Chapter 228 Master is the Best!

Xuancheng People's Hospital Inpatient Department.

"Come on! Everyone, please give way." Several nurses pushed the hospital bed into the elevator.

The elevator was full of people.

"Girl, are you coming in?" A kind aunt asked Cen Shu who was standing at the door.

Cen Shu shook her head, watched the elevator door close, and stood lazily at the elevator door, waiting for the next elevator.

There were footsteps coming from behind, carrying a chilling chill.

Cen Shu glanced sideways and was slightly taken aback.

Standing beside him was a young man in a black windbreaker, but about 20 years old. His appearance was pure and immature, his face was expressionless, and his eyes were downcast, making it hard to see the expression in the bottom of his eyes.

It's just that this young man has too much evil spirit all over his body, and his karma is extremely deep.

Cen Shu frowned slightly, and looked away.

With a sound of 'ding', the elevator arrived, and Cen Shu stepped sideways to get out of the way.

After all the people in the elevator had left, Cen Shu walked into the elevator first, pressed the button for the tenth floor, and the young man also walked in, glanced at the elevator button, and stood in the corner without moving.

There were not many people waiting for the elevator, and a few scattered people walked into the elevator again. Just when the elevator door was about to close, a silly voice came from not far away.

"and many more!"

Si Shi carried the food and rushed over here at a speed of [-] meters.

The person near the elevator pressed the door open button, and Si Shi squeezed in, "Thank you, brother."

Si Shi wiped off the sweat from his brow, his eyes lit up suddenly when he saw Cen Shu, and walked to Cen Shu's side, "Master, you are here at the hospital too! What a coincidence!"

Cen Shu: ...

"Are you happy that I came to the hospital?" Cen Shu looked at Si Shi expressionlessly.

Si Shi was stunned, and quickly waved his hands, the food in his hand was swayed back and forth, "No, no, Master must want to live a long and healthy life, Master... Are you here to ask about that? "

Tang Yun's body was contaminated with yin energy, and it was not difficult to understand, but from her description, the wig shop seemed to be the source of the problem.

Cen Shu glanced at the food in Si Shi's hands, "Give me the address of that restaurant."

"Okay, I'll ask Xiao Tang for it later." Si Shi was overjoyed, he knew that Master was the best!

Tang Yun's ward was on the fifth floor, and she arrived soon. Si Shi walked out of the elevator, looked back at Cen Shu, who was motionless, and suddenly realized, "Master, so you didn't come to see me?"

Cen Shu pressed the door close button without saying a word, and the elevator door closed, covering Si Shi's resentful face.

The elevator went up. At this time, only Cen Shu and the boy were left in the elevator. The boy's sense of existence was very low, and it seemed that even his breath was very weak, as if he had undergone special training.

Coupled with the young man's evil spirit, Cen Shu had some guesses in her heart.

The elevator reached the tenth floor, the intensive care ward.

Cen Shu paused, and the young man beside her stepped out of the elevator first.

The boy glanced up at the ward number, then walked straight into the ward opposite the nurse's desk, which was Lu Si's ward.

Cen Shu's eyes flickered slightly, and she walked over slowly.

"Sanshui! You're finally here!" Gu Jiuqing's unreserved voice sounded in the ward.

Lu Miao looked at Gu Jiuqing who was rushing towards him with open arms, slipped and avoided his passionate embrace.

Gu Jiuqing pursed her lips, looked at Lu Si, and complained: "Si, you see, this boy Sanshui is getting colder and colder, how can he find a girl from now on!"

Lu Si was eating an apple, and his actions seemed inelegant, but Lu Si seemed to be doing it with an extra layer of elegant filter.

As if feeling something, Lu Si looked up at the door of the ward.


(End of this chapter)

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