Chapter 235 Looks Like a Person

"Shu Shu, what do you want for dinner?" Seeing Zhao Lijuan leaving, Lin Lan got up from the sofa, looked at Cen Shu, and smiled sweetly.

Cen Shu hooked her lips and said softly, "Coke chicken wings."

"Okay, mom will do it for Shushu." Lin Lan happily put on an apron and walked into the kitchen.

From Cen Shu's perspective, Lin Lan could be vaguely seen busy in the kitchen.

【Host!Why don't you tell Mama Lin the truth!Zhao Lijuan is so bad, what if she plots against Mama Lin? ! ] Xiaohua was a little indignant.

Cen Shu lazily leaned on the sofa, looking at the kitchen, the corners of her lips slightly curled up, 【I'm here. 】What happened to Lin Lan?

Xiaohua: ah this

The host's sudden domineering remarks caught it off guard.


Since Cen Xue went to film, Liu Lian and Ma You went out early and returned late, and went up to the mountain to worship Buddha early every weekend.

Cen Yiqing had something to do at the company, so he went to work early.

Lin Lan wore pajamas, yawned and walked downstairs, ready to go to the kitchen to cook something to eat.

Before she got close, she heard noises coming from the kitchen. Lin Lan paused. She remembered that she had given the nanny a break and wanted to cook three loving meals for Shushu. Could it be that a thief broke into the house?

Most of Lin Lan's drowsiness disappeared, she tiptoed to the kitchen door, stretched her head and poked inside.

When Lin Lan saw the people in the kitchen, Lin Lan froze, "Shu Shu?"

Cen Shu rolled up her hair, a few strands of hair casually hanging on the side of her face, wearing a rabbit apron, looking intently at the casserole.

"Good morning." Cen Shu raised her eyes and curled her lips at Lin Lan.

"Morning~" Lin Lan walked into the kitchen and looked at the casserole and pork liver soup. There were a few goji berries floating on the surface, which looked delicious.

Cen Shu turned off the fire, sprinkled a handful of chopped green onions, the color and fragrance were delicious, Lin Lan felt hungry all of a sudden, her stomach 'gurgled', and Lin Lan covered her stomach in embarrassment.

"Breakfast is in the pot next to it. Some porridge is simmering. I don't know if you like it or not." Cen Shu curled her lips together, with a slight smile in her eyes, and filled some soup into the thermos.

Lin Lan opened the lid of the casserole pot next to her, and the porridge with preserved eggs and lean meat was covered with shallots, which had a slightly burnt smell, which made people's index fingers twitch, "Shu Shu is so amazing! Mom is not as good as Shu Shu! Okay!" like!"

There were two bowls of pork liver soup left in the pot, and Cen Shu filled them up with bowls.

Looking at the thermos box, Lin Lan was a little puzzled, "Who is Shu Shu sending this to?"

Cen Shu lowered her eyes, and said softly, "Hmm", "A friend had a car accident, and the pig's liver was replenished with blood."

"It's so pitiful!" Lin Lan rolled up her sleeves with a worried expression on her face, "Shushu, wait a minute, mom will make you a jujube cake to nourish your energy and blood."

Cen Shu looked at Lin Lan's busy figure, pursed her lips, and did not stop her.

[Host, I suddenly feel that you look like a human being now. 】Xiao Hua stood on Cen Shu's shoulder, speaking surprisingly.

Cen Shu: ...

[No, no, host, listen to my explanation! 】The strong desire to survive brought Xiao Hua back to her senses immediately, 【It's...that's...】

After thinking for a long time, it still couldn't find a suitable adjective.

[Okay, don't think about it. 】Cen Shu's voice suddenly softened, and she walked out of the kitchen with the soup.

Xiaohua trembled violently: she was most afraid of the sudden gentleness of the host.

Putting the soup bowl on the dining table, Cen Shu's voice was light, 【What should I do if the computer crashes. 】

Little Flower:  …

[Xiaohong next door is crying. 】

Xiaohua:! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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