Chapter 502 The Violent Man

"Captain Xu, this Miss Cen..."

Wang Yongqing looked at Xu Guoqing in bewilderment. Could it be that Team Xu introduced himself to Cen Shu during the chat?He missed it?
When he looked at Xu Guoqing, Xu Guoqing happened to be looking at him too, with strange eyes.

After a long while, Wang Yongqing heard a strange voice from Team Xu in doubt.

"You look similar to me, why does she call you brother?"

Wang Yongqing:? ? ?

Is that the fucking point?

Also, although he looks 40 years old, his real age is less than 30 years old!

What's wrong with my brother?
It shows that Cen Shu sees the essence through the appearance!
After this interruption, Wang Yongqing almost forgot the question just now, and asked it again.

Xu Guoqing took a deep look at Wang Yongqing, which almost scared Wang Yongqing to death.

I always feel that this look is quite meaningful.

"Xu, Captain Xu, why are you looking at me like this?"

Xu Guoqing was also thinking about the deep meaning of Cen Shu's actions just now. It was absolutely impossible for this girl to remind Wang Yongqing that her phone was dropped so obediently. There must be other meanings in that sentence just now.

The most likely thing is what Wang Yongqing told him last night. Xu Guoqing, who had only five points of confidence in Wang Yongqing's words, reached ten points after Cen Shu's meaningful words just now.

"It's nothing, I just think that you are quite old, and you should find someone to fall in love with."

Wang Yongqing:? ? ?

[Host, do you know that person just now? 】

Walking out of the hospital, Xiao Hua asked in puzzlement.

Cen Shu walked into the subway station, [I don't know. 】

[I don't know... Is there something special about that person? 】Obviously, Xiaohua and Xu Guoqing thought of going together, and her host has a deep meaning in everything she does, and Xiaohua firmly believes in this.

special place...

[That's right. 】

Cen Shu recognized Wang Yongqing's identity as a forensic doctor at a glance. This type of profession deals with corpses the most, so it will be contaminated with a little corpse.

But the corpse aura on Wang Yongqing's body was too strong, and even mixed with a little ghost aura, it was hard for her not to notice it.

The subway arrived at the station, and the subway doors opened slowly.

Cen Shu was about to walk in, but was bumped by a man behind who suddenly walked forward, her body tilted, and her feet almost stepped on the gap between the platform and the subway.

Cen Shu stabilized her body so that she didn't twist her feet, a sharp light flashed in her almond eyes.

The man was wearing a black jacket and a black mask, only revealing a pair of bloodshot eyes, messy hair, he looked like he hadn't slept for a long time, holding a mobile phone in his hand, as if he was calling someone , the tone is very irritable.

"I'm sorry." The man only glanced at Cen Shu, and said softly, but there was no apology in his tone.

After speaking, without even looking at Cen Shu, she went to the seat and sat down.

[Host, teach him to be a man! 】

Xiao Hua stretched her teeth and claws on Cen Shu's shoulder angrily, baring her teeth.

Cen Shu glanced at the man lightly, and sat on the empty seat opposite the man.

It seemed that he just realized that he was on public transportation now. The man lowered his voice a little, but Cen Shu could still hear him.

"Okay, I'll continue to take the medicine, that's it, I'm dead."

As he said that, the man stopped listening to the voice on the other end of the phone, hung up the phone resolutely, then took out a small bottle of medicine from his pocket, poured out a few pills and put them in the palm of his hand, without drinking any water, he put them in his mouth and swallowed them directly. go in.

When doing these actions, the man has no emotional changes, just like a robot.

The man's eyes had many whites, the black pupils were small, the whites of the eyes looked very cloudy, and strands of red blood were distributed on the whites of the eyes.

After taking the medicine, the irritable mood in his eyes gradually stabilized. He pulled up his collar, leaned back on the chair and began to close his eyes and meditate.

Cen Shu watched the man's movements calmly, her eyebrows raised slightly.

[This is a medicine for mental treatment. 】Cen Shu once saw it in Cen Yiqing's room.

Cen Yiqing started from scratch, and only then did he achieve what he is today. Only he knows the pressure and sadness. Over time, Cen Yiqing began to suffer from insomnia, nervousness, and irritability.

After seeing a psychiatrist, the doctor prescribed several medicines for him, one of which was in the hands of the man.

Now when Cen Yiqing occasionally feels stressed and tense, he will take this kind of medicine under the doctor's order.

[Then I just scolded the wrong person? 】Since she is sick, Xiao Hua feels that she can still forgive her impolite behavior just now.

Cen Shu sneered.

Xiaohua's body trembled inexplicably, and she always felt that the sneer of her host was particularly penetrating.

[It is sick, but can being sick be a reason to kill? 】Cen Shu's voice was cold, and she looked at the man with ice in her apricot eyes.

There was a very strong corpse aura lingering around this man.

not to mention……

Cen Shu glanced at the position of the man's shoulder.

This is probably one of the reasons why he couldn't sleep peacefully.

[He, did he kill someone? ! 】

Good guy, these days, you can still meet a murderer by taking the subway, it's really unreasonable.

The man seemed to be asleep, but the muscles all over his body were still tense, even his brows were furrowed, and he was in a state of not relaxing.

Cen Shu didn't pay attention to Xiaohua anymore, but opened the official account explaining the criminal case in Xuancheng, and recently updated a few stories, but it was not as good as Zhao Yi's in terms of the way of narration or the level of detail of the case. Therefore, the viewing volume is very small.

Cen Shu glanced at it. The recent news articles were written by an author named Li Wang. There are several screening options in the official account, and you can specifically read articles by a certain author.

Click on Li Wang's, there are almost hundreds of articles, but the viewing volume is very average, but generally speaking, it is not bad, but since Zhao Yi published the first article, Li Wang's viewing volume has plummeted.

Zhao Yi's article still stays on the headless female corpse.

Cen Shu also paid attention to this case, but she didn't expect to meet the murderer on the subway.

It's really no coincidence.

Cen Shu glanced at the headless female corpse lying on the man's shoulder lingering in black air, and then at the subway station that had already sat, put away her mobile phone, and closed her eyes to rest like a man.

The doors of the subway opened and closed, and soon, there were almost no people on the subway, and the last stop was almost at Jiubao, a suburb of Xuancheng.

With the sound of a gentle and standard announcement, the door of the subway opened slowly.

The man opened his eyes, got up quickly, and walked out of the subway.

Cen Shu followed behind him unhurriedly, with a little carelessness.

The slender and slender fingertips are playing with the doll on the phone. It was sent by Lu Si a few days ago, and he made it himself.

(End of this chapter)

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