Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 210 Nosebleed burst out instantly

Chapter 210 Nosebleed burst out instantly
Sun Wenwen was locked outside the door. Hearing the voices inside, she couldn't help but hugged her arms and leaned against the wall, not daring to move.

'Cheng Zhi' complexion changed, and the flesh on his face, which was whiter than paper, fell down piece by piece, revealing a layer of burnt flesh, which looked shocking.

"Junior brother, this is the time!"

Liu Ying's complexion changed, there are many restrictions when a ghost possesses a person, once it breaks away, just looking at the strong ghost aura, it's not something the two of them can deal with!

Enduring the chill, Yong Qiang took out three golden talisman seals from his pocket, his eyes were like torches, "The imperial edict, the sun rises in the east, I give it to Father Lin, sweeping the unknown, breathing out the fire of the mountains, and the light of the Fu Feimen." , mentioning monsters all over the world, breaking the plague, eating diamonds every year, subduing the demons and the dead, turning them into auspiciousness, the Taishang Laojun is in a hurry like a law! Go!"

The talisman '咻' trapped 'Cheng Zhi', shining brilliantly.

'Cheng Zhi' screamed in pain and wanted to run away, but was blocked by Liu Ying. Yong Qiang took advantage of his lack of avatars, pulled out the red rope from his bag, and quickly wrapped it around 'Cheng Zhi'.

Liu Ying raised the mahogany sword, stabbed straight at the chest of 'Cheng Zhi', and shouted, "Break!"

'Cheng Zhi''s face began to distort, Yong Qiang tightened the red rope suddenly, a black air suddenly came out from Cheng Zhi's body, just about to escape, but Liu Ying was hit by a copper coin, screamed, and turned into a invisible.

Xie Chong left, and Cheng Zhi's body fell limply. Yong Qiang was panting and knelt on the ground. Before he could react, a body of warm and fragrant nephrite fell on him. Instantly burst out.

Liu Ying was rushed by the evil spirit just now, so she held back a mouthful of blood and didn't spit it out. When she saw Yongqiang's face was covered with nosebleed, she couldn't hold it back and spit it out.

"Pfft! Cough cough!"

Liu Ying had lingering fears, Yongqiang didn't see clearly just now, and hurriedly took out the talismans from the bag that were written by the master before his death. They were full of spiritual power, but they became less and less as they used them. Now they only have five left.

Liu Ying used up three of them at once, and Liu Ying was heartbroken, but she was also thankful, otherwise, with the strength of the two of them, I'm afraid they would have to break here today.

Yong Qiang hugged Cheng Zhi and put her on the bed, and accidentally pulled her hair with his hands. Before he could use much force, a large lump of hair fell off Cheng Zhi's scalp.

Yong Qiang took a few steps back in shock, took a closer look, and found out that it was a wig.

Liu Ying glanced, wiped the corners of her mouth, stood up with her sword, opened the window, and opened the door.

Sun Wenwen got up and saw Liu Ying's pale face and the blood on the corner of her lips, her heart trembled, and she subconsciously looked at Cheng Zhi on the bed, "Master, how is she?"

"It's okay, you can come in."

The room changed from the dreary one just now, the sun shone in, and there was a faint musty smell in the air, which disappeared with a gust of wind.

'Wow' Cheng Zhi on the bed was stunned by the sun and opened his eyes, looking at the people who suddenly appeared in the room, he was a little dazed.

"Zhizhi, how are you?" Sun Wenwen came to the bed, looked Cheng Zhi up and down, and breathed a sigh of relief, "Do you still remember what happened just now?"

"Just now?" Cheng Zhi rubbed his aching chest and shook his head, "What happened just now? I remember I took the body oil bag back to my room, and then I suddenly felt sleepy, so I lay on the bed Fell asleep."

Sun Wenwen opened her mouth, thinking of the scene she had just seen, hesitated again and again, and chose not to tell Cheng Zhi, otherwise, she might really be scared out of her mind with her courage.

"corpse oil?"

 The update is complete, ahem... there may be a little bit of horror, but the cuties are very courageous, right (squinting smile)

  The National Day holiday is over, cuties don't stay up late anymore.

  Thank you for your votes, I love you guys, good night~
  (Source of the Maoshan Edict in the article: Baidu Encyclopedia)

  Good night~ Go to bed, go to bed, go to bed, go to bed early! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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