Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 191 It's just a pity...

Chapter 191 It's just a pity...

emergency room.

The word 'under operation' was extremely dazzling, and Zhe Hua stared at it for a full four hours, even the bottom of his eyes turned red.

Holding the phone tightly in his hand, he pressed the light from time to time to see if there was any news.

The doctor came in and out, and Hua Hua took out a cigarette from his pocket and held it in his hand.

At this time, a pair of black leather shoes appeared in front of him.

Marsh raised his head, his eyes instantly turned red.


Cen Shu threw the packed lunch into the bosom, sat on the bench, glanced at the emergency room, and sighed softly.

"Have a meal."

Nuo Hua obediently put the cigarette in his pocket. He knew that Cen Shu didn't like the smell of cigarettes. Although he had carried it with him all these years, he had never smoked it.

Opening the box of lunch, he ate his meal mechanically.

Cen Shu leaned lazily on the bench, her eyes darkened.

As if sensing something suddenly, Cen Shu looked sideways at the door of the emergency room.

I saw a very faint shadow slowly appearing. The shadow was very faint and seemed to dissipate at any time. From the outline of the shadow, it could be seen that it was a girl.

The girl seemed to have noticed Cen Shu's gaze, turned her head to look at Cen Shu, and showed a bright smile, "Shu Shu, you can actually see me?!"

The sound is full of surprise and joy.

Cen Shu glanced at the ignorant Marsh, nodded slightly, and pursed her lips.

Hang Xinyi squatted down, came to the side of the marsh, looked up at his eyebrows and eyes, and said in a voice full of nostalgia, "Actually, I knew that such a day would come, but I'm just a little regretful..."

This is the first time she has observed the marsh so carefully and so closely, looked at his brows and eyes, and sketched his outline.

"Simple." Cen Shu pursed her lips and said softly.

"Shu Shu, what did you say?" Nuo Hua was stunned for a moment, then turned his head, thinking that Cen Shu was talking to her, with a questioning look on his face.

Cen Shu didn't speak, raised her hand, and knocked the marsh unconscious with a palm.

Swamp:? ? ?
Reach out to catch the falling lunch box.

Swamp collapsed limply on the bench, his head collided with the bench and made a loud noise, and it hurt when he heard it.

"Shu Shu, what are you doing?"

Hang Xinyi was stunned for a moment, with a puzzled look on his face.

Cen Shu curled her lips and said in a bewitching voice, "Hey, close your eyes."

Hang Xinyi obediently closed her eyes.

Cen Shu tapped between Hang Xinyi's eyebrows, and Hang Xinyi's soul gradually faded, turning into a cloud of green smoke and entering the swampy dream.

The playground is full of laughter and laughter.

Hang Xinyi got off the jumping machine, her eyes were bright, dazzling like stars.

These things have been completely separated from her since she was born. These years, she has been like a fragile doll, unable to jump, unable to be stimulated, and even brisk walking has become a luxury.

"Ugh!" Swamp Hua retched at the side, his face pale.

"Xiaohang, can't we play some milder games?"

Hang Xinyi smiled softly, glanced at the Ferris wheel not far away, took the hand of the swamp, and ran over there.

Swamp Hua staggered from being pulled, and subconsciously said, "Slow down, don't get hurt."

After finishing speaking, Nuo Hua was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't understand why he would say this.

After paying and sitting on the Ferris wheel, the expression of swamping eased a little. Looking out through the glass window, the playground is close to Qinghu Lake, overlooking it at night, it is very beautiful.

Hang Xinyi sat on the opposite side of the swamp, her eyes were focused, her hands kept stirring, she was a little nervous.


It was the first time she called him that.

(End of this chapter)

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