Chapter 358
The off-road vehicle was driving rapidly on the winding mountain road.

The fog in the mountains was so foggy that even with the lights on, it was still hard to see the road ahead.

'Boom' The car seemed to hit something, and the man stepped on the brakes calmly.

The surroundings instantly became quiet, and faint tunes came from all directions.

The man sat in the driver's seat, his slender fingers curled slightly, tapping the steering wheel lightly, and looked around.

There was a lot of fog, and the visibility was too low. I could only vaguely see a small wooden house not far from the front right.

At this time, a graceful figure appeared in the thick fog and gradually became clear.

The woman came out of the fog, holding an oil-paper umbrella in her hand, and her high-heeled shoes collided with the ground, making a 'da da' sound.

"Hello, do you need any help?" The woman approached, looking at the man in the car window with glazed eyes.

The man rolled down the car window, glanced at the woman with his long and narrow eyes, and said in a cold voice, "Well, how can I get to the resort?"

The woman was taken aback, looking at the man's picturesque face, a trace of interest flashed in her eyes.

"What's your name brother?"

The man raised his eyes lazily, and said in a serious tone, "I've already got my name."


Didn't she ask for the name?

The woman was stuck for a moment, her red lips curled up, and her voice became more and more charming, "Why do you want to go to a resort, little brother?"

The woman automatically imagined in her mind a drama about a little milk dog falling in love with a rich woman, and her love is unwavering.

Anything that asks for money is probably an excuse.

Going up the mountain alone in the middle of the night must be true love!

The woman was stunned by the three consecutive questions that hit the soul, because she found that she didn't seem to have any! ! !

"What a sad question," said the man.

The woman nodded without tears.

"It's okay, neither do I." The man comforted.

"Thank you..." The woman wiped the corners of her eyes.

The man glanced around and asked, "So, can you tell me how to get to the resort?"

The woman glanced at the cabin calmly, a little annoyed, "Brother, do you really love that woman that much?"

The man lowered his eyes, and there was a faint sadness lingering around him, and his voice was low, "Well, she must live even if I die."

The woman was taken aback.

At this moment, the man slammed on the accelerator, and the off-road vehicle roared. The man's black eyes were full of determination, and he turned the steering wheel and rushed towards the cabin.

"Are you crazy?!" The woman couldn't help screaming.

There is a cliff not far from the cabin, this little brother is really desperate.

I saw the off-road vehicle rushing towards the cabin at a very fast speed, and the expected scene of falling into the cliff did not appear, and the off-road vehicle disappeared together with the man.

The woman stared blankly at the cabin, her eyes drooping slightly, and a coquettish peony flower grew from between her eyebrows.

"Thousands of thoughts, thousands of thoughts, all kinds of helplessness to complain. Thousands of words and thousands of words can't be exhausted. Hundreds of boredom rely on ten leanings. Chongjiu climbs high to see lonely geese, August, mid-autumn, the moon is round and people are not round..."

The faint tune sounded again, a stream of blood and tears flowed from the corner of the woman's eyes, and the stamens of the peony flowers curled up slightly, as if they were telling something.

Manager secretary office.

The room was filled with smoke. Zhang Shuang sat on the office chair and pressed the burnt cigarettes into the ashtray, which was already full of cigarette butts.

Zhang Shuang patted the soot on his body, got up and walked out of the office.

In the middle of the night, there was no one in the corridor. Zhang Shuang walked to the cleaning room at the end of the third floor. The lights inside were on, but no one was there.

Zhang Shuang walked downstairs with a bucket and a mop.

303 hot spring pool.

There was a sign at the door that was under maintenance. Zhang Shuang took out a spare key from his pocket, opened the door, walked in, closed the door softly, turned around, and then froze in place.

In the small room, a hunched figure with his back turned to him was mopping the blood on the ground vigorously with a mop, but he didn't hear him.

When Zhang De was a sanitation worker a few years ago, he was involved in a car accident. The injury was not serious, but he also broke an ear. The driver was a rich second generation. He drank a lot of alcohol and came home from the bar in the early morning. A little money, let it go.

That is to say, from that time on, Zhang Shuang secretly made up his mind that he must stand out.

Over the years, Zhang Shuang worked desperately, drank and socialized day and night, and dealt with various things. From a small employee to Xu Leqiang's most trusted assistant secretary.

Looking at his father's gray hair, Zhang Shuang clenched his fists tightly. For so many years, his greatest wish is to stand out and let his father live a good life and rest.

But for so many years, he seems to have put the cart before the horse, and even let his loyal and honest father abandon his principles and clean up the crime scene because of him.

Zhang Shuang wiped his eyes fiercely, walked quickly to Zhang De's side, and held his rough hands, "Dad."

Zhang De was taken aback, glanced at the cleaning tools beside Zhang Shuang, and then sighed softly, "Ah Shuang, you are still here!"

"Dad, I'm sorry, I..." Zhang Shuang didn't dare to look up, because he knew that his son, who had always made his father so proud, had finally let his father down.

He didn't dare to see the disappointed look on Zhang De's old face, let alone meet his father's cloudy but insightful eyes.

"Ah Shuang..."

Zhang De held Zhang Shuang's hand with his backhand, and was about to say something when he caught a glimpse of something swimming under the calm pool of blood from the corner of his eye.

'Shuh! '

A flesh-colored peony suddenly emerged from the pool, nearly two meters long, with a huge stamen covered with barbs, and rushed towards the two of them at an extremely fast speed.

Zhang De pushed Zhang Shuang away suddenly, raised the mop in his hand to pester the stamen, but the stamen easily dodged it.

"Dad!" Zhang Shuang was pushed to the ground, and as soon as he turned around, he saw a scene that made his eyes tear open.

After the flower stamen dodged the attack, it seemed to be enraged by Zhang De's behavior. It split off countless barbs and attacked Zhang De in unison.

"Ah, Ah Shuang..." Zhang De pulled out his mobile phone from his pocket with all his strength and threw it to Zhang Shuang, "Run!!!"

Zhang Shuang's eyes were bloodshot, he gripped the phone tightly, wiped away his tears, took advantage of Hua Rui's distraction, opened the door and ran out.

(End of this chapter)

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