Chapter 459 A Different Dream

Cen Yiqing was exhausted all day, freshly washed, ready to sleep with his wife in his arms, but was pulled up by his energetic wife.

"Yiqing, I remember you told me that someone was going to kill you, and then an expert saved you?"

Lin Lan sat cross-legged on the bed, looking at her husband with bright eyes.

Cen Yiqing lazily replied, drooping his head, drowsy.

"what happened?"

Lin Lan excitedly told what happened to Wang Fang, and then shook Cen Yiqing's arm with both hands, "You can help Aunt Wang, or you can give me the master's contact information, and I will get in touch."

Since ancient times, people have been in awe of ghosts and gods, but if they really meet them in real life, they will still be excited. After all, people are curious about unknown things, and Lin Lan is one of them.

Lin Lan's words woke Cen Yiqing up instantly.

Seeing that his wife was about to go over him to get the phone on the bedside table, Cen Yi quickly picked up the phone with his blue eyes, "Okay, I'll ask the master tomorrow, he is rather withdrawn, let me ask."


Where is there any master, he promised Shushu to keep the secret.

Lin Lan looked at Cen Yiqing suspiciously, "Okay, hurry up, I think Aunt Wang is quite scared."

"Okay, definitely soon!" Cen Yiqing vowed and nodded emphatically.


After taking care of Lu Miao and leaving the hospital, little friend Shi was still reluctant to let go, and was arrested by Cen Shu.

Several people in a row were almost on the road, even Cen Shu couldn't bear it.

After returning home in the afternoon, she kept catching up on sleep, and went back to sleep after dinner. When she woke up, it was completely dark.

Little Lihua was sleeping next to her pillow, snoring.

That guy Yazi is still absorbing death in the Yin family.

Cen Shu stretched her waist, picked up her phone and glanced at it. When she saw the long text sent by Cen Yiqing in the middle of the night, she frowned slightly.

Yin Tian told her that he sent the handkerchief directly by courier, and she replied that she knew it, and then what happened to Lu Miao, the schedule was in a hurry, so she forgot about the handkerchief.

When she came back in the afternoon, she seemed to have heard Aunt Wang say that there was a courier, and she didn't think much about it. Now that she thinks about it, Aunt Wang's dream may have something to do with the handkerchief that Yintian sent.

Thinking of Aunt Wang may be because she suffered an innocent disaster.

Cen Shu got up lightly, casually put on a coat and got out of bed.

It was already three o'clock in the morning, and the villa was silent.

Cen Shu didn't turn on the light, and came to the first floor by the moonlight outside the window.

There is a special place for express delivery next to the shoe cabinet at the door.

A small box was lying quietly on the shelf, and there was nothing unusual about it.

Cen Shu opened the courier to reveal the gift box used to hold the handkerchief that she saw at Yintian's home, and the gift box... was empty, and the original handkerchief had disappeared.

Seeing this, Cen Shu was not surprised, put down the box, and went straight to the nanny's room where Aunt Wang lived.

Nanny room.

Wang Fang was lying on the bed, obviously already approaching the beginning of Xia, but her hands and feet were extremely cold.

This feeling that he was clearly awake, but his body couldn't move came again.

Immediately afterwards, with the feeling of weightlessness, Wang Fang almost collapsed.

This damned dream!
It's the familiar white mist again, and the familiar singing voice again.

"Throw, throw, throw the handkerchief, gently put it behind the children..."

Wang Fang stood in the white mist, listening to the singing that seemed to come from all directions, and she had gone from fear to numbness now.

It's just a dream, and no one can die anyway.


After waiting for a long time, Wang Fang still hadn't waited for the white mist to dissipate, feeling a little strange in her heart.

She even saw another figure not far away, whose back was somewhat familiar.

That person stood outside the white mist, obviously she couldn't see her clearly at all, but Wang Fang could feel that that person seemed to be looking at her, no, it should be said, looking behind her.

This recognition made Wang Fang shudder.

"Why are you still refusing to leave?"

Wang Fang heard an extremely familiar voice, but she couldn't remember where she had heard it before.

"Not for yourself?" After a while, the voice sounded again, with some surprise mixed in.

"Okay, I understand. Since I promised you, I won't bully you. You can leave with peace of mind."

As these words fell, Wang Fang found that the surrounding white mist seemed to start to dissipate.

A feeling of weightlessness came, and Wang Fang opened his eyes suddenly. When he saw the familiar ceiling above his head, he was slightly relieved, but then he felt unreal again. This dream is really too short. up.

There was some movement in the living room.

Could it be that a thief broke into the house?

Wang Fang opened the door cautiously, poked her head out, but was stunned when she saw Cen Shu sitting on the sofa drinking yogurt, "Miss Cen, why are you here so late?" Wang Fang glanced at the wall. It's almost four o'clock in the morning. If she remembers correctly, today is a working day, and the lady has to get up early for class.

Cen Shu raised her head and drank the last bit of yogurt, and threw it into the trash can beside her, "Suddenly I'm a little hungry, come down to find something to eat."

The cold voice made Wang Fang feel a little dazed, the young lady's voice was inexplicably similar to the voice of the mysterious figure in the dream...

Oh, wait, what dream did she just have?

Wang Fang frowned suspiciously. She could clearly remember everything that happened in the dream when she first woke up, but now she only felt that the dream seemed to be getting more and more blurred. scene.

"Aunt Wang, did I disturb you?"

"No, no, I couldn't fall asleep all of a sudden, and I just heard something moving, so I got up to have a look." Wang Fang waved her hand quickly.

Cen Shu got up and seemed to be holding something in her hand. Wang Fang couldn't see clearly from this angle.

"I've almost eaten, Aunt Wang, then I'll go to bed first."

Wang Fang responded subconsciously, but she stood there without moving.

Cen Shu bypassed the sofa and walked upstairs without haste.

Only now did Wang Fang see clearly what was in Cen Shu's hands, her eyes widened suddenly.

I saw that Cen Shu was holding a square handkerchief casually in her hand. The handkerchief was white, and the hanging corners were embroidered with intricate crabapple flowers.


In an instant, Wang Fang broke out in a cold sweat, and quickly called Cen Shu to stop.

"What's wrong?" Cen Shu stopped and turned her head.

"This handkerchief..." Wang Fang stared at the handkerchief in Cen Shu's hand, as if it was not a handkerchief, but some kind of scourge.

Cen Shu mentioned the handkerchief, "Oh, tell me this, my friend gave it to me, does it look good?"

Wang Fang didn't know how to answer. After all, it was just a dream of her own. It wouldn't be good if she frightened the young lady. Thinking that the lady had already asked the master, Wang Fang decided not to say anything to scare her.

"It looks good." Wang Fang said with a dry smile.

Cen Shu hooked her lips, "Thank you, I feel the same way, then... Aunt Wang, what a dream."

 The update is complete~
  Thank you for your votes, chubby!

  good night!
(End of this chapter)

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