Chapter 468 You have a crush on me
Gu Hui felt that the whole world was dreaming, but he was not dreaming, and Gu Hui took a deep look at Liang Yue, "Okay, if you still dream, and dream of other clues, you are welcome to come anytime."

It was finally over, Liang Yueqing breathed a sigh of relief, then thought of something and looked at Gu Hui, "Officer, that boy..."

Huang's father and Huang's mother are very kind to her, she herself is fine, if something happens to them, she will have a bad conscience.

"We will investigate and send more police around. If there is any abnormality, we will know immediately, so you don't have to worry." Gu Hui is experienced and said reassuringly.

Although there is a high probability that the boy is not the murderer, he will never let go of any possibility.

Liang Yue nodded, thanked her, and followed Xiao Liu out of the inquiry room.

Walking out of the police station, Liang Yue looked around, thinking whether to have lunch first and go to school or go back to school for lunch.

When it comes to eating, Liang Yue never treats herself badly.

Just when Liang Yue was struggling, she caught a glimpse of a familiar black jacket from the corner of her eye.

Is that boy?
The boy didn't seem to see her, but walked straight into an Internet cafe.

Liang Yue thought for a while, then stepped up to follow.

This Internet cafe next to the police station is indeed different, even the environment seems to be much fresher.

At this time, there are not many people in the Internet cafe, and the air is mixed with a faint smell of food.

The boy seemed to have opened a box. When Liang Yue entered, he had already opened it and was walking towards the box.

Liang Yue chose a booth where she could see the situation of the box, and there was a person eating next to her.

From this position, he could barely see the boy's movements. As for what he did, Liang Yue actually couldn't see clearly.

In order not to attract so much attention, Liang Yue turned on a live broadcast platform to watch the live broadcast.

There was a sound of picking up things from the side.

Liang Yue glanced at her side. The man looked fat. When he was sitting on the seat, all the flesh in his body was piled up. The oil stains on his mouth hadn't been wiped off, and he looked a little sloppy.

His earphones were on the table, and some sound leaked out.

"Honey, have you finished your meal yet?"

On the other side was a man's voice.

Surprised, Liang Yue didn't even look at the boy, she stared blankly at the computer screen, all her attention was on the voice call beside her.

The fat boy next to him didn't hear it, he slowly cleaned up the garbage, wiped his mouth clean, raised his head and took a big sip of the energy drink, and then slowly put on the earphones: "Honey, I'm done eating, you've been waiting for a long time ?"

The delicate loli voice came out of the boy's mouth, with a greasy taste.

Liang Yue was shocked instantly, can she still play like this?

Sure enough, in this world, she still has a lot to learn.

After the fat man put on the earphones, Liang Yue couldn't hear the voice of the boy opposite, but judging from the sweet "good brother", it seemed that the conversation was still very happy.

Refreshing her cognition, Liang Yue seemed to have long forgotten her purpose of coming here, until she heard the sound of the box door being opened, Liang Yue subconsciously looked up and met a pair of twinkling peach eyes.

Liang Yue's breath was stagnant.

The boy obviously saw her too, and his footsteps about to go out immediately stopped, and then walked straight to her side.

Fuck!Is this boy so bold?Do you want to kill someone?This is the police station!

"Are you following me?"

The boy supported the armrest of Liang Yue's booth with one hand, looked into Liang Yue's eyes, and his voice was clear but very compelling.

The fat man next to him glanced at the two of them, moved his seat further away silently, and said comforting words in his mouth, as if the man opposite thought that his online dating girlfriend had found another man behind his back.

Liang Yue still had the restraint from a hundred years ago in her bones, and she was extremely uncomfortable with the approach of a man, so she shrank her head back, "Who, who followed you? You followed me, right?"

There was a smell of soap mixed with laundry detergent on the boy's body, which was not unpleasant.

Pooh!Is this not a bad smell problem?This man in front of him is a murderer!

And it's a serial one.

Liang Yue slightly spurned herself in her heart.

"Surrender yourself, the police station is right next to you." Liang Yue advised, holding the phone tightly.

The boy looked at Liang Yue strangely, "Are you sick?"

Liang Yue:! ! !
This person is so arrogant after killing someone?
Just when Liang Yuequietly wanted to call the police, another boy wearing the school uniform of Xuancheng No. [-] Middle School walked up behind the boy and put his arms around his shoulders, "Chen Qi'ang, you also skipped class to come to the Internet cafe?"

The person who came stood beside Chen Qiang, who was almost a head shorter than him, Liang Yue noticed that the boy seemed to be very tall, he should be 1.9 meters.

Chen Qi'ang responded softly, with his hands in his pockets, carrying an indescribable ruffian.

The visitor seemed to have just seen Liang Yue, and whistled, with ridicule in his eyes, "Yo, girlfriend?"

"No, aren't you going to play games?"

Chen Qiang was a little cold, and seemed to dislike others meddling in his affairs.

"Go, go, I'm getting angry." The visitor didn't mind, and casually chose a seat in his school uniform and sat down to turn on the phone.

He didn't want to choose the location, which was just opposite Liang Yue.

"What's your name?" Chen Qiang asked Liang Yue, ignoring the eyes of the classmates watching the show.

Liang Yue stiffened her neck, "Why did I tell you?"

Chen Qiang's peach blossom eyes narrowed slightly, "You have a crush on me."

A declarative sentence is used.

Liang Yue:! ! !
What's wrong with this person?
"I know, I'm handsome." Chen Qi'ang added shamelessly, "It's normal for you to have a crush on me."

"I've never seen such a brazen person!" Liang Yue gritted her teeth as her face darkened.

Chen Qiang raised his eyebrows lightly, "You are shy."

Liang Yue: ...

Where is her knife!
At this moment, a very fashionable aunt walked into the Internet cafe aggressively.

There weren't too many people at the Internet cafe, so Auntie stood at the door and scanned around, and finally stopped at their side.

"Wu Tian!!!"

The sharpness was so sharp that Liang Yue felt that her ears were going deaf.

Wu Tian, ​​that is, Chen Qi'ang's classmate, had just entered the rankings, and before he had time to choose a hero, he heard his mother's Lion Roar, and Wu Tian was so frightened that he banned a hero that his teammate said he wanted to play.

No wonder Wu's mother has sharp eyes, but Wu Tian is the only one in the entire Internet cafe wearing a school uniform.

In this way, Wu Tian left the Internet cafe with his mother pulling his ears in full view.

Watching the two leave, Liang Yue just looked back when she heard Chen Qiang's voice.

"Have you eaten?"

Some things, once reminded, the feeling will come, such as hunger.

Liang Yue rubbed her stomach, "I'm hungry."

In fact, Liang Yue has already realized that she seems to have made an oolong, and the person in front of her is probably not a murderer.

(End of this chapter)

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