Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 168 Give it to you at the market price

Chapter 168 Give it to you at the market price
In a rental house in an ordinary residential area.

"Repay the money! Li Qian can really hide! Do you think you won't be found if you hide here? Li Qian, come out!"

In a narrow room with one bedroom and one living room, the tables and chairs in the living room were lying crookedly on the ground.

Several tall men in black short-sleeves stood in the living room, making the already small space even more cramped.

The headed man has a short head, a long scar on his face, small eyes, with a little viciousness, a large tattoo of a clown on his exposed arm, and a vicious smile on his face.

"Little girl, where's your dad?"

The man with the scar moved a chair and sat in front of Li Ting.

Li Ting curled up in the corner, her face was full of tears, her voice trembling, "Everyone, brothers, I don't know, I really don't know, I'm trying to raise money, please let me go."

Although Li Ting was a gangster at the school, she was usually violent in school, and she had never seen such a battle before.

After the incident last time, Li Ting was punished by the school, and the sisters around her were also brought back by her family to give them a good education, and Li Ting's gang that collected protection money disbanded.

In fact, Li Ting is considered to be demolishing the second generation. The demolition and relocation in the countryside divided two or three houses, and several million in cash.

Li Ting's father, Li Qian, was lazy. When the family was very poor, Li Ting's mother couldn't bear Li Qian's lack of motivation and left a pair of children and ran away with others.

When the demolition became rich, Li Qian inquired about the number of wealthy people in Xuancheng No. [-] Middle School, so he sent Li Ting and Li Ting's younger brother Li Zibai to Xuancheng No. [-] Middle School to study.

Li Zibai didn't learn well, and often went out with Li Qian to eat, drink, whore and gamble, and was expelled from Xuancheng No. [-] Middle School. This time, the two father and son were set up to lose all the house and cash.

And still owed 300 million.

Li Qian ran away with Li Zibai, and Li Ting rented this house with the remaining pocket money to hide, but unexpectedly, someone came to the door.

"Let you go? Yes! Give me money!"

The man with the scar laughed, looking back and forth at Li Ting.

Li Ting held the phone tightly, her eyes were full of fear, she cried and begged: "Brother, I really don't have any money, all the money is with my father, brother, I am still a student, I beg you to let me go .”

"It's okay to let you go, call your dad, or..." The man with the scar bent down and gently raised Li Ting's face with a knife, "You play with us brothers? Brothers will give you the price according to the market price." ?”

Li Ting shook her head violently, her eyes turned to the door.

The man with the scar snorted coldly, his face darkened instantly.

"Then give the money! Otherwise, hum!"

The younger brothers behind the man with the scar also followed suit.

Li Ting bit her lips tightly with her teeth, her eyes were full of resentment.

She hated Li Qian, Li Zibai, and Cen Shu!

A flash of determination flashed in Li Ting's eyes, she stood up, raised her foot, kicked the scarred man in the vitals, and wanted to run away.

The man with the scar wailed and rolled on the ground, "Her grandma's! Catch her for me! Kill her!"

Li Ting's legs were numb due to squatting on the ground for a long time. Before she stood up and took a few steps, a man grabbed her by the hair.

With her hair pulling her scalp, Li Ting screamed in pain and cried loudly: "Brother! I was wrong! Let me go! I beg you!"

The man with the scar got up from the ground and kicked hard. Li Ting wailed and rolled on the ground clutching her stomach.

The man with the scar looked fierce and dragged Li Ting into the room.

With a bang, the door was slammed shut.

Screams and begging for mercy continued.

The younger brothers outside the door looked up and down, as if they had been used to it for a long time.

 cough!This, the slap in the face came so quickly... Because I only have a little hair left, I will post two chapters first!

  Wake up and write the rest tomorrow~
  Little cuties, don't learn beef, staying up late to be bald, staying up late will hurt your body.

  Go to bed early and get up early, your body will be in good shape, cuties take care of yourself~
  I love you, good night~
(End of this chapter)

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