Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 986: You Can't Die If You Don't Die

Chapter 986: You Can't Die If You Don't Die

The third child was tangled for a while, but when he saw this beautiful beauty who had lost his soul, he thought for a while and said, "Okay, you are the first to be the front of her, but the hole in the back must be mine."

"You~~ haha... Third child, I never thought you would have this hobby!" The second child smiled evilly, with a look that you understand.

"Hmph~~ Her front has already been moved, but the back looks like it must be the first time. It's not bad that I have messed with her for the first time." The third child said.

"Okay. It's settled like this. I don't care if it's her first time. As long as she's pretty, it's fine." After the second child finished speaking, he walked towards Huo Fenghuang.

Huo Fenghuang naturally listened to all the words of these two people in her heart, but she was not angry in her heart, but at the moment her heart was in a mess, and she didn't have the heart to manage other people's crazy words.

"Little girl, it's lonely late at night, do you want my brother to accompany you!" At this time, the second child stepped forward, looked at Huo Fenghuang and smiled.

Huo Fenghuang frowned slightly, and looked up at the man, his skull was long and thin, and his appearance was really unflattering.

Liu Tao frowned, then turned to the other side, ready to take another path, but soon, two fat men blocked her.

"Hey, beauty, this guy is unreliable, follow my brother and I will make you happy." The fat man said.

"Hey~~ Fatty, didn't you agree, I'll be the first one?" The second child said angrily.

"Hey~~ second child, I mean the first one below belongs to you, but the other positions are not necessarily the same. Whoever can impress this beauty will belong to the other places." The third child said.

"Hey~~ third child, when did you become like this, do you want me to beat you up, you are only at the peak of the Jindan Stage Nine Heavens, and I am already in the Nascent Soul Stage, if it weren't for you It's the third child, I really want to beat you up." The third child said viciously.

Hearing this, the third child's expression was startled, not to mention, the second child's cultivation base is higher than his, so he definitely can't beat him in a fight.

"Second brother, such a beautiful girl, can't you let me once, anyway, you are also a character who has lived among thousands of flowers." The third child said distressedly: "Think about it, I can count the number of times I have played. , more than a hundred times less than you, can't you let me go!"

"It's not impossible to let you let you. It's okay. Apart from the previous conditions, the rest of us are one and half. Her small mouth is half of you and me, and her middle is still half of you and half of me, and the rest is still the same. It's your half and I'm half, um, that's fine, I want the left half, you want the right half, how about it? Third child, I have already made the final concession." The man said angrily.

"Hey~~Second brother, you are so kind, it's such a happy decision." The third child said.

"Huh~~ Second child, I'm dead." The third child turned around, only to find that the chick had run away without a trace.

"Really, you run really fast." The second child let go of his consciousness, and soon found the figure of the fire phoenix.

"Let's go, she's only a hundred meters away." The second child stepped in front of Huo Fenghuang, and the third child followed closely behind.

"Little girl, come here, let my brother love you well." The second child chuckled, stretched out his hand and grabbed Huo Fenghuang.

Huo Fenghuang frowned, and the flames danced in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the second child was horrified to find that his entire arm had been burned, and there was still a burnt smell on the arm.

"Ah~~my arm!" the second child screamed.

"Second brother, you... this..." The third child knew that he might have stepped on the iron plate, so he pulled the third child and prepared to run, but they soon discovered that no matter how hard they tried, they still stayed where they were.

"What do you want to do to me?" The flames in Huo Fenghuang's eyes flashed, making the two of them feel like they met a ghost.

"Senior, please forgive me, we are just playing for fun, we have no other intentions." The third child hurriedly begged for mercy.

"Let's play, hmph~~ Why is none of you men good except him?" Huo Fenghuang looked at the two of them coldly, and then said: "You two seem to have harmed many people, you say, I should How to punish you."

"Senior, we were wrong, please forgive us." The two guys kept begging for mercy, but Huo Fenghuang didn't seem to let them go.

"You are all damned people, it's all because of you damned people that I lost him, it's all of you, it's all of you!" Huo Fenghuang's eyes flickered with fire.

When the two of them saw this posture, they knew something was wrong, but it was still useless, and they were completely burned by the flames of the fire phoenix.

"Hmph~~ It's all of you, I want to kill all of you, so that Wentian can forgive me." Huo Fenghuang didn't know what was going on, and felt so painful in her heart. At this moment, she thought of a way to make Ye Wentian forgive her. He was going to find the other four great beasts, but it was because they didn't control their own subordinates, which made the demon cultivators run wild to the extreme.

After killing the two little people, Huo Fenghuang was about to leave when another man leaped over from afar.

"Where did these two dogs go? I didn't even wait if I asked them to wait." Soon, the man suddenly spotted Huo Fenghuang, his eyes lit up, and he came to Huo Fenghuang from inside: "Little girl, one person."

"Who are you?" Huo Fenghuang frowned, this man was very similar to the two people just now.

Immediately, Huo Fenghuang forgot to take a look at the place where the two guys were burned to ashes just now, and watched the man's fire light beating in his eyes.

"Beauty, what's the matter with your eyes?" The man noticed something unusual. This woman is probably not an ordinary person. If ordinary people can come here in the middle of the night.

"Just now I killed two short-sighted, one fat and one thin, it looks like they should be someone of yours." Huo Fenghuang said.

"No, no." The man was terrified, waved his hands again and again, and was about to run away, but he was horrified to find that after his feet were off the ground, they were on fire strangely, and the flames burned very fast. The lifeblood of the place.

"Oh~~ help, senior, spare me!" the man screamed miserably, but it was too late, and soon, the flames covered the man.

"If you don't die, you won't die." Huo Fenghuang smiled coldly, his eyes turned to Chang Tian: "Qinglong, Baihu, Xuanwu, Qilin, find the white tiger first, hum~~"

After Huo Fenghuang finished speaking, he quickly took out a roulette, input a breath into the roulette, and soon, the picture appeared.

But soon, a strong aura rushed over, it was a prehistoric beast, the white tiger, his eyes opened, and a harsh aura came.

(End of this chapter)

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