Chapter 455 Taken!
"Master, I've told you everything I need to say. Please do me a favor and let me go."

In the conference room, Xiao Xiaolian had her hands on her hips, and her two mung bean-sized eyes stared at Zhao Jiu who was lying on the ground crying bitterly.

Lu Si squeezed the center of his eyebrows, and said coldly: "Shut up!"

This Zhao Jiu has returned to his original appearance, with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, very ordinary, the kind that would not take a second look in the crowd.

She was still wearing Lu Miao's usual clothes, which looked nondescript.

After being scolded and feeling the low pressure coming from the man, Zhao Jiu still kept his mouth shut.


The notification sounded for information, and it was particularly obvious in this large and quiet conference room.

Zhao Jiu lay on the ground, and saw that the cold and ruthless Lu family in the legend looked at the phone, the cold air around him suddenly disappeared, and the lips seemed to twitch slightly.

What the hell!
What about ruthless?

Did he just laugh? !

Zhao Jiu's mixed world just wanted to make a living, and his relationship with Yi Liangfeng was also a money transaction.

At this time, he was imprisoned here with a bruised nose and a swollen face, and he even started to brainstorm in his heart. Could it be that Yi Liangfeng had long been displeased with his usual private work, so he deliberately gave him incomplete information.

Otherwise, why did he come here, and he was caught here before he even showed his superb acting skills?
Anyway, Zhao Jiu, who had become a prisoner at this time, had silently hated Yi Liangfeng.

Not long after, probably just after lunch, the door of the meeting room was opened from the outside.

Zhao Jiu didn't eat breakfast at first, but seeing Lu Si eating high-end food slowly in front of him, he felt exhausted physically and mentally. He only hoped that he would die sooner and be reborn sooner. After all, he would still be a good man after 20 years!

Seeing the door opened at this time, I was still inexplicably excited.

Who is the person who can make Master Lu wait?
However, when I saw the beautiful girl that Lu Mu respectfully invited in, I just felt disillusioned.

Unexpectedly, the dignified Master Lu is also a perverted master, although he has to admit that this beautiful girl is really good-looking!

Lu Si naturally stepped forward to hold Cen Shu's hand and let her sit beside him.

Shi Fei consciously found a seat far away and sat down.

"Fortunately, it's just that the plane meal is a bit unpalatable. I want to eat hot pot tomorrow." Cen Shu was very blunt.

"Okay." Lu Si agreed dotingly.

On the other hand, Zhao Jiu froze when he heard Cen Shu's voice. Isn't this the big client he answered the phone a few hours ago?
So, this is actually not a big client, but the concubine of Master Lu?
After finishing the business, Cen Shu looked at Zhao Jiu, her almond eyes narrowed slightly, "Zhao Jiu, do you want to mess with Yi Liangfeng?"

Is this the legendary doze off to give a pillow?

Zhao Jiu felt that this beautiful girl must have the ability to read minds, otherwise how could she know everything he was thinking?

After all the calculations, he can still give himself a sigh of relief by committing crimes and meritorious deeds. For such a good deal, Zhao Jiu patted his thigh and made the deal!

"Jingle Bell!"

"Jingle Bell!"

In the middle of the night, the cell phone on the bedside table kept ringing.

The person on the bed couldn't bear to be disturbed, turned around several times in agitation, and finally sat up from the bed and connected the phone.


"Cool Breeze! Help!"

Yi Liangfeng slept in a daze, and just as he uttered a sound, he heard Cen Xue screaming.

In an instant, there was no sleepiness.

"Xue'er? What's the matter with you?" Before Yi Liangfeng could ask further, the phone was hung up.

In the dark, Yi Liangfeng looked at the phone with a gloomy face, thinking a lot of twists and turns in his mind.

When he called Cen Xue again, her cell phone was turned off.

Cen Xue lived in a hotel far away from here, which was arranged by Wang Minhui.

Thinking about it, Yi Liangfeng called Wang Minhui first, but her phone was also turned off.

problem occurs!
This was the first thought that flashed through Yi Liangfeng's mind.

After all, he knew Wang Minhui's ability, and her mobile phone would never be turned off under normal circumstances.

Yi Liangfeng cursed in a low voice, got up, got dressed and went out.

A few lights were turned on in the villa, and after that, the car drove out of the garage and quickly disappeared into the night.

The movement of Yi Liangfeng was not small. Aunt Liu lived on the first floor and was also woken up. When she opened the door, she saw Yi Liangfeng standing next to the refrigerator, "Master, are you hungry?"

Yi Liangfeng replied with a cold face.

"Let me cook something for the young master." Aunt Liu rubbed her eyes, and said that she was going to the kitchen.

'Boom! '

Yi Liangfeng irritatedly smashed the contents of the refrigerator on the ground, startling Aunt Liu.

"Master, are you in a bad mood?"

She just vaguely heard the sound of the car, and thought that the young master had something to go out.

"It's okay, you can go to sleep." Yi Liangfeng said, pinching his brows, in a rather impatient tone.

"Yes, then you should go to bed early too." Aunt Liu asked worriedly, and walked back to the room. After all, they are still servants, so it is not good for them to meddle in the affairs of the master.

Yi Liangfeng watched Aunt Liu's door close again, moving her fingertips slightly.

A transparent breath entered the room through the crack in the door.

Aunt Liu just sat on the bed, but felt that her eyelids were heavy, she yawned, and fell straight on the bed.

Yi Liangfeng walked straight to the elevator and took the elevator to the second floor.

'Bang bang bang! '

It seemed that they heard footsteps, and there was a knock on the iron door on the left, accompanied by a suppressed roar of pain.

In the darkness, Yi Liangfeng took out a black object from his pocket and inserted it into the keyhole. Within a few seconds, only a slight 'click' was heard.

door, open.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew from nowhere in the originally airtight basement, and in the secret room, countless bells shook non-stop, making quite a noise.

Night Breeze hit his face head-on, and Yi Liangfeng's irritable thoughts slowly calmed down.

However, before he could distance himself from what happened just now, the jade pendant on his neck suddenly started to heat up.

Someone touched his formation!
Yi Liangfeng understood in an instant, what a way to tune the tiger away from the mountain!
Taking out the phone again, Yi Liangfeng looked at the several missed calls on the phone, and began to doubt the role played by Cen Xue.

He turned around and drove towards the villa.

Not long after he left, the formation was touched by someone, indicating that there must be someone watching him around his villa.

Thinking about it, Yi Liangfeng's face darkened in an instant, he pinched his fingers, bit his fingers, and pressed the blood on the jade pendant.

The villa seems to be unfurnished, but in fact, every move in the villa is under his control, otherwise he would not dare to lock people in the basement of the villa in such a grandiose manner.

No matter who is coming today, he will make them come and go!
 The update is complete~
  Thank you for your votes, cute!

  good night~
(End of this chapter)

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