Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 198 Being Twitchy Is Not Your Character

Chapter 198 Being Twitchy Is Not Your Character
There are only ten days of autumn in Xuancheng, and in a blink of an eye, the temperature plummets.

It was drizzling.

Nuohua didn't hold an umbrella, and a few drops of water from her hair ran down her cheeks. Standing in front of Hang Xinyi's tombstone, looking at the girl's smile on the tombstone, she felt an indescribable feeling.

Cen Shu stood under a big tree not far away, looked at the swamp, and pursed her lips.

[Wuwuwu, host, do you feel that at this time, Zhehua and Xiaohang are like the hero and heroine in a romance drama, the heroine is dead, leaving the hero alone and sad...]

Xiao Hua had already imagined how many dramas she had imagined in her mind, and couldn't help but whimper.

"Why don't you hold an umbrella?" Lu Si held an umbrella and came to Cen Shu's side.

Lu Si was wearing a black suit, with a few strands of hair on his forehead, and there was an unconcealable tenderness in his eyes.

Gu Jiuqing was also wearing a suit, holding a bouquet of flowers, "I didn't expect you to come earlier."

"How did you come?"

Cen Shu looked at Lu Si, a little surprised.

"Hey, let's talk, I'll go to worship first." Gu Jiuqing coughed softly, and wisely didn't make a light bulb.

Lu Si pursed her lips, her eyes darkened, "I miss you."

Obviously we can see each other on Saturday, but Lu Si just can't wait, since he answered the call from Freyner.

Cen Shu looked into Lu Si's eyes, and couldn't help but miss a beat in her heart. She always felt that the little lotus today was a little weird.

Lu Si raised his eyes and looked at the bog-like back figure, all kinds of lights and shadows appeared in front of his eyes, such as rainy days, tombstones, and death.

There was a thick blood in the bottom of the eyes.

"Xiao, what's wrong with you, Lu Si?"

Sensing Lu Si's emotional fluctuations, Cen Shu stretched out her hand to hold Lu Si's umbrella hand, it was so cool!

"Shanshan!" Lu Si took a step forward, hugged Cen Shu in his arms, exhausted all his strength, as if he wanted to integrate Cen Shu into his flesh and blood.

Cen Shu hugged Lu Si back, her brows were slightly frowned, and deep thought appeared in her eyes.

[Little flower. 】Cen Shu's voice was a little deep.

Xiao Hua wiped away her tears and blew her nose, 【Host, what's the matter? 】

[About Lu Si, how much can you find out? 】

Cen Shu's eyes dimmed, something was wrong with Lu Si, she had noticed it since the first time they met.

Xiao Hua searched the database for a long time, and her voice was a bit strange, 【You can find all the hosts online, there is no information in the system. 】

Cen Shu pursed her lips, [Got it. 】

Lu Si seemed to have gradually regained his composure, staring deeply at Cen Shu, "Shan Shan, I'm hungry."

Cen Shu: ...

Cen Shu glanced at Huo Hua, seeing that he seemed to be talking with Gu Jiuqing, she nodded, "Let's go to eat."

Naturally, he took Lu Si's hand and walked down the mountain.

The largest cemetery in Xuancheng is on the mountain next to the west area. Cars can only park at the entrance of the cemetery halfway up the mountain, and the rest of the road needs to be walked.

Lu Si held an umbrella for Cen Shu, his eyes moved across the hands they held together, and his thin lips curled slightly.

Sitting in the car, Lu Si turned on the heater in the car.

The smell in the car was very good, with a faint sandalwood scent, which was her favorite smell in the previous life.

Cen Shu wiped her wet hair with a towel, glanced at Lu Si from the corner of her eye, and pursed her lips.

"Little Lotus..." This was the first time Cen Shu called him this way after the two met each other.

Lu Si paused, his eyelashes trembled slightly, and his voice was hoarse and low, "I'm here."

Cen Shu frowned, and after a while, sighed softly, "I want to eat hot pot."

Lu Si hooked his lips, "Okay."

【Host!up!Just ask! 】Xiao Hua was anxious to death at the side, hating iron but not steel, 【Host, it's not your character to be twitchy! 】

Cen Shu pursed her lips, 【Shut up! 】

Little Flower:  …

Hmph, if you are angry, you will be angry with it.

 Thank you for your votes, go to bed early, good night~
(End of this chapter)

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