Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 189 I Love Studying!I love mentors!

Chapter 189 I Love Studying!I love mentors!
At this time, there was some movement at the door.

Cen Yanyu's eyes lit up in an instant, and he fixed his eyes on the door.

In fact, Sun Wenwen has a good impression of Cen Yanyu. She is handsome and a top student at Capital University. Cen's family is the new upstart in Xuancheng.

From eating to chatting after dinner, Sun Wenwen's affection for Cen Yanyu has been rising steadily. She has been paying attention to him from the corner of her eye. When she noticed his abnormality, she also followed his gaze towards the door, and then froze.

The bangs on the girl's forehead were a little wet, with a little water vapor, her almond eyes were filled with red lips, her teeth were white, and her broken hair was pressed against her fair cheeks, but it didn't make people feel embarrassed, but it added some messy beauty.

It seemed that he was frightened by the scene in front of him, and he was taken aback, looking a little 'restrained'.

The appearance of the girl interrupted the conversation between the two elders. Liu Lian looked at Cen Shu and twitched her lips. She didn't know where to go when she came back so late, and she didn't know how to call when she saw someone. There is no tutor!

"Shu Shu! You're back!" Cen Yanyu sounded a little excited as if seeing a savior.

Cen Shu responded softly, patted the rain off her body, put on her shoes and walked into the living room, looked at the people in the living room and nodded slightly, "Hello."

"Shu Shu, you came back so late, have you eaten yet?" Cen Yanyu didn't let Cen Shu go, he stepped sideways in front of Cen Shu, with 'SOS' written in his eyes.

Cen Shu ignored it indifferently, nodded, "Well, I've eaten."

Then he glanced at Sun Wenwen, and said in a calm voice, "You guys talk."

After speaking, he waved his hand and walked upstairs.

Cen Yanyu was left alone in the wind.

Break up!
"This is your granddaughter with good grades, right? She looks really good-looking, much prettier than you." Mrs. Sun joked and tried to ease the atmosphere.

The smile on Liu Lian's face became even stiffer.

Hearing that it was her sister, Sun Wenwen breathed a sigh of relief, picked up the apple on the table, sat on the sofa next to Cen Yanyu, and handed the apple to him, "Was it your sister just now? It's so cute."

Cen Yanyu could only feel the bitterness in his mouth, and squeezed out a bitter smile.

It's quite cute, so cute that he wants to beat him up, blah blah.

The next day, Cen Shu stepped on the bell and walked into the classroom.

At a glance, she saw the dampness and pain relief stickers neatly arranged on her desk, almost piled up higher than a person, and raised her eyebrows lightly.

Gu Huo laughed so hard at the side, "Come on, outstanding top student, please feel the full care of Teacher Zhao Shuyu for you."

Since Cen Shu said that she has rheumatism last time, Zhao Xuexue got up every morning with one more item: to read the weather forecast.

Especially after it rained yesterday, Xuexue Zhao became even more worried. The monthly exam is coming soon. What if Cen Shu suffers from rheumatism again and stops writing Chinese?
So, Zhao Shuyu went to the pharmacy overnight to buy dozens of boxes of Hushi Pain Relief Stickers, and put them on Cen Shu's desk early in the morning.

The corners of Cen Shu's lips twitched slightly, and stuffed the table full of love into the drawer.

As soon as he sat down, the phone in his bag vibrated.

It's Cen Yanyu's WeChat.

location sharing.

Cen Shu clicked on it, and it turned out to be at Xuancheng International Airport.

Cen Shu sent a question mark over.

Silly brother: What a joy to study!The teacher is so cute!What a great atmosphere in the studio!I love learning!I love mentors!

Well, another silly kid who was driven crazy by a blind date.

Before Cen Shu could reply, another message came over there.

Silly brother: Wait for me, fight the canyon again!

Cen Shu: ...

(End of this chapter)

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