Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 193 Can't Help Showdown

Chapter 193 Can't Help Showdown
[Host...] Xiaohua bit her handkerchief and couldn't help but whimpered. Ever since she read the novel about the domineering president falling in love with me, her tears have plummeted.

【Host, why does Xinyi's soul dissipate so quickly? 】Xiaohua is puzzled.

Cen Shu glanced at Nuohua, 【Probably... no longer attached. 】

The soul and body are born due to obsession, and most people enter reincarnation in a daze after death.

But some souls wander the world because of their obsession, and this is why the mysterious master appeared. The purpose is to save the undead and maintain the order of the yin and yang worlds.

[In this way, does every world have mysterious masters? ] Xiao Hua fainted.

Cen Shu lowered her eyes, her eyes were dimly lit, her voice was a little soft, 【Who knows. 】

"Cough, Ms. Cen, the hospital will contact Mr. Shanghang to deal with the matter of Yiyi. It's getting late, do you want to go back first?"

Gu Jiuqing looked at the time, if something happened to Cen Shu, that person would definitely kill him.

Cen Shu glanced at the still silent Marsh, pursed her lips, "Remember to finish your meal."

Nuohua was stunned, put down the cigarette in his hand, nodded, "Yeah."

Gu Jiuqing frowned slightly as he watched from the side.

"Doctor Gu, I'm in trouble." Cen Shu looked at Nuohua.

Gu Jiuqing nodded knowingly.

"Senior Sister, do you really feel the ghost energy?"

Downstairs of the hospital, next to the vegetation in front of the door, a man and a woman were wearing Taoist robes. The man hid behind the woman holding a mahogany sword in both hands.

"Don't be noisy! It should be around here."

The senior sister was very irritable, and the junior brother shut his mouth weakly.

"It stands to reason that the compass should be pointing right!" The woman frowned, very puzzled. She and her younger brother declared that when they passed the hospital by chance, they suddenly felt a wave of spiritual power accompanied by ghost energy fluctuations, and then they found it. here.

Why is it gone?

There was a sound of mining behind him.

"Oh, don't bother! Didn't you see that you are busy?" Liu Ying roared impatiently.

There was silence behind him for a while, Liu Ying lowered her head, and was about to concentrate on looking at the compass when someone patted her shoulder.

"Fuck! Brother, can you..." Liu Ying suddenly turned her head and met four pairs of eyes.

"What are you doing here?" The leading security guard looked up and down at the two of them, dressed in cosplay-like clothes, strangely.

Liu Ying put the compass in her pocket and smiled flatteringly, "Uncle Security, we... are here to shoot videos, we'll be fine soon, you are accommodating, and we didn't affect other people, did we?"

The head of the security guard's face darkened in an instant. He obviously just graduated from university, and he went to work on the construction site for a year.

"Brothers, come, get the two of them out." The leader of the security guard waved his hand, and three burly men behind him stepped forward, grabbed the arms of the two of them, and were about to pull them out.

"Uncle, don't drive me away, listen to me, we are actually descendants of Maoshan, we came today because we detected that the hospital is too dark, there may be ghosts!"

Liu Ying couldn't bear the showdown. Junior brother Wang Yongqiang was held up by his arms, and the little chicken pecking rice nodded.

The head of the security guard's face was already dark. Could it be that these two people are mentally ill from somewhere, "This is a hospital, and the morgue is downstairs. Do you think there is a lot of Yin?"

(End of this chapter)

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