Chapter 342 Past Life, Doubt

"Uncle Lu Mu, why are you pulling me?!" Lu Lu watched helplessly as Lu Si entered the office with the girl in his arms, struggling to get rid of her, but she couldn't.

It was not until entering the elevator that Lu Mu let go of Lu Lu's arm, with a slightly cold expression, "Miss Lu Lu, Lord Lu is already angry, are you sure you want to stay there?"

As if thinking of something, Lu Lu flinched, bit her lips, and a trace of unwillingness flashed in her eyes, "Who is that Miss Cen?"

I have always heard that the head of the Lu family is cold and ruthless in killing Guojue. She managed to win this opportunity from Lu Xiao, but she didn't expect that this flower of Gaoling had already been taken down before she started to act? !

Lu Mu glanced at Lu Lu lightly, and said in a firm voice, "Miss Cen is the future Matriarch of the Lu family." There was no doubt about it.

If it weren't for Lu Xiao's sake, she was just an adopted daughter of the master's family, and Lu Mu would not have to pay attention to her.

The Lu family... the mistress? !

Lu Lu's eyes widened suddenly, and she couldn't help raising her voice, "The patriarch will not allow a woman from an unknown small family to become the mistress of the Lu family!"

Lu Mu didn't speak, what is Lu Xiao?Master Lu respects the old and loves the young.

The elevator quickly reached the first floor, and Lu Mu said expressionlessly, "Miss Lu Lu, please go back."

Although Lu Mu had the best temper under Lu Si, seeing Lu Mu's expression was cold at this time, he didn't dare to say anything, so he snorted coldly and strode away.

Lu Mu didn't look at Lu Lu any more, turned around and walked into the elevator.

In the office on the top floor of Tianyu.

Cen Shu was lazily playing games on the sofa, while Lu Si sat beside her, looking down, her eyes darkened, "Shanshan..."


Cen Shu didn't move, and manipulated Yasuo to fight madly in three lanes.


Mechanical sounds sounded in the office.

"That Lu Xiao's person..." Lu Si put his arms around Cen Shu's waist to make her sit more comfortably, "After this time, Lu Xiao won't bother Shanshan anymore."

"I don't like these people taking up Shanshan's time..." Lu Si lightly rubbed his chin against the top of Cen Shu's head, his voice slightly deep.

Lu Si was very clear about Lu Xiao's purpose, this time he wanted to take the opportunity to attack once and for all.

"Hmm..." Cen Shu lazily replied, her hands still moving.

There was a knock on the office door, and Lu Mu walked in pushing the dining car, and looked at Cen Shu cautiously, "Miss Cen, lunch is ready, take it easy."

"Okay, thank you."

After the game was over, she put the phone back into her pocket, and Cen Shu got up.

Lu Si embraced nothing, looked at Cen Shu, a rare panic flashed in his eyes, "Shanshan!"

Seeing this scene, Lu Mu didn't dare to wait any longer. He put three dishes and one soup on the small table, and hurriedly pushed the dining car out.

Lu Mu prepared meals according to Cen Shu's taste, two meat and one vegetarian, plus a winter melon pork rib soup.

Cen Shu set up the bowls and chopsticks, filled the soup, and handed it to Lu Si, "Drink the soup first."

Lu Si took it obediently, his dark eyes followed Cen Shu closely, and he didn't move his hands.

Cen Shu took a few sips and sighed softly, "Why don't you eat?"

Lu Si was slightly stunned, as if he had reacted suddenly, and finished the soup in the bowl in one go, "It's over."

"Well, good boy, let's eat."

Cen Shu hooked her lips.

"it is good……"

The office suddenly became quiet, except for the occasional sound of bowls and chopsticks colliding.

A meal is over.

Lu Si cleaned up the dishes and sat next to Cen Shu again.

The atmosphere is somewhat silent.

Cen Shu sighed softly, put down her phone, sat up, put one hand on Lu Si's shoulder, stared deeply at Lu Si with almond eyes, "Little Lotus, I'm here, I've always been here."

There was a little blood in Lu Si's eyes, if there was no black air lingering around him, his throat slipped, and his voice was indescribably heavy, "Shanshan!"

"Well, I'm..."

Cen Shu lowered her head, her lips were gently pressed against the corners of Lu Si's lips, and she rubbed them gently.

Lu Si turned against the guest, put his arms around Cen Shu's waist, and unconsciously intensified the kiss.


Coming out of the bathroom, Cen Shu casually brushed her hair and stepped on the blanket with her bare feet.

Little Lihua happily circled around Cen Shu's feet.

Without blowing her hair, Cen Shu lazily leaned on the foot of the bed, and she could see the scenery outside at a glance. The moonlight is beautiful tonight, a semi-circular moon hangs in the sky, and a star next to it is extraordinarily bright.

[Little flower. 】Cen Shu called softly.

[Here, it is an honor to serve you! ] Xiaohua jumped out of the system space, couldn't help but yawned, and was taken aback when she saw Cen Shu's appearance, 【Oh my god, host, what's wrong with your mouth? 】It was red and swollen, just like eating abnormal spicy food.

Cen Shu blankly glanced at the spot of light that fell on the carpet.

[I was wrong, host, what are your orders? 】Xiaohua's light spot is much darker than before, and she yawned after saying a few words.

Cen Shu frowned invisibly, 【The system will also hibernate? 】

【what? 】Xiaohua's reaction was several beats slower than before.

In the past ten years, Xiaohua has been in good condition, except this year...after the snow.

【In this world, will there be two systems? 】

Xiaohua woke up instantly, her tone was firm, [Impossible! 】

【Why? 】Cen Shu raised her eyebrows.

[Why...] The light on Xiaohua's body flickered slightly, why?It doesn't know, but it seems that subconsciously, it shouldn't have.

Seeing that Xiao Hua seemed a little confused, Cen Shu poked lightly with her fingertips, [Okay, don't think about it, I know. 】

[Hmm...] Xiao Hua nestled in Cen Shu's palm, feeling drowsy.

Cen Shu looked at the gradually dimming spot of light, a moment of thought flashed in her eyes, she seemed to have never doubted whether Xiao Hua was a system, if not... then what could it be?
In the previous life, Xiao Lianhua's family lived in Hehua Village, and every household in the village planted lotus flowers. Every summer, large tracts of lotus bloomed one after another, forming a sea of ​​lotus flowers.

She and the old man lived in a Taoist temple on the mountain, almost isolated from the world, and the old man went down the mountain to buy food once a month.

Little Lianhua was only eight years old when she appeared, and the two of them were similar in age, so they played together naturally.

Later, the old man sent her down the mountain, and she never saw the old man and little Lianhua again.

Frey said that when he met Lu Si ten years ago, Lu Si became ill because of her obsession...

There are too many coincidences, and it becomes inevitable.

In the previous life, why did the little lotus die?Without the help of the system, how did Little Lotus come into this world?
Cen Shu gently stroked the bracelet on her wrist, and sighed softly.

Little Lihua seemed to sense that Cen Shu was depressed, so she made a 'meow' sound, and lay obediently beside Cen Shu, her little head gently rubbing against the back of Cen Shu's hand.

Cen Shu hooked her lips, raised her hand to hug the little raccoon into her arms, gently rua the cat's fur.

Yazi watched from the side, her purple pupils moved slightly, and she came to Cen Shu's side with graceful steps, and said softly, "Woman, you still have us."

There was a trace of tenderness in Cen Shu's eyes, "Well, I know."

(End of this chapter)

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