Chapter 498 Women Are Fickle

Chen Qiang's hair was wet, as if he had just taken a shower.

He didn't answer Liang Yue's question, but looked at the black plastic bag in front of Liang Yue's house with a serious expression.

"Why do you have such an expression?" Liang Yue saw Chen Qiang showing such an expression for the first time, and she was a little flustered for no reason. Could it be that there is really something weird in this black plastic bag?

Chen Qi'ang looked up at Liang Yue and asked, "Do you still remember the news about the female corpse looking for clues yesterday?"


That news spread so fast that Liang Yue heard someone discussing it in a low voice when she was in class today.

As soon as the words fell, Liang Yue seemed to think of something, and looked at the black plastic bag at the door in shock, "No way!?"

"Do you have a stick or something at home?" Chen Qiang looked up at Liang Yue with an extremely serious expression.

Liang Yue's heart skipped a beat.

Seeing that Liang Yue seemed to be in a daze, Chen Qiang frowned, "Is there?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Liang Yue recovered and said hastily.

With that said, Liang Yue took a clothes drying rack from the balcony, "Is this okay?"

Chen Qiang took it, gave a soft 'hmm', and fiddled with the black plastic bag with the clothes hanger.

Liang Yue watched intently.

Seeing that Liang Yue didn't come back for dinner, Huang's mother was a little surprised. She put down the bowl and chopsticks and went to the door to check. She saw this scene, and when she was about to speak, Liang Yue made a 'shh' gesture.

"What are you doing?" Mother Huang asked with her eyes.

Liang Yue also winked, "Dangerous items, please stay away."

Mother Huang who failed to accept the information: ...

Chen Qi'ang carefully opened the plastic bag bit by bit.

The plastic bag was tightly wrapped, and the contents inside were gradually exposed under the fiddle with the clothes hanger.

Chen Qi'ang almost blocked Liang Yue's sight.

However, when Chen Qiang saw the contents of the plastic bag clearly, he couldn't hold back, and twitched the corners of his mouth.



Liang Yue pushed Chen Qiang away, and at the same time, she could see clearly what was in the plastic bag.

I saw a scary head somewhere in the plastic bag, it was clearly a coconut.

No, whoever is late at night, put a coconut at the door of someone's house!
Are you sick?
At this time, Zhao Yi came out from a room opposite the door, holding a change of clothes and toiletries in his hands, as if he was about to take a bath.

Seeing a few people gathered at the door, they gave a strange 'huh'.

He paused and walked towards several people: "What are you doing?"

Chen Qi'ang's dislike for Zhao Yi seemed to have risen to the point of not hiding it.

Seeing Zhao Yi, Chen Qi'ang's relatively mild expression instantly turned cold, he snorted coldly, and did not speak.

"Zhao Yi, did you put this at my door?" Liang Yue asked tentatively, thinking of the scene she had just seen from the cat's eye.

If it wasn't for Chen Qiang, the only person she knew at this level would be Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi nodded: "My colleague's hometown is in Nancheng. She gave me two of the freshest batches of coconuts. I wanted to give you a taste. I just knocked on the door and you didn't open it. I thought you didn't." I'm at home, so I put it at the door and I'll go back and get ready to take a shower."

It turned out that everything was a misunderstanding, and she made a big oolong, Liang Yue felt a little embarrassed.

"Sorry, we were eating just now, I didn't hear you."

Zhao Yi smiled shyly, and subconsciously raised his hand to hold his eye sockets, feeling empty, and then remembered that he was about to take a bath just now, and forgot to wear glasses, "It's okay, then I'll go take a bath first."

"Okay." Liang Yue also said with a smile.

Zhao Yi didn't even look at the cold-faced Chen Qiang, and walked into the opposite room with his clothes in his hands.

People who can make Zhao Yi so good-tempered are not welcome, Chen Qiang is really good at it.

Huang Mu's gossip eyes turned around Chen Qi'ang and Liang Yue, and she held Chen Qi'ang's hand with a smile, "Qi'ang, you just took a shower, haven't you eaten yet? Come, come, auntie's house has already cooked the meal , just waiting for you to eat."

Saying that, regardless of Liang Yue who was still standing at the door, she dragged Chen Qi'ang into the room.

Liang Yue looked at her mother who was smiling all over her face in bewilderment.

Sure enough, women are fickle. Once you have a little brother, you forget about your daughter!
Liang Yue sighed in her heart, but she still resigned to her fate and walked into the house carrying the coconut.

On the opposite door, Zhao Yi leaned on the door, and looked at the opposite door through the cat's eye with one eye. When he saw Liang Yue walking in with a coconut, a strange and sinister light flashed in his dark eyes.

At this moment, Zhao Yi's cell phone in his pants pocket vibrated.

Zhao Yi took out his mobile phone and glanced at it. It was a WeChat message.

"Teacher, I have a friend who also wants to take a part-time job recently. Didn't you say that there is a shortage of people last time? Can you see her? She is also a sophomore in high school like me."

The person who sent the message was the person with the short cat profile picture of Sanhuaying last time.

At this time, the night completely covered the sky, and the room suddenly became dark, and the fluorescent light on the phone screen faintly hit Zhao Yi's side face, which was a little strange.

Zhao Yi tapped the screen lightly, "OK."

"Yongqing, let me guard today."

Forensic interior.

Qiu Hui looked at the bloodshot eyes of Wang Yongqing and said.

During the day, Wang Yongqing sent another sample for inspection, and Wang Yongqing watched from the sidelines throughout the process to ensure that there would be no mistakes.

The final test result was much more normal, there was no poisoning, and the corpse was indeed a corpse.

Seeing the result, Wang Yongqing breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately afterwards, the two masters and apprentices stayed almost in the dissection room for a day, conducting a second autopsy on the female corpse, and finally allowed them to find some traces on the broken neck of the female corpse, and they were able to judge that the corpse's head was chopped off by something Lose.

After a busy day, he finally made a discovery. Qiu Hui thought of what his apprentice said happened last night, and suggested to Wang Yongqing.

After washing his hands, Wang Yongqing was slumped on the chair at this moment, and waved his hands when he heard this: "Master, my eyes look red, but I am actually energetic."

Qiu Hui knew that his apprentice cared about him, but Wang Yongqing didn't have an iron body, so he couldn't bear it if he stayed up all night.

"Okay, I will be the master and order you, you go back and rest quickly." The dormitory unit is nearby, and it is only a few steps away.

Seeing Qiu Hui's firm and unquestionable tone, Wang Yongqing knew that he couldn't resist his master's temper, so he had no choice but to agree.

"Okay, master, what's the matter, you must call me."

Thinking of what happened yesterday, Wang Yongqing couldn't help feeling a little worried.

Qiu Hui waved his hand in disgust: "You little bastard, a dog can't spit out ivory, so you'll be fine, you can sleep peacefully."

Considering that there are quite a few police officers on night shift in the detachment, although my master is afraid of ghosts, nothing will happen, right?

(End of this chapter)

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