Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 437 People die like lights go out

Chapter 437 People die like lights go out

"What do you mean, what are you looking at?"

The boy approached from behind, hugged He Yi in his arms, and kissed her lightly on the top of her head. Following his girlfriend's line of sight, he could only see a girl carrying a rabbit satchel and wearing a cowboy hat .

He Yi looked away, "Did you hear what the housekeeper called her just now?"

"No, what's wrong?"

He Yi shook his head, "Maybe I heard it wrong, it should be a primary school girl, I haven't seen it much."

"Yeah, you, the senior sister, are about to graduate." The boy walked towards the school's snack street with his arms around He Yi's shoulders.

He Yi responded softly, walked a few steps, but still couldn't help but look back, only to find that the girl just now had disappeared, and her brows frowned slightly.

If she heard correctly just now, Auntie Suguan seemed to call her...Wu Xuan?
Coming out of Xuan University, Cen Shu got on the bus, found a seat by the window, and yawned lazily.

The car stopped and went, and just as she was about to fall asleep, the cell phone in her bag rang.

Caller ID is 'Mom'.

As soon as he answered the phone, Lin Lan's slight sobbing sound appeared on the other end of the phone.

Cen Shu lost all sleepiness in an instant, "What's wrong?"

"Shu Shu, come to the People's Hospital quickly, your grandma may be dying soon." Lin Lan's voice choked up.

Cen Shu frowned slightly. In the original book, although Liu Lian was not explained enough, when the accident happened to the Cen family, Liu Lian was only mentioned in a few words, which proved that Liu Lian should be fine before that.

After hanging up the phone, Cen Shu found a subway platform and got off, and took a taxi to the People's Hospital.

Lin Lan was waiting for her at the door, and when she saw Cen Shu, she couldn't stop crying.

"Shu Shu, hurry up!"

Lin Lan took Cen Shu's hand and walked quickly to the ward.

Cen Shu followed quickly, and took the time to ask, "Mom, tell aunt and brother...is there still Cen Xue?"

Lin Lan was taken aback.

"Mom, go call and let me know. I know where it is." Cen Shu raised her hand to wipe the tears off Lin Lan's cheeks, and said softly.

Lin Lan thought for a while, and then nodded. They didn't tell Liu Lian about Cen Xue's real background. After all, in this family, the one who loves Cen Xue the most is Liu Lian.

Liu Lian was too old to listen to these things, and after breaking off relations with Cen Xue that day, she accidentally fell and was sent to the hospital because she had been sitting and playing mahjong for a long time without exercising.

Cen Yiqing didn't dare to tell Liu Lian anymore, and Liu Lian didn't know how to play with those electronic products, so this matter was kept a secret.

But Cen Xue's incident became more and more troublesome, and it finally reached Liu Lian's ears, and then Cen Shu received a call from Lin Lan.

As Cen Shu thought about it, she walked towards a certain intensive care unit, where there was a strong sense of death, and Liu Lian was lying on the bed with her eyes tightly closed.

Only the ups and downs on the electrocardiogram proved that Liu Lian was still alive.

Cen Shu frowned, Liu Lian was not dead yet, so why was there such a strong sense of death?

Cen Yiqing sat by the bed, his eyes were red, when he saw Cen Shu approaching, he waved to her and signaled her to come over.

Cen Shu stepped into the ward and came to Cen Yiqing's side.

Cen Yiqing is undoubtedly a successful businessman, except for the fact that his soul was separated from the body and was affected by the Tao of reincarnation, Cen Shu had never seen him look so downcast, as if he had aged several years all of a sudden.

"Shu Shu, is your grandma..." Cen Yiqing looked at Cen Shu eagerly, wanting to hear the news that Liu Lian was still saved, but when he met Cen Shu's calm almond eyes, the hope in his eyes Annihilation in an instant.

Cen Shu looked at Liu Lian. Although she didn't like Liu Lian, she and Cen Yiqing were close relatives. If Liu Lian was really harmed by other things, she would not just sit idly by.

But at this time, Liu Lian Yintang is completely black, showing a dead appearance.

But what puzzled Cen Shu was that the dead air in this ward was too strong, a little abnormal.

"Dad, what did the doctor say?" Cen Shu turned to look at Cen Yiqing.

Cen Yiqing sighed heavily, "Your grandma has always been in good health, but as she gets older, the ailments accumulated during previous labors have also come to her. This time she was stimulated again, and her brain was congested."

Liu Lian is getting old and has all kinds of physical problems, so she can't handle the operation at all. The current situation can only be described as "waiting to die".

Cen Shu didn't know how to comfort her, so she quietly leaned against the window.

At this time, the phone in his hand rang again, it was from Cen Qin.

Cen Qin was abroad and would not be able to come back for a while. When he heard the news from Lin Lan, his mind went blank for an instant.

Only then did he suppress the uneasiness in his heart, and tremblingly called Cen Shu.

The call is connected.

Cen Qin was suddenly speechless, not knowing what to say.

Working alone in the capital these years, she suffered a lot, and rarely recalled Liu Lian's kindness to her, but at this moment, those memories she thought she had forgotten surged up again.

Liu Lian is very patriarchal, but she also held her in her arms to comfort her when she was afraid of thunder.

He also walked thirty miles of mountain roads to deliver food to her and Cen Yiqing.

Bit by bit.

People die like lights go out.

Cen Qin always thought that he hated her, but when he suddenly heard the news that Liu Lian was about to die, he felt a little sad and sad.

The human heart is like the world, it is never black and white.

"Sister-in-law, do you want to see her?"

Listening to Cen Qin's faint sobs on the other end of the phone, Cen Shu asked.

Cen Qin's voice was hoarse, "Okay."

The two hung up the phone and made the video call again.

And Liu Lian on the bed seemed to have sensed something, opened her eyes slightly, and kept calling Cen Qin's name, "Xiaoqin, Xiaoqin..."

The video was directed at Liu Lian on the hospital bed, presenting her embarrassment and haggardness in front of Cen Qin's eyes.

Liu Lian couldn't see Cen Qin, and Cen Yiqing on the side seemed to wake up in an instant, and grabbed Liu Lian's hand, "Mom! Are you awake?"

Liu Lian's eyes were empty, she looked straight at the ceiling above her head, ignored Cen Yiqing, and just muttered to herself.

"Xiaoqin, Xiaoqin, mom doesn't understand. They all say that the teacher is good, the teacher is good, the girl finds a stable job, and then finds someone to marry well, how nice..."

Obviously, Cen Qin's running away from home is not only a knot in Cen Qin's heart, but also a knot in Liu Lian's heart.

Liu Lian is uneducated, vain and stingy, and her social circle is so big, she naturally listens to wind and rain, and others say that Teacher Fan is good, so she thinks so.

She felt that she was doing it for Cen Qin's good, but she never thought that Cen Qin would be so 'ungrateful', and this time she left, she would not go home for ten years.

Liu Lian also felt that she was about to die, and she still couldn't let go of it.

Cen Qin listened on the other end, covering his lips firmly, without making a sound.

Liu Lian was already in a daze, and after she finished speaking, she started calling Cen Xue's name again, "Yiqing, Xue'er is still so young, how can she live alone?"

 The update is complete!

  Thank you for your votes, cute~
  Go to bed early, good night~
(End of this chapter)

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