Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 205 It's Not a System Coward

Chapter 205 It's Not a System Coward

"Shanshan." The man's voice was slightly hoarse, with a deep smile.

Cen Shu turned her head, looked at Lu Si, raised her eyebrows lightly, "Why are you here?" She remembered that Little Lianhua didn't like such lively scenes very much.

"Shanshan, this cat..." Lu Si lowered his eyes, looking at Niu Niu, who was lying in Cen Shu's arms, obsessively listening to music, his eyes dimmed.

"It's called Niu Niu, do you want to hug it?"

Cen Shu followed her hair and asked in a low voice
Lu Si nodded.

When Niu Niu came back to his senses, he found that it was on a man's lap. The man's hands were extremely cold, and his legs were shaking. He moved a few times, and wanted to jump back into Cen Shu's arms, but was pinched by the man. The neck of fate.

Niu Niu raised his head and looked at the man, his purple pupils were full of accusations.

But when he met the man's cold gaze, he was inexplicably scared.

【Hey! 】Xiaohua gloats from the side, and her feelings are not cowarded by her system.

Cen Shu was not interested in music, and when she listened to it, she gradually felt drowsy.

Leaning lazily on the back of the chair, his eyelids began to fight.

In the darkness, Lu Si looked sideways at Cen Shu, with a tender smile flashing in his eyes, and stretched out his hand carefully to let Cen Shu lean on his shoulder.

Cen Xue sat in the third row with Cheng He, and didn't care to listen to music at all. When she saw the man's movements, Cen Xue took out her mobile phone from her bag, turned on the camera, and pointed at the two of them.

The light was very dim, and it was impossible to see the man's appearance clearly, but Cen Xue curled her lips in disdain seeing the two of them being so intimate.

Find a good angle and take an intimate photo of the two of you.

"What are you doing?" Cheng He's voice sounded beside him, and Cen Xue was so frightened that she almost lost her grip on the phone.
Cen Xue squeezed the phone tightly, "I'm a little curious, my sister just came to Xuancheng not long ago, I should have met everyone she knows, that man is a bit unfamiliar, and he looks very close to my sister... "

Cheng He followed Cen Xue's line of sight, and could only vaguely see the side face of the man, his brows were slightly frowned, and he felt a little familiar.

The concert is over.

Frey stood on stage to thank.

When the light came on, Cen Shu rubbed her eyes and woke up.


Lu Si raised his hand to straighten Cen Shu's somewhat messy hair, and gave a soft 'um' sound.

"Meow~" Niu Niu's voice was extremely aggrieved.

It's not in the mood to listen to music anymore, and it's all because of this horrible man.

Cen Shu raised her hand to stroke the orange cat's fur, "What's wrong?"

Niu Niu opened his mouth to complain, but suddenly met a pair of eyes that seemed to be smiling but closed his mouth instantly.

Freed from the man's lap, Niu Niu threw himself into Cen Shu's arms, feeling aggrieved.

After Frey finished his thanks, he walked around from the backstage, his eyes lit up when he saw Cen Shu, and he walked towards this side quickly, but was stopped by Cheng He.

Frey's mood was not so good in an instant.

"Professor Frey, I've admired you for a long time. I'm Cheng He, the president of Phoenix Entertainment." Cheng He handed over his business card.

Frey glanced and nodded, "Hello..."

Cheng He didn't mind Frey's indifference at all. After all, it's normal for musicians to have arrogance.

"Professor Frey, let me introduce you. This is Cen Xue, the daughter of the president of the Cen Group. She is also good at playing the piano." Cheng He introduced to Frey.

Cen Xue showed a gentle smile, "Mr. Frey, long time no see."

Hearing Cen Xue call him teacher, for some reason, Frey subconsciously rejected it.

"Do you have anything to do?" Being disturbed, Frey didn't have a smile on his face, and his voice was alienated.

(End of this chapter)

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