Chapter 195

"Professor Frey, my grandson likes you very much, please sign me, oh no, my grandson!"

"My granddaughter is the same. She knows that you have come to Xuancheng, and she wants to meet you every day and listen to you play the piano."

"Professor Frey, I, I like you very much, can you sign me? Sign here, and I will keep it forever." An old lady in her 60s took out a red handkerchief from her pocket, and The face was handed to Frey shyly.

Frey: ...

Once, Frey thought that being in Cen's house was the end of his passion, but he didn't expect that it was just the beginning.

The assistant was helpless. After all, he had experienced the enthusiasm of the old lady Hua Guo since he was a child.

Frey came to Xuancheng secretly this time to meet his friends, and by the way, he was looking for an apprentice with good talent. He never thought that the Cen family's battle was too big. If he was not careful, he let the president of Xuancheng Piano Association know, and he was very enthusiastic. Invite him to come and visit.

And invited him to hold a chamber concert. Apart from his assistant, Frey only had a friend from China, Lu. This unprecedented enthusiasm instantly dazzled Frey and disturbed his mind.

Agreed on a whim.

After dealing with the enthusiastic aunt, Frey wiped the sweat from his forehead and breathed a sigh of relief.

He took the mobile phone from the assistant, turned it on, found a familiar number and dialed it, the phone rang for a long time, and finally a mechanical female voice came.

Frey didn't mind at all, and made another call.

The phone was answered slowly.

"Hello?" A low and pleasant voice came from over there.

Frey grinned, "Lu, are you busy?"

"Hmm." The man's voice was soft and a little lazy.

Frey: "..."

"Cough, Lu, since returning to China, you have become more and more ruthless." Frey couldn't help complaining.

"Hang up." The man's voice was cold and heartless.

"Come on, Lu, do you have time on Saturday? I want to invite you to my chamber music concert."

"No." He refused without hesitation.

Frey was injured, and Xizi held her heart in her arms, "Lu, you are too loyal. Ever since you found your girl, have you been with your girl every day? You value sex over friends."

There was some silence on the other side.

Frey didn't mind, "Even Ms. Cen Shu accepted my invitation, our transnational friends for so many years, so many years of friendship, huh, let's break up." Frey has recently learned a lot of trendy words from the old ladies .

"Who did you just talk about?" The voice on the other side suddenly rose and fell.

Frey didn't notice, "Miss Cen Shu! What's the matter? Are you jealous of her cat's talent?"

"give me the address."

Not giving Frey any chance to talk nonsense, the phone was hung up immediately.

Listening to the mechanical female voice, Frey grinned, tsk, Lu is really a duck with a hard mouth, a knife mouth and a bean curd heart.


The atmosphere at the dining table is quiet, and occasionally the sound of bowls and chopsticks can be heard.

Cen Xue glanced at Liu Lian from the corner of her eye, put down her chopsticks, and wiped her mouth with a tissue, "Parents, Grandma, there is one thing I want to ask for your permission."

"Xue'er, tell me." Cen Yiqing paused with his chopsticks.

"Director Chen Yu invited me to play the second female role in his new play. I've thought about it for a long time, and I want to go, so I want to ask for your opinions." When Cen Xue said this, she glanced at Cen Shu unconsciously from the corner of her eye. There was arrogance in the words.

So what if director Meng Wu invited him personally, but she had heard that Meng Wu's venue was taken by director Chen Yu, and Meng Wu didn't even dare to fart, so he went abroad in despair.

(End of this chapter)

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