Chapter 967

What Wan Lianhe is, Xiaobai actually doesn't know, but relying on the memory in his mind, he remembered Wan Lianhe's name.

The Wan Lian He stood there quietly, the magma reflected the Wan Lian He red, but the Wan Lian He had blue leaves, which seemed very strange.

Wan Lianhe has a delicate fragrance, which is peaceful and far-reaching, making people feel peaceful and clear, and has great benefits for practitioners to improve their cultivation.

Xiaobai looked at Wan Lianhe quietly, and continued to wonder in his heart, because there should be something guarding here, but under Xiaobai's careful perception, there was nothing.

This is strange, because such a treasure must have been discovered by many people. You can know from the deep-buried footprints when Xiaobai came here, but this Wanlianhe is still in good condition, and this Wanlianhe has passed away. Ten thousand years, its preciousness can be imagined.

Such treasures are great treasures for the five great beasts. Maybe it is because the five great beasts have never been here, but at least some practitioners have come. There is only one reason why they can't take away the ten thousand lotuses. There are powerful presences all around, and they are so powerful that all the people who came here died here.

It is obviously not something that ordinary demon cultivators can do to make the people who come here die. It seems that there should be half-step immortals here, but they still died, which shows a big problem.

Xiaobai pulsated his footsteps again, but found nothing, so he pulsated his footsteps again, his eyes rolled around, and found that there was still no movement around him.

As everyone knows, there is a pair of ubiquitous eyes that have already discovered Xiao Bai, but now is not the best time.

Xiaobai touched his chin, looked at the Wanlianhe in the magma, touched his chin, jumping down to pick it would definitely cause problems, maybe something was in the magma.

Thinking of his big stick, Xiao Bai smiled triumphantly, and threw the big stick into the magma.

The big stick already possessed spirituality, and when it reached Wanlianhe, it immediately turned into a hand, grabbing Wanlianhe and pulling it up.

Wan Lianhe is very unusual, deeply rooted and difficult to pull, but the big stick is very strong after all, and it quickly pulled Wan Lianhe up.

But at this moment, a change happened.

"Little guy, the boss has been putting up with you for a long time, and he doesn't even have the slightest sense of fun, and he wants to take away my Wanlianhe. Are you looking for death!" An old voice came, shaking the surrounding rocks.

"Yeah~~" Xiaobai yelled loudly, his expression became vigilant, and he kept looking around, but he didn't see anything under the scanning of his spiritual sense.

"Little guy, put Wan Lianhe back, and I will forgive you, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!" The old voice came again, with a stern tone.

"Yeah~~" Xiaobai wanted to say who you are, but it was still an incomprehensible cry. The big stick came in front of Xiaobai, and Xiaobai grabbed Wan Lianhe and put it in his pocket.

"Little guy, it seems that you are really toasting and not eating and drinking!" Immediately afterwards, the surroundings of the cave suddenly began to close, and the entire volcano was actually sealed, and no one wanted to go out.

In the magma, a sleazy figure flickered, staring at Xiao Bai with anger in his eyes.

Xiaobai took the big stick into his hand, and immediately gained a lot of confidence, looking at the Flint Demon with a serious expression.

"Yeah~~" Xiaobai looked at the Flint Demon and exchanged a sound.

"Little guy, what are you talking about?" Flint Demon asked a little strangely, "Don't you even know your own name?"

"Yeeeeeeee~~" Xiaobai kept yelling, but the flint demon still couldn't understand, and it was Xiaobai who gestured in the air for a while before he understood everything.

"Little guy, you're dead!" The Flint Demon ignored it and grabbed Xiaobai.

Everything is the big hand of the Flint Demon, so just as Xiao Bai was about to jump, he realized that he was stuck with the clay on the ground.

Xiaobai's pupils were wide open, and he swung the big stick in his hand and slammed the hammer. The ground shook, shaking Xiaobai out.

"Little guy, come to my place, don't even think about leaving!" The flint demon shouted angrily, and all the surrounding stones moved and smashed towards Xiaobai.

The big stick that Xiao Bai swung was airtight, but some flint stones still hit him.

"Yeah~~" The little guy screamed in pain, and the real person was smashed into the magma.

Xiaobai immediately stabilized his body to avoid close contact with the magma. Although the temperature of the magma could not hurt him, the magma would hinder its movement.

The Flint Demon let out a grin, and immediately sealed off the space above Xiaobai, completely imprisoning him in the magma, ready to roast him.

"Yeah~~" Xiaobai yelled, and the big stick in his hand suddenly hit the space above his head. The rock layer above exploded with a bang, revealing a series of cracks, but soon, those cracks recovered. up.

"Haha~~ little guy, here, I am the sky, you can't beat me at all, and you want to take my baby away, eat your shit." The flint demon yelled frantically, and the surrounding magma water gathered Become a big hand.

Xiao Bai was shocked, and hit the top of his head again with a stick. The moment the crack appeared, Xiao Bai rushed over, but just as his whole body was halfway through, he was stuck, and then a big hand grabbed him. Caught up.

"Haha~~ I said, I am the sky here, no matter how powerful people come to me, they will die. If they want to take my treasure, it is simply asking for shame." The Flint Demon shot a rocket towards Xiaobai. come.

"Grow bigger!" Xiaobai shouted sharply, and sure enough, the big stick expanded continuously in an instant, quickly blocking the magma, and then, the big stick began to expand outward.

"It's really a powerful big stick, but it's impossible to grow bigger." The Flint Demon pinched a formula with both hands, and then the surrounding rock layer continued to thicken, tightly trapping the big stick. increase.

The big stick started to grow faster, but after the Flint Demon used the formation, it blocked the growth of the big stick.

Xiaobai's complexion turned bitter in an instant, the big stick was useless, and he quickly punched the top of the big stick.

Sure enough, after Xiaobai's strength was strengthened, the big stick could continue to expand upwards.

"Damn it!" The flint demon roared angrily, and countless big hands suddenly pressed towards the big stick and Xiaobai.

Xiaobai was trapped inside to death, there was no way to hide, and was quickly caught by the flint demon, and then the flint demon didn't give Xiaobai another chance, grabbed Xiaobai and threw it into the magma.

(End of this chapter)

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