Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 174 Forcibly Kissing a Good Family Man

Chapter 174 Forcibly Kissing a Good Family Man
Opening the car door, a cup of pearl milk tea was handed over.

The glass cup is transparent, the turquoise milk tea is mixed with black pearl particles, and the milk fragrance is mixed with a touch of tea fragrance.

"The first cup of milk tea in autumn."

Lu Si chuckled softly, his eyes full of tenderness.

Cen Shu took it, sat in the co-pilot, turned her head to look at Lu Si, "Why are you here?"

"When I heard the news, I wanted to be a hero to save the beauty, but I never thought about..." Lu Si's eyes were deep, looking at Cen Shu, the bottom of his eyes was dark.

Cen Shu drank milk tea and laughed softly, "Don't worry about small things."

"Where do you want to go now?"

Cen Shu chewed on the pearl, typed with one hand and sent a message to Lin Lan, then glanced at the police station, "Wait a minute."

Lu Si's eyes flashed, and he hooked his lips, "Okay."

The milk tea was quickly finished, Cen Shu burped, rolled down the car window, and the cool autumn wind blew in. The sun was slanting to the west, but it was not dazzling, and it shone warmly on the person, and the drowsiness gradually hit.

Lu Si took out his computer to work, but his peripheral vision kept falling on Cen Shu, with a soft voice, "Go to sleep if you're sleepy."

Cen Shu nodded, lowered the chair, and closed her eyes lazily.

Soon, the sound of shallow breathing came, as if with an inexplicable rhythm, which made Lu Si's heart rise and fall involuntarily.

Lu Si turned his head, looked at the girl's sleeping face, and moved his fingertips slightly.

After a long time, he raised his hand, and his slender fingertips traced the outline of the girl's profile, but he didn't dare to touch it, as if once touched, the girl would disappear into his world in an instant like in the previous life.

At the gate of the police station, a man came out, carrying a rabbit shoulder bag, looking out of place.

Cen Shu slowly opened her eyes, which were covered with a thin layer of mist, with the haze of just waking up.

Tilting her head, she met Lu Si's scarlet eyes, Cen Shu was slightly taken aback, "What's wrong?"

Lu Si lowered his eyes, his eyelashes trembled slightly, and cast a faint shadow under his eyes, and his thin lips parted slightly, "The eyelashes entered the eyes."

Cen Shu yawned, nodded, and reached out to lift Lu Si's chin.

Lu Si's pupils shrank suddenly, and he clenched his hands violently, but he didn't move, letting Cen Shu manipulate him.

Cen Shu got up and leaned forward, "Are both eyes in?"

Lu Si looked at Cen Shu, and said in a hoarse voice, "to the right."

Cen Shu looked carefully, but still didn't see the eyelashes, "Are there any eye drops in the car? Don't stare at the computer all the time, take a proper rest."

The girl's breath moved away, Lu Si's eyelashes trembled, and he gave a soft 'um' sound.

But when he came out of the police station and learned the truth from Xu Guoqing, Si Shi, who was deeply shocked, came out of the police station with a confused face. He wanted to cry to his master, but he turned around and didn't see Cen Shu.

Just as he lowered his head to make a phone call, he caught a glimpse of that expensive-looking car out of the corner of his eye.

The car window was rolled down, revealing the side face of a young girl, Si Shi was overjoyed, and just as he was about to walk over, he saw his master standing up, kissing a good woman and man in broad daylight!

Si Shi's heart was broken in an instant.

Hearing the movement, Cen Shu looked up at the police station, and saw Si Shi carrying a small bag, standing not far away, pitifully.

Sitting in the back seat, Si Shi lowered his head, thinking about Ai Ai, his master doesn't love him at all.

Lu Si's gaze passed over Si Shi's body calmly, and landed on Cen Shu, "Shanshan, where are you going?"

The voice is beautiful, with indescribable sex appeal.

 cough cough!Today's update is over, I've been a little busy these days, so the update time is uncertain, beef bows and apologizes, hey~
  National Day is coming soon, do you have any travel plans for the cuties?Or have you quietly started your holiday journey?

  Be sure to pay attention to safety when you go out~ I love you and love you~
(End of this chapter)

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