Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 951: A Family Reunion

Chapter 951

Ye Zhifeng turned pale with shock, he didn't expect Zhao Yang's strength to improve so much.

"Ling'er!" Ye Zhifeng was about to step forward to catch Yang Ling, but a sword flashed behind him at an extremely fast speed.

Ye Zhifeng suddenly sensed it, but in order to catch Yang Ling, he couldn't control so much. He quickly jumped aside with Yang Ling, but he still cut his arm when he got the sword light, and the blood soon stained his clothes red .

"It's really vulnerable." Zhao Yang's figure flashed, and he was ten steps away from Ye Zhifeng.

"Ye Zhifeng, I really don't know why Yang Ling fell in love with you as a waste. My cultivation is only at the Yuanshen stage, but I, Zhao Yang, am already at the fusion stage." Zhao Yang said proudly.

"Hmph~~Zhao Yang, how can you compare with my brother Feng? You are over 100 years old now, and you still rely on the cultivation base of the great elder's pill code. Compared with Brother Feng, you are a full-fledged trash." Yang Ling sneered.

"I'm a waste, haha~~ Yang Ling, the problem now is that I, a waste, can easily kill you, and even play with you. I've been thinking about your body for too long, and today I can finally realize what I have done for many years. wish." Zhao Yang smiled wickedly.

"Zhao Yang, I'll kill you!" Ye Zhifeng's breath surged, and he began to stimulate his potential with all his strength.

"Hmph~~Ye Zhifeng, do you think you can defeat me by arousing your potential? Tell you, it's impossible." Zhao Yang stabbed Ye Zhifeng with his long spear.

Ye Zhifeng forcibly improved his skills, and soon reached the fusion stage, and his strong energy suddenly intensified, and the power of a sword knocked Zhao Yang back a step.

"Haha~~ Not bad, Ye Zhifeng, you were able to beat me back, unfortunately, that's all you have." Zhao Yang suddenly took out a red ball from the space ring, and threw it towards Ye Zhifeng.

Ye Zhifeng was startled and wanted to back away, but he found Yang Ling behind him, with the long sword in his hand piercing the sphere like a rainbow.

What Ye Zhifeng didn't expect was that the sphere suddenly exploded and turned into a long rope, which completely bound him.

"Haha~~Ye Zhifeng, do you feel aggrieved now, hehe~~This is the end of stealing my Linger, you are doomed today, but don't worry, I won't kill you now, I will let you Look, how I played with your woman." Zhao Yang smiled wickedly, and quickly took off his clothes.

Wang Shui was taken aback, and immediately turned around.

"Zhao Yang, you bastard, if you dare to move your spirit, I, Ye Zhifeng, will never let you go." Ye Zhifeng blushed anxiously, and struggled hard, but the rope was too strong, and he used all his strength. Can't break free.

"Zhao Yang, I'll kill you." Yang Ling waved the long sword, but with a bang, the long sword was sent flying by Zhao Yang.

"Stinky bitch, you dare to have sex with other men. Today I will let you know how powerful I am and the consequences of rebelling against me." Zhao Yang grabbed Yang Ling's hands without any mercy.

With a few crisp creaks, Yang Ling's hands and legs were broken by Zhao Yang. The pain made Yang Ling sweat profusely, but she held it back forcefully.

"Zhao Yang, take all your grievances on me, don't move!" Ye Zhifeng was in a hurry, but there was nothing he could do.

"Ye Zhifeng, you have enjoyed this delicate body for more than 20 years, and now it's good for me to enjoy it, haha~~ Although this bitch's virginity was taken away by you, it's not bad for me to be her second man, and in the future Only I am her man."


"Father, mother!" Ye Wentian suddenly felt a burst of heartache, this feeling is the feeling of blood connection.

"Sanggong, what's the matter?" Die Wu and Wang Lian looked over at the same time, and Xiao Bai also looked at Ye Wentian suspiciously.

"My parents are in danger." Ye Wentian bit his finger and quickly squeezed the formula. In his eyes, Ye Wentian saw a scene that made him angry.

"Kill!" Ye Wentian's body was full of murderous aura, his body and mind moved, and he appeared dozens of miles away in an instant. In a few flashes, Ye Wentian slammed a giant hand towards a person, ready to do something wrong. man.

Ye Wentian was furious, flicked his fingers, a stream of light flashed by, and Zhao Yang's little brother fell to the ground.

"Ah~~哗~~" Zhao Yang screamed loudly, trying to break free, but it was really too difficult.

"Go...die~~" Zhao Yang roared, and a palm print on his body suddenly hit Ye Wentian.

This blow implied the strength of the Mahayana period, which should not be underestimated.

"Yeah~~" Seeing this, the little guy threw out the big stick in his hand and blocked it in front of several people.

With a loud bang, the big stick was bounced back and fell into Xiao Bai's hands again, but it still blocked the blow after all.

"Who are you?" Zhao Yang looked at Xiaobai in disbelief, such a blow from the Mahayana period was easily resolved.

"Xiaobai, get rid of him first!" Ye Wentian said in a deep voice.

"Yeah~~" Xiaobai chuckled, and waved the big stick in his hand towards Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang turned pale with shock, and used the power of the Mahayana period again, but Xiao Bai's big stick was too powerful, and he could easily dispel his powerful palm strength. After three moves, Zhao Yang was blown away by Xiao Bai's stick He went out, fell to the ground and wailed.

Seeing this, Wang Shui was really about to run away, but his internal organs were shattered by Ye Wentian's inner strength, and even Yuanshen didn't escape.

"Mother, father!" Ye Wentian asked Wang Lian to change Yang Ling's clothes, and cut off the rope on Ye Zhifeng's body with a sword.

" are asking the sky?" Yang Ling and Ye Zhifeng couldn't believe their eyes.

"Not bad." Ye Wentian looked at the two of them and smiled slightly, then knelt down.

Die Wu and Wang Lian also knelt down immediately, Xiaobai blinked her big eyes, and landed on Ye Wentian's shoulder, imitating Ye Wentian's appearance and also kneeling on Ye Wentian's shoulder.

"Father, mother, the child has made you suffer." Ye Wentian kowtowed three times to Yang Ling and Ye Zhifeng.

"Tian'er, it's really you!" Yang Ling was so excited, he didn't expect that the senior Ye that everyone said was really his son, there are such heaven-defying sons, and seeing them is really shocking.

"Wentian, you... are you really Senior Ye?" Ye Zhifeng looked at Ye Wentian with a strange expression.

"The person they are talking about is indeed me, but I am still the child of my father and mother." Ye Wentian said.

"Yeah~~" Xiaobai giggled, jumped onto Yang Ling's shoulder, and rubbed Yang Ling with his furry cheek.

"Hehe~~ This little guy is so cute." Yang Ling hugged the cute Xiaobai, who never forgot to be cute, which made Yang Ling giggle.

"Qian Tian, ​​what's the name of this little guy, he's so cute." Yang Ling laughed.

"Yi Ya~~ Yi Ya!"

(End of this chapter)

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