, why are you looking at me like that?"

"Brother Ye, aren't you just looking for fun?" Hong Yiyi asked suspiciously.

Hearing this, Ye Wentian couldn't laugh or cry, and said with a wry smile: "Do you think I look like a person looking for fun?"

"It's really not like it, otherwise you wouldn't take a woman like me who is at least a little bit clean and pretty as a gift." Hong Yiyi complained a little.

"Ahem~ Well, Sister Hong, I've always been a little curious, what kind of skills are you practicing, why are you looking for a monk? And what kind of male pet?" Speaking of male pet, Ye Wentian felt goosebumps Pimples.

"The ones we invite Yue Gong to practice are all seductive arts. They are not very aggressive, but to a certain extent, they can keep their faces. Of course, our seductive arts are also very scary when they are cultivated to a high level. With just a few gestures, we can make others Falling into an illusion, or even let the opponent commit suicide without knowing it." Hong Yiyi looked at Ye Wentian's dumbfounded expression, smiled slightly, and then said: "It is difficult for us to advance in the practice of seductiveness alone, unless My own physique is against the sky, otherwise I can only practice dual cultivation with other men to speed up the progress."

Having said that, Hong Yiyi paused, looked at Ye Wentian meaningfully, and said with a smile: "Brother Ye, your physique is very strange, it doesn't seem to be the body of nine yangs described in the book, but there is a little I can be sure that your physique is very suitable for dual cultivation with people like us, and it will be of great help not only to me but also to your cultivation."

"Uh... Well, Shuangxiu seems to be very attractive to men, but this... doesn't seem to be suitable for me!" Ye Wentian swallowed his saliva and smiled awkwardly.

To be honest, it would be abnormal for Ye Wentian not to be excited when he heard the word Shuangxiu. All men would have such thoughts, but he knew that there were certain bottom lines that he could not touch. Otherwise, a little bit If you can't stand the temptation, it will be difficult for you to improve your cultivation greatly in the future.

"It's hard to imagine, Brother Ye, you are at the age of passion and youth, but you can guard your body like a jade. This kind of character is really beyond the reach of ordinary people. Even if I, Hong Yiyi, can't stay with you in this life, it is considered heaven to be able to meet you For my favor, in the future, I will not do anything to force you, and I will see it, everything depends on fate, and some things cannot be forced." Hong Yiyi sighed, with a somewhat sad expression, and continued Said: "It's just that I hope Brother Ye can help me with one thing in the future."

"What's the matter?" Ye Wentian was stunned for a moment, and then said: "I still have a good impression of you, Sister Hong. At least you are very frank and have no deep plans for me. Tell me, I will help if I can." .”

"Thank you, Brother Ye, for still having a good impression of me. No matter what happens to Brother Ye in the future, even if I have to go through fire and water, I will not hesitate to do so." Hong Yiyi said solemnly, with a firm look in his eyes.

"Sister Hong was joking, even if you go through fire and water, I won't let you do it." Ye Wentian smiled, and then said: "Sister Hong, tell me what it is."

"I want you to help me kill that heartless man!" Hong Yiyi's last three bite hard, obviously this hatred has been deeply buried in her heart.

"This... I'm afraid I won't be able to do it for a while, and my cultivation base is only at the late stage of the yellow rank, and my body is still in a weak stage recently, which is far from the strength of the person you said What's more, it's been three years now, and his cultivation is probably one step closer." Ye Wentian said with a wry smile.

"Brother Ye, you don't have to belittle yourself. In fact, after I met you that day, I sent someone to investigate you. You won't blame me." Hong Yiyi looked at Ye Wentian seriously.

"I guessed this a long time ago. If I was some heinous villain, I believe that you would not treat me like this, Sister Hong." Ye Wentian said with a smile.

Hearing this, Hong Yiyi nodded, and finally heaved a sigh of relief seeing that Ye Wentian didn't mean to blame her.

"Just a month ago, Brother Ye, you should have been a bastard who only knew how to fight, right?" Hong Yiyi asked with a smile.

"Sister Hong is right. Not long ago I had an adventure, so I became a veritable cultivator." Ye Wentian nodded, anyone can find out this.

"And now, in such a short period of time, Brother Ye, you can cultivate from an ordinary person to the level of the late Huang level. I believe that this ability is rarely matched by anyone in the world, unless it is a cultivator in ancient times. There are people, but it is very difficult to become a practitioner now, but you can advance so quickly. I believe that chance is one of the reasons, but more is your physique. I believe that in a short time, your The cultivation base will definitely surpass him, even surpass those powerhouses in our Yueyue Palace." Hong Yiyi looked at Ye Wentian expectantly.

Ye Wentian knew his physique, and the cheating device of Tiandi Qiankun Pearl. Of course, the ancestor of Hongmeng was generally ignored by Ye Wentian, because in Ye Wentian's view, the old man was a guy who was so angry that he didn't spit out his bones. This time it made people itchy, and then he just pretended to be dead, which made Ye Wentian go crazy. If he could, Ye Wentian would have to drag the old man up and beat him up, but he knew his own strength, and even a sneeze from others You can beat him to death, let alone beat him violently.

Ye Wentian was thinking about his own thoughts, raised his head, and looked at Hong Yiyi's trusting eyes, his heart trembled, almost melted by Hong Yiyi's spring-like eyes.

Seeing the subtle changes in Ye Wentian's eyes, Hong Yiyi was overjoyed. To be honest, she really fell in love with Ye Wentian, a man 12 years younger than her. In front of Ye Wentian, She is more used to being a little woman, but she knows that Ye Wentian is very principled and will not be easily influenced, so she must use gentle means.

"Sister Hong, how many people are there in the Moon Palace you invited, and how high is the highest cultivation level?" Ye Wentian suppressed the anger in his heart and asked hastily.

"There are only a hundred people in our Invitation Moon Palace, and the one with the highest level of cultivation is a Supreme Elder. I heard that his cultivation level has reached the state of Dzogchen in the late stage of the heavenly level."

"What! My god... the late stage of the heavenly level is perfect!" Ye Wentian was so shocked that he almost wobbled and rolled under the bed. He barely got up and wiped his sweat: "Sister Hong, you are asking me to die The rhythm! Let me, a junior who is only in the late Huang level, challenge your authority to invite the Moon Palace, isn't this hitting a rock with an egg?"

"I also know that it is difficult to be strong, but I don't want you to kill that heartless man immediately. I can wait for time, but I just wait a little longer. My heart is as painful as a knife. I only hope that you can avenge me as soon as possible. It's good to have a grudge." Hong Yiyi sighed.

Hong Yiyi didn't know how difficult it was to kill that person, but she believed in Ye Wentian's potential, and she couldn't help but believe it. Perhaps, this was a woman's innate sixth sense.

(End of this chapter)

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